Half Of America Does Not Believe Vaccine Mandates Are Important, COVID Passports

NOT More Important Than “Protecting Freedom” Fox News Is a Closet Liberal Propaganda Network… A Fox News poll contends that a majority of Americans are in SUPPORT of vaccine mandates and the introduction of COVID passports that tie freedoms to vaccination status.   The survey found that 50 percent of respondents are in favour of requiring proof of a coronavirus vaccine for “indoor activities such as restaurants, gyms and performances,” while 46% oppose the idea. Fifty percent also agreed that “protecting the safety of Americans” by requiring vaccinations in order to engage in everyday activities trumps “protecting the freedom” of Americans to choose whether or not they are vaccinated. In contrast, 47% of respondents said protecting freedom is more important. The poll also found that 44% said they were more likely to frequent stores and establishments that require customers and workers to be vaccinated, or have…


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Satan Soldier Fauci: “There Are Now Two Americas, The Vaccinated & The Unvaccinated” — America’s Favorite Chinese Lab Funding

Corona-virus Doomonger Doctor Anthony Fauci Announced Tuesday That There Are Now Two Americas, a Vaccinated America and an Unvaccinated america…. Mandatory Next Year, COVID-19 Vaccines a.k.a “Luciferase Stamp” There’s plenty of reason to suspect China intended to use Covid-19 as a bioweapon. Even if it wasn’t the intent, that was its effect. Yet as bio-weapons go, it delivered unimpressive results. Without minimizing those who have suffered from Covid, the data from across the world shows Covid-19 was exceptionally effective at killing older people who were already very ill. For everyone else, not so much. The FAKE virus was most successful in destroying the American economy, while also creating social chaos and suppressing liberty. The Chinese government must be delighted that their middling bio engineered weapon turned out to be a foreign social re-engineering bonanza. In an appearance on Dom Lemon’s…


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South Korea Adopting Technological Surveillance Similar to China to “Combat” the Plandemic.

A city in South Korea plans to roll out a system that uses facial recognition technology and data from over 10,000 surveillance cameras to detect COVID-19 cases and ensure mask compliance. Beginning in January, the nationally funded pilot project will be tested in Bucheon, a city of about 850,000 people located between Incheon and Seoul. It will use artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and thousands of CCTV cameras to track the movement of individuals infected with COVID-19, anyone they had close contact with, and whether they were wearing a mask, according to a 110-page business plan from the city submitted to the Ministry of Science and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Despite concerns about invasion of privacy, governments around the world have turned to new technologies and expanded legal powers to try to stem the tide of COVID-19 infections. China, Russia, India, Poland, and Japan as well…


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Airlines Implementing Facial Recognition Technology. The 4th Industrial Revolution Wont Stop For The Common Man.

The travel industry is gearing up for what could be its busiest season since the coronavirus pandemic began, and at least one U.S. airline is aiming to make things quicker and easier — one face at a time. Delta Air Lines is just days away from launching a first-of-its-kind pilot program that will implement facial recognition technology at two of America’s largest airports — in Atlanta and Detroit. The Atlanta-based company partnered with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to create a completely touchless experience, from bag drop to security to boarding. Holiday travel may be more chaotic than ever this year, transportation experts say. “So is this the future of flying?” asked ABC News transportation correspondent Gio Benitez. “This is the future in so many ways,” replied Ranjan Goswami, Delta’s senior vice president of customer experience. “Basically, we want to make the airport experience as…


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As the Dominoes Start to Fall, All It Will Take Is One Country Making Vaccines Mandatory Then Every Country in the

