4 mins read

Watchman: Safe and Effective the Health Harm Budget for the COVID Vaccine in Japan Was Boosted by an Astounding 110 Times When Compared to Earlier Predictions, According to the Watchman A Large Number of Deaths, or Illnesses, Is What They Expect and It’s Coming!

By SRH, Ensuring safety and effectiveness: A significant development has occurred as the Japanese Ministry of Health has raised the budget for COVID vaccine health damage by 110 times from previous estimates. Anticipating a significant number of fatalities, also known as severe health consequences. Reliable and efficient An astonishing development has been reported by the Japanese Ministry of Health, revealing that the health harm budget for the COVID vaccine in Japan has surged by 110 times from previous estimates. Anticipating a significant number of fatalities or illnesses. The Japanese Ministry of Health has significantly increased the budget for COVID vaccine health damage compared to previous estimates. There is a high anticipation of significant health consequences! Regarding the foundation, it pertains to the budget for health damages caused by the new coronavirus vaccine in the FY2025 fiscal year. This budget was […]


1 min read

Watchman: German News Agency Compiles a List of 75 European Athletes Who Have Died “Suddenly” in the Past 5 Months Since Being Fully Vaccinated With The Kill Shot

Wall Street Insider Update: “Vaccine” Adverse Events Bankster Edition HNewsWire: Last year our intrepid Wall Street Insider shared with us his epic DEATHVAX™ battle: What Happens When A Wall Street Insider At Major Bank Refuses To Comply With Employer’s COVID-19 Protocols? 2nd Smartest Guy in the World · September 2, 2022 Until just the other day, B was a successful Wall Street analyst working at a major BANK. The following account chronicles what B had to endure and his stoic noncompliance. Read full story He is now back with a most terrifying update on his Wall Street colleagues: The endurance athlete: High IQ, extremely fit top tier athlete from a high achieving medical family was coerced to take the shots to keep his job.  Although generally opposed to the idea, he eventually talked himself into it, using his own positive…...

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1 min read

Watchman: We Are in the Midst of the Biggest and Darkest Scandal in American History, but the Elite Media Will Not Connect the Dots and Investigate It. Therefore HNewsWire Will Give You the Facts

HNewsWire: COVID-19, a disease that no one argues originated in Wuhan, China, has killed over 1.1 million Americans and 6.8 million people globally. It has left millions of others with long-term health issues. Children who were essentially unaffected by COVID-19 have lost at least a year of education as a result of teachers’ unions and completely incorrect, damaging public health policies. Because of their forced solitude and lack of social contact, many children suffer from depression and other mental health issues. That’s either a line from a Violent Femmes song or the government telling the American people about COVID-19 and the press repeating it without inquiry. The word “lying” appears at least 45 times in the song, qualifying the Femmes for a position in the legacy media. So-called journalists relayed whatever that government shills told them while censoring or undermining…...

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3 mins read

Just Days After the Italian Government Announced It Would Be Making Kill Shot Vaccines Mandatory for All Residents Over the Age of 50 Greece Considers Imposing Kill Shot Vaccine Mandate on All Over-50s

You’ve Been Lied To, if You’re Complying With a Government, There Objective Is Genocide, You’re Going Along With Your Own Execution… If you want to test a man’s character, give him power. I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. Just days after the Italian government announced it would be making vaccines mandatory for all residents over the age of 50, the Greek government is reported to be considering a similar policy. Greece is reported to be considering making vaccination against the Wuhanc virus mandatory for all residents aged over 50 and is expected to make a formal announcement on the issue in the coming days. Deputy Interior Minister Stelios Petsas stated on Friday that the policy was being actively considered, saying that “The decision to impose age criteria has […]


6 mins read

Tribulation: VAERS Approx. 70 People Die From COVID Vaccines Every Day In America

The experimental mRNA covid vaccines have NO long term testing to prove their safety over the long term. At least none that has ever been released to the public. The average vaccine is tested for 10-15 years before it is approved and released for use in humans. The covid vaccines were rolled out in mere months. Again, there is NO PROOF whatsoever that the covid vaccines are safe in the long term, and there are already a number of examples of lack of safety in the short term. Why would we trust an experimental protein spike vax that has nowhere near the same testing history as the majority of other normal vaccines? The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is exploding with vaccine injuries, at a rate never seen before. The number of injuries and deaths from these vaccines is […]


