It’s Time America,‘In God We Trust’ Will Be Seen in All Louisiana Public Schools

One way to interpret the question “Is the United States a Christian nation?” is to ask if the U.S. has a Christian heritage. In other words, do the history, culture, language, and lifestyle of the nation reflect Christianity, and to what extent? This is, by far, the least controversial aspect of this issue, since the answer is so obviously and clearly “yes.” The ACLU Can Go To Hell, But They Won’t Take US With Them! SRH… History is unambiguous in showing that the U.S. has been predominantly Christian, in a general sense, for its entire existence. The vast majority of religious expression, terminology, and practice in the U.S. has been Christian or heavily influenced by the Christian worldview. Of course, as a secular nation, the USA has allowed free expression of other faiths, to varying degrees. Yet the primary religious outlook…

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