Watchman Who’s Going to Jail Cardiologist Blows Whistle: All Hospital ‘COVID Deaths’ Were ‘Murdered’–Bill Gates Should be First!

SRH, Watchman: Who’s Going to Prison? Cardiologist Comes Clean: All “COVID Deaths” in Hospitals Were “Murdered” In a shocking testimony, a well-known cardiologist has come clean about the real reason behind the deaths of individuals whose diagnoses were labeled as “covid.” In testimony given before the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee, Dr. Peter McCullough discussed the startling number of alleged COVID-19 deaths in hospital settings both during and after the outbreak. All in attendance were astonished, nevertheless, by McCullough’s claim that the virus did not kill any patients. Instead, McCullough informed the panel that the hospital where each patient received “treatment” actually “murdered” them, despite the fact that their cause of death was recorded as “COVID.” McCullough said that hospitals gained more money the more patients they killed. Huge financial incentives were given to hospitals to put deadly policies in…


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Watchman’s ‘Safe and Effective’: COVID Kill Shot Vaccines, Really Working Well Ask Dr. Bill Gates or Just Google it! Death Everywhere Various diseases associated with COVID-19 vaccines have been reported. A recent case study indicated that COVID-19 vaccination may trigger the development of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis, potentially damaging multiple organs. Among 29 patients, five underwent plasmapheresis treatment (the separation and replacement of plasma from blood), and five relied on dialysis therapy. ANCA-associated vasculitis can cause damage to small blood vessels. Since these are distributed throughout the body, any part of the body can be affected, with the most common areas being the lungs, kidneys, joints, ears, nose, and nerves. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that aids the body in fighting infection and healing injuries. ANCA are harmful autoantibodies that bind to neutrophils in the blood, releasing toxic substances and damaging the walls of small blood vessels. This can also result in the migration of neutrophils through……...

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Watchman: The Feeble-Minded, Delusional Hypochondriacs—I Mean, So-Called “Public Health Experts”—Are Futilely Attempting to Maintain Their Sanity, as Their Hair Slowly Falls Out in Despair. Ah, First COVID, and Now This. Politico Quoted Those Pathetic Lock-down-Worshipping Maskaholics. Dr. Lawrence Gostin, the So-Called “Expert” in Public Health and Law. What a Pathetic Excuse for a Human Being

HNewWire: Massive government overreach and a particularly heinous type of mass delusion that its psy-experts purposefully disseminated under the pretext of so-called “public health programming” No, according to Politico, when the judge in Missouri v. Biden shut down the federal government’s censoring machine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and dark GOP forces erupted. But Politico’s terrible news, portrayed in the most somber and gloomy tone that a dumb magazine can conjure, is our good news. What Politico regards as ‘horrifying’ trends, we regard as accomplishments. In the words of Politico (modified slightly for clarity): For decades, being publicly skeptical of vaccines made one a pariah in all but the smallest political groups. Put yourself on the outside, looking in, to cast suspicion on them. However, public health experts feel that those days are numbered. As another COVID immunization campaign begins, fewer…


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Watchman: Fauci’s Lies Resulted in the Deaths of Over 120K Young People in the United States Following COVID Immunization. But, as the Public Was Unaware, the Truth Concerning the Safety of the COVID Vaccination Was Buried Deep Within Fauci’s Own Lies and Deception, as Well as Private US Government and Pfizer Records

HNewsWire: Time and time again throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, stood at the podium, the bright lights of the cameras blinding him as he faced the nation. With a steady hand, he held up a vial of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, promising it would be the key to protecting America and its children from the “deadly” COVID-19 disease supposedly ravaging the country. But little did the public know, the truth about the Covid vaccine’s safety had been buried deep within Fauci’s own lies and deceit and confidential U.S. Government and Pfizer documents. Fauci used propaganda, lies and manipulation to coerce parents into getting their children vaccinated. But the weight of the lives lost has quickly come crashing down on him and the nation, as a secret Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report has revealed that nearly half a million children…


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God Said He Would Confuse the Proud/ Un-Godly, COVID 19 Virus Has the Best Scientists

Doctors Confused, Oh Bill Gates Does Not Have a Market Anymore… Scientists Discover That One Big Assumption That Everyone Has Been Making About COVID-19 May Be Dead Wrong Yes, those that have had COVID-19 do develop antibodies. But two new scientific studies have discovered that those antibodies start to fade very, very quickly. For example, a study that was recently conducted in China found that more than 90 percent of COVID-19 patients experience steep declines in COVID-19 antibodies “within 2 to 3 months”… A new study from China showed that antibodies faded quickly in both asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 patients during convalescence, raising questions about whether the illness leads to any lasting immunity to the virus afterward. The study, which focused on 37 asymptomatic and 37 symptomatic patients, showed that more than 90% of both groups showed steep declines in…


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Welcome to the New America, Checkpoints, Force Quarantine, Mandatory

Vaccine Coming Compliments of the Ungodly New World Order Tyrants… It is a mistake to see Bill de Blasio the worthless person within the narrow context of criminals or public mischief-makers, although it certainly includes them. Rather, we must see them as permeating all aspects of society. Broadly speaking, worthless persons are males and females, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, educators and students, politicians and citizens, bosses and employees, religious and irreligious, wealthy and poor, and they live to provoke rebellion and discord wherever they are. Bill de Blasio Announces Traveler Checkpoints, Fines for Ignoring Quarantine Visitors to New York City could face up to $10,000 in fines if they choose to ignore the 14-day quarantine order, Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced Wednesday. Travelers from 35 high-risk states and Puerto Rico must quarantine for 14 days when they reach New York City, and de…


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