2 mins read

HNewsWire: It’s Not the China Virus That’s Going to Kill Us, It Will Be the Kill Shots That Satan Soldiers Are Promoting in Some Cases Advocating Mandatory Compliance With Their Ungodly Concoction, Death Will Follow

The CDC Is Lying To The World About Covid-19 Kill Shot Vaccine Safety – They Are Killing 15 People For Every 1 Life They Claim To Save – Satan Soldiers Demonic Plan – Kill Off The Useless Eaters… The CDC and the FDA claim that we can safely ignore the huge spike in event rates reported to the VAERS system this year (this is the official adverse event reporting system relied on by the FDA and CDC to spot safety signals). In their view, there is “nothing to see” in the death chart below. They claim that the propensity to report (PTR) is much higher this year and that all the events (with the exception of a few) are all simply reporting background events that were not caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. There’s just one tiny little problem with that explanation: there is […]


1 min read

Fully Vaccinated Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut All Seeing Massive Spike In

Hospitalizations & Deaths… Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican, lifted Vermont’s state of emergency back in June once at least 80 percent of the state’s population received at least one dose of the shot. This reliance upon the vaccine to save the state obviously failed. “We can’t be in a perpetual state of emergency,” Scott announced this week. Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut, the three states that follow right behind Vermont in terms of vaccine compliance, are all seeing a similar surge in new hospitalizations and deaths. You Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going, “Yoked”… How Long Before USA Says: We Will Not Comply? Insane that Assange is behind bars for killing nobody while Bush and Blair walk free -responsible for millions of deaths including their own troops. StevieRay HansenEditor,[email protected] HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, […]


17 mins read

The Seven-Day Average for COVID Cases in the U.S. Also Reached Its Highest Point Yet on Monday, Hitting an Average of 740,594 New Infections per Day — Pestilence Via Kill Shot

Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Support Orphans Support The 127.org One Orphans’s Story Editor’s Bio A Thrilling Ride Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later date. Once you begin, cancel your schedule, put your phone on silent, find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed, and complete the journey. Click Here to Purchase on Amazon.com! Reach People Reach 250K / Month Featured Story U.S. reports record 1.3M Covid cases in a day as hospitalizations soar I SRH, fiercely defend […]


8 mins read

Satan Soldiers Have Spoken: Supreme Court Declines To Block Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers

Update: 12/13/21  Once again, the nation’s Court declines to do the right thing. It’s clear they work for the new world order. Elitist The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to issue an injunction against New York’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers, which doesn’t allow them to seek a religious exemption. New York state imposed the vaccine mandate for doctors and nurses in August, which allows only for medical exemptions, not religious ones. The religious exemption policy expired in November. The latest decision suggests the high court lacks the appetite to wade into the matter of mandates. The Supreme Court has previously rejected other challenges, including one that focused on Maine’s lack of a religious exemption to vaccine mandates for health care workers. Petitioners, which included Christian doctors, said New York’s vaccine mandate violates the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment prohibition on […]


13 mins read

Australia Satan Soldiers Murdering the Indigenous People Who Have Lived There for Millennia

  Australia is murdering the indigenous people who have lived there for millennia. The Gateway Pundit reported: June Mills, an Aboriginal elder in northern Australia took to Facebook and recorded a disturbing video. Mills claims the Australian military is forcibly holding down aboriginal people and vaccinating them against their will. June Mills screams during her video in rage over the abuse by the Australian government on their native people. June is an elder from the towns which these people were removed from speaking out, and is rightly ANGRY. June Mills: The world needs to know what is going on, what is going on with our people. I’m hearing stories of people getting knocked down in the community, and apparently by the army, and forcefully vaccinated. And our brothers and sisters watching it. THEY’RE TRAUMATIZED! And we all are! SHARE ON FACEBOOK | SHARE ON TWITTER The post Elder Screams “They’re Killing […]


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