1 min read

Watchman: Fear-Mongering and Rebranding Harmless Colds by the Demonic CDC

The CDC Are Not Health Officials; More Like Terrorists, They Are Worried That a Deadly Flesh-Eating Parasite Could Start Being Spread From Pet Dogs to People in the U.S.this Makes Sense. Talking About Anything With the CDC Is Like Trying to Explain a Train Schedule to a Dog. It Might Just Sit There, Seeming to Pay Attention While Lolling Its Tongue and Waving Its Tail. Ultimately, Though, the Ability to Think Coherently Simply Doesn’t Exist. It’s Not to Blame. It’s Merely the Wiring in Its Head. After That, It Will Retreat Into a Corner and Lick Its Own Butt. With the Dog, It’s the Same “CDC Warns Pet DOGS Could Start Spreading New Deadly Flesh-Eating Parasite to Humans in the US” HNewsWire: Health officials are worried that a deadly flesh-eating parasite could start being spread from pet dogs to people…...

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1 min read

Watchman: The CDC Continue It’s Mass-Sacrificing Children by Adding the COVID-19 Vaccine AKA Kill Shot to Routine Vaccinations

HNewsWire: The CDC has now added the mRNA Covid vaccinations to its routine immunization schedule for children and adults. TheGatewayPundit reports: “For the first time, the ‘unsafe and ineffective’ COVID-19 vaccine was formally added to the routine immunization schedule for both children and adolescents by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday. It is common knowledge that COVID-19 poses no threat to young children, that mRNA vaccinations against the virus are not effective or safe and that some people have even died after receiving a COVID vaccine. But the CDC and its advisory council continue to push for childhood vaccinations despite all these facts. Back in October 2022,  the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which provides advice and guidance to the Director of the CDC regarding the use of vaccines for the control of vaccine-preventable diseases, voted…...

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10 mins read

Update: Watchman Ask Who’s Going to Jail? The CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post–Kill Shots AKA Vaccination Conditions to Get More Doses, Someone Going Pay The Price For Murder Because When GOD Get Involved Stuff Starts Happening

Renowned American attorney Tom Renz has testified before the Ohio Senate, making explosive allegations that hospitals and doctors were incentivized to “murder” patients in order to exaggerate the threat of COVID-19. Renz’s testimony has ignited a firestorm of controversy, drawing both sharp criticism and fervent support from different quarters. During his testimony, Renz argued that financial incentives provided by the federal government led healthcare providers to falsely attribute deaths to COVID-19. He claimed that these incentives created a perverse motivation for hospitals and doctors to intentionally mismanage patient care, resulting in unnecessary deaths. According to Renz, this was done to inflate COVID-19 death statistics and create a false narrative about the severity of the pandemic. Renz presented various pieces of evidence to support his claims, including documentation of federal funding allocations and testimonies from healthcare workers who alleged that they […]


12 mins read

Watchman: The FDA and CDC Withheld Data on an Increase in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated—Documents Reminder: “COVID Cases and Deaths” Is a Cover-up for mRNA Kill Shot Nanoparticle Bioweapon “Undesirable” Side Effects, Including Death!

  HNewsWire: The Plandemic Inc. Mouthpiece Once Again Signals the Next Planned Event… Back in 2020, we were told to prepare for the “Next One” that will get people’s attention. There are two possible variants for the “Next One” they have announced publically: Smallpox and Marburg. Smallpox HNewsWire: By Zachary Stieber 9/3/2023 Updated: 9/3/2023 COVID-19 cases among vaccinated seniors soared in 2021, according to newly disclosed data that was acquired by U.S. health agencies but not presented to the public. Humetrix Cloud Services was contracted by the U.S. military to analyze vaccine data. The company performed a fresh analysis as authorities considered in 2021 whether COVID-19 vaccine boosters were necessary amid studies finding waning vaccine effectiveness. Humetrix researchers found that the proportion of total COVID-19 cases among the seniors was increasingly comprised of vaccinated people, according to the newly disclosed documents. […]


8 mins read

The CDC Are Not Health Officials; More Like Terrorists, They Are Worried That a Deadly Flesh-Eating Parasite Could Start Being Spread From Pet Dogs to People in the U.S.this Makes Sense. Talking About Anything With the CDC Is Like Trying to Explain a Train Schedule to a Dog. It Might Just Sit There, Seeming to Pay Attention While Lolling Its Tongue and Waving Its Tail. Ultimately, Though, the Ability to Think Coherently Simply Doesn’t Exist. It’s Not to Blame. It’s Merely the Wiring in Its Head. After That, It Will Retreat Into a Corner and Lick Its Own Butt. With the Dog, It’s the Same

“CDC Warns Pet DOGS Could Start Spreading New Deadly Flesh-Eating Parasite to Humans in the US” HNewsWire: Health officials are worried that a deadly flesh-eating parasite could start being spread from pet dogs to people in the US. Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease carried by sand flies that, until now, had only been detected in the US among people returning from countries where it’s endemic in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Now researchers at the CDC have warned they are detecting the infection – which causes sufferers to erupt in sores – in people with no travel history to those countries, suggesting it’s spreading domestically. Continue reading The same script is playing out over and over again: you and your pets are “spreaders of the disease”, but don’t worry Dr. Peter Hotez and the US military are working to create […]


7 mins read

Watchman: People Are Conscious of the Risks. The CDC Has Issued a Warning, Stating That Just 14% Of US Adults Have Gotten the Latest Kill Shot Vaccine

SRH: The communication of vaccine data and information between governments and producers is now being revealed internationally on November 26, 2023. To suggest that none of the parties involved are liked is an understatement of the century. Dr. Michael Yeadon and The Lioness of Judah Ministry have revealed shocking information obtained from the testimony of Marcel de Graaf, a Dutch member of the European Union (EU) Parliament. Marcel de Graaf emphasizes the importance of the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) authorization and recommendation for COVID-19 injections. The claim that citizens needed to be immunized as a measure of public health safety was a hoax. HNewsWire: People are becoming more aware of the dangers. According to the CDC, just 14% of US people have got the new COVID-19 vaccine. Do you remember Covid-19? You know what has caused almost 1.15 million Americans […]


23 mins read

With the detailed information presented in this dossier by these very qualified Independent Scientists you have to decide NOW if Impeaching Biden ‘FIRST’ is more urgent than to get the ‘Democrat Party and Republican Elites’ to immediately STOP using their alleged Bio-Weapons on American Citizens.

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber 17 , 2023 According to the Independent Scientists SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 PLAN-demic was a well  CONCEIVED, PLANNED AND EXECUTED WORLD WIDE GENOCIDE  EVENT and required the Democrat Party Controlled Federal agencies to change and create new sets of Medical Research, Treatments, Protocols, Terms and Definitions for them to able to implement their One World Order , Control and Depopulation Agenda through the U.S. Department of Defense Bio-Weapons instead of the usually being managed under the Civilian Control. This unusual change was confirmed by the Ex-CDC Director Redfield during his Congressional Hearings earlier this year. That is why it is very Critical that immediately all of their NEW MEDICAL RULES OF 2019 of The Democrat Party Controlled Agencies need  to be junked and the all the old one restored otherwise they will continue to use their EXPERIMENTAL UNTESTED […]


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