Watchman’s Daily Devotional: Deuteronomy 29:29 Says, “The Secret Things Belong to the Lord, Our God, but the Things That Are Revealed Belong to Us and to Our Children Forever, so That We May Do All the Words of This Law.

This marked the ultimate proclamation that followed the revelation of all the rewards for obedience and consequences for disobedience. There are numerous enigmatic aspects that God keeps hidden from us. Nevertheless, the Word of God has provided us with a wealth of knowledge. Due to our limited comprehension, there will always be aspects that remain beyond our grasp. Nevertheless, the knowledge that has been revealed grants us with profound wisdom. Following the teachings of the Bible leads to abundant blessings. The teachings of the Bible are a valuable resource for guiding our lives in a manner that is pleasing to God. They are shared with us for our benefit. But should we disregard them and live in opposition to them? We have a clear understanding of what lies ahead. There are important lessons that God has made clear to us.…

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The Bible Instructs Us to “Receive the Word in Spite of Filthiness and the Remnants of Wickedness” (James 1:21). It Is Impossible to Listen to God’s Word and Keep Sin in Your Heart at the Same Time

The psalmist acknowledged a vital aspect of spiritual growth when he remarked, “I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep Thy word” (Ps. 119:101). Peter said the same thing when he said, “Put aside all malice, all trickery, all hypocrisy, all envy, and all slander. Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in terms of salvation” (1 Pet. 2:1-2). In the same way, James told us to give up sin and accept the Word (James 1:21). James and Peter were not talking to people who don’t believe, because without Christ, people can’t give up sin or listen to God’s Word. But as Christians, we are known by our ability to do both, and we must keep our lives clean by confessing our sins, turning…

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Watchman’s Daily Devotional:Christ’s Definition of Happiness Is Surprising and Contradictory When Compared to the Standards of the World

“Blessed are the poor in spirit . . . those who mourn . . .the gentle . . . those who hunger and thirst for righteousness . . . the merciful . . . the pure in heart . . . the peacemakers . . . [and] those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness” (Matt. 5:3-10). According to the world’s standards, the definition of happiness given by Christ may seem shocking and contradictory. While popular magazines may characterize happy people as those who enjoy others but are not self-sacrificing, Jesus described happy people differently. He portrayed them as spiritual beggars who acknowledge their lack of resources and exhibit meekness, mournfulness over sin, self-sacrifice, and willingness to endure persecution for the sake of reconciling people to God. This perspective may appear more like misery than happiness to the…

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Watchman: Daily Devotional, God Knows We Require the Tests and Hardships That the Wicked Throw at Us. Their Challenges Teach Us Patience and Compassion, but Most Importantly, They Cause Us to Trust in God’s Sovereignty

Matthew 13:28-30 (NIV) 28″‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ 29″‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'” Jesus told a parable about weeds being discovered in a wheat field. The field’s owner suspected that an opponent had spread the weed seeds. People who worked in the field inquired if they should pluck the weeds. Because the owner was concerned that the wheat may be destroyed during the procedure, he told them to wait until harvest. They would then…

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Watchman:Difficulties Enhance Our Connection With God. If We Didn’t Face Troubles, We Wouldn’t Understand the Importance of Prayer. James Implies That Those Who Have Endured Hardships Are Considered Blessed Because They Develop Trust, Draw Closer to God, and Establish a Communion With Him That Is Truly Meaningful. We Are Going To Need It,Tribulation Playing Out

See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. 8a You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, James 5:7b,8a James gives us the example of the farmer who patiently waits for the fruit to form. The previous passage addressed the oppression of the poor by those who were rich. James is encouraging them to endure patiently knowing that they will reap the justice they deserve, but also that believers will reap the reward for faithful endurance. Jesus highlights the various ways in which we should wait, drawing a parallel to the farmer’s patient anticipation for his crops to mature. The farmer waits with a reasonable hope and expectation of being rewarded for his efforts. He endures a lengthy waiting period, diligently working throughout. He…