World Will Follow… Bill Gates Made a Point That the Vaccines Would Be Mandatory, Looks Like MR. Gates Has Some Inside Information, It’s Called the ‘Plandemic Tyrants Plan’ Hell on Earth Compliments of the New World Order. Australia Prime Minister Puts Citizens On Notice: All Will Likely Undergo Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For those fearing that all the prior state-enforced social distancing and lockdown protocol which hit a peak in early summer — from arresting surfers on empty beaches, to telling people they can’t even jog, to police detaining moms for merely letting their children play on taxpayer bought public playgrounds — would only too easily and hastily transition to a forced vaccination regimen the moment one is rushed out despite safety or the various potential long-term side effect ‘unknowns’… well,it’s happening: Australians are likely to face mandatory coronavirus vaccinations if Prime Minister Scott Morrison gets his wish. The nation is a…


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Covid-19 Plandemic Surveillance, The Yoking Of The People By The New World

Order Elitist Bill Gates and Company, You Will Be Told It’s For Your Health And Well-being… Governments around the world have struggled to contain and manage the COVID-19 plandemic, even as they significantly reorient technology and governance resources to respond to the outbreak of the disease. Alongside methods such as imposition of large-scale lockdowns, governments have rapidly repurposed digital technologies for surveillance to contain and respond to the COVID-19 plandemic. These technologies have primarily been utilized for three interconnected purposes Digital Contact Tracing, Exposure Notifications, and as Digital Health Codes or Immunity Passports. “YOKED” Americans are increasingly monitored, and COVID-19 health concerns aren’t improving the situation… Pandemic maps are all the rage, these days, but the latest one from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a little different; instead of viral hotspots, it displays a plague of official snoopiness, arranged…


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Dr. Russell Blaylock Warns That Not Only Do Face Masks Fail to Protect the Healthy From Getting Sick, but They Also Create

Serious Health Risks to the Wearer… With the advent of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a number of medical practices that have little or no scientific support as regards reducing the spread of this infection. One of these measures is the wearing of facial masks, either a surgical-type mask, bandana or N95 respirator mask. When this pandemic began and we knew little about the virus itself or its epidemiologic behavior, it was assumed that it would behave, in terms of spread among communities, like other respiratory viruses. Little has presented itself after intense study of this virus and its behavior to change this perception. This is somewhat of an unusual virus in that for the vast majority of people infected by the virus, one experiences either no illness (asymptomatic) or very little sickness. Only a very small number…


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Over 10,000 Infections Recorded in Americans Who

Received a Covid-19 vaccine…Satan Soldiers At CDC, WHO and Bill Gates Lied … But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Over 10,000 COVID-19 infections among people who are fully vaccinated against the virus that causes the disease have been reported to a U.S. health agency by states. Through April 30, 10,262…


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Satan Soldiers Are Having Trouble With Their We’re All

Gonna Die’ Narrative Johns Hopkins Takes Down Study Showing Us Deaths in 2020 No Different Than Prior Years… Johns Hopkins University keeps a tracker of Covid cases around the world and the US. This site is used to scare people into staying in their homes and shut off from the real world. So when a study from Johns Hopkins comes out, showing no increase in deaths in 2020 related to prior years, the study has to be taken down. The Gateway Pundit reported back in August that according to the CDC only 6% of all deaths labeled as COVID deaths are solely related to the virus. The remaining deaths have on average at least 2 – 3 comorbidities present. Our report on the actual COVID numbers went viral and was even retweeted by President Trump. Over the weekend, a study was published by…


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At the Beginning of the Plandemic, We Were Assured That Once Hospitals

Had Things Under Control We Could Go Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Lives, Just Another Lie to Manipulate the People… How did we go from “flatten the COVID-19 curve” to “shut up and wear the mask – or else” in just a few short months? Back in March, we were told that lockdowns were necessary to ensure COVID-19 cases would not overwhelm hospitals and, in particular, intensive-care units. In most parts of the country, hospitals were not only not overwhelmed, many were forced to lay off nurses and other employees because elective procedures were put on hold – a move that likely cost lives as people postponed health critical screenings and avoided going to the hospital when they had chest pains for fear of catching COVID-19. At the beginning of the pandemic, we were assured that once hospitals had things under control we…


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