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Watchman: Daily Devotional, It’s Better to Confront Danger Beside the Lord Than to Run and Hide From It

Devotional: Acts 9:1-20 How risk-averse or daring are you while making decisions? Because of the potential for loss or other unfavorable outcomes, many Christians avoid taking risks. The elimination of risks makes intuitive sense from a human perspective. Uncertainty, however, is a normal aspect of the Christian life of faith. Obedience may seem hazardous to us, but God sees no such thing since He is in complete charge of everything and will use it for His good. In the Bible, we read of actual individuals who trusted God even when faced with the unexpected. Ananias is one of them; he is a disciple whom God has sent to help the freshly converted Saul. By paying a visit to this well-known antichrist, Ananias put his life in danger. After his conversion, Saul too faced danger on a daily basis as he diligently…

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From the Watchman: I’m Curious as to Whether or Not the Words That God Would Give Jonah in the Modern Day Would Be Similar to the Ones That He Gave Jonah in the Ancient Times. What Is the Total Number of Days Available to the United States? Would a Jonah Who Lived in the Modern Era Provide Us With a Time Frame, or Would He Say That We Are Already Being Destroyed From the Inside?

The United States of America is not only the largest consumer of illegal drugs and sex trafficking but also the country that exports the most pornographic material. It is clear that politicians are corrupt and driven by greed. The moral fabric of many of our nation’s major cities is completely rotten. As a result of turf wars, some areas have the feel of a war zone. The acceptance of the Word of God is causing divisions within our congregations. Crimes are not punished, and it is difficult to ascertain the truth. I do not mean to frighten you, but we do need to be honest about the degeneration of the nation and take a bold stand against it, walk the walk, and pray to God for revival. I do not mean to scare you, but we do need to be…

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Transhumanism,The Mentioned Philosophical and Political Movements of the Industrial Revolution–Marxism, Facism, Communism, and Eugenics All Had Similar Utopian Goals–Transhuman AntiChrist in Full Stride

Given the Utopian Promises, as Well as the Exciting Prospect of Participating in Such Revolutionary Change, Look for the Transhumanist Movement to Gain in Popularity as We Approach the Singularity and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The bible has a lot to say about our future. Approximately 3,000 years ago, King David wrote about the hearts of men just prior to the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, as men prepared to “free themselves from God’s slavery”: “Why do the nations rage? Why do the people waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the Lord and against His Anointed One. ‘Let us break their chains,’ they cry. ‘And free ourselves from this slavery.’ But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.” Psalm 2:1-4…

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Watchman Daily Devotional: A Great Number in the Body of Christ Live Under the Threat of Persecution. We Should Remember Them in Our Prayers and Do What We Can to Assist Them as if We Were There Among Them

Hebrews 13:3-5, 8 3 Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. 4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. 5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. The New Testament letters often conclude with concise instructions, and this is true for the book of Hebrews. I have selected a few of these instructions, and they are all valuable and worthy of our attention. In the body of Christ, there are many who face persecution and…

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Watchman: Daily Devotional, Anxiety Weighs Down the Heart, but a Kind Word Cheers It Up. Proverbs 12:25–The Power of Kindness

People’s Lives and Hearts Today Seem to Be Filled With a Tremendous Amount of Conflict SRH: People’s lives and hearts today seem to be filled with a great deal of unrest. People are worried out everywhere. Anxious. They are quick to voice their ideas. There are financial concerns. People are complaining and being angry with organizations more than ever before. It might be overwhelming to see how many concerns and problems there are in the world when we read the daily news. There are numerous factors that can trigger anxiety. These problems and concerns weigh heavily on the heart. The more we linger on our worries, the less free we feel, even if we may not always be aware of their effects. When Jesus discussed life’s concerns, he reassured his listeners that their heavenly Father was aware of all of…

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