3 mins read

Watchman: Fauci Was Like the Pied Piper in That Many People Would Listen to His Terrible Tune (Demonic) And Follow Him. You Can Perceive Evil if You Have God in Your Heart. Otherwise, You Will Always Succumb to Evil

  HNewsWire: Evidence suggests that the injections damage the immune system over time in a dose-dependent way. Only if one survives the spike protein’s immediate toxicity may one enjoy the benefits of its long-term effects. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) slammed the White House’s Dr. Anthony Fauci and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra for failing to provide critical information regarding a new COVID-19 subvariant. “How is it that the flu vaccination varies every year, but this vaccine is not?” On Tuesday, Paul spoke to Fox News. “You may have a point there,” I’ll admit. As long as you can tell me, “We have a new vaccination that truly has anything to do with the present infection,” I’ll take you at your word,'” the man added. Omicron subvariant BA.5 is particularly worrisome because of its high transmissibility, Fauci said last week in an […]


5 mins read

Fauci: “We Are Concerned” About Courts Getting Involved in Health Decisions—HNewsWire:”We the People Are Concerned” About an Anti-Christian, Anti-Christ, CNN Babbling Piece of Trash Deciding Our Health Future, No Way!

HNewsWire:  Anthony Fauci, White House Chief Medical Adviser and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), stated Babbling  during an interview aired on Thursday’s edition of CNN+’s “The Source with Kasie Hunt” that “we are concerned…about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health decisions.” This is a CDC problem, after all. It should not have gone to court.” “[T]hose sorts of problems actually are the jurisdiction of the CDC,” Fauci stated. This is a public health problem, and for a court to intervene — and the basis for that was not really clear — and we are worried about that, about courts intervening in matters that are indisputably public health choices. This is a CDC problem, after all. It should not have gone to court. So we’re hoping that the inevitable spike in […]


12 mins read

Satan Soldier Fake Dr. Fauci: When the Next Covid-19 Wave(Not Sure 5th-6th-7th-8th-9th Who’s Counting) Hits the US Blame the Unvaccinated…

One of the two most powerful public health agencies in the world can’t obtain the virus from anywhere. Why? Obviously, because no one has it. A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE. Another way to put it: NO ONE HAS AN ISOLATED SPECIMEN OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS. NO ONE HAS ISOLATED THE VIRUS. THEREFORE, NO ONE HAS PROVED THAT IT EXISTS. DO YOU UNDERSTAND–THE VIRUS (COVID 19) DOES NOT EXIST… In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth. If you believe that, I have Fountain of Youth water for sale, extracted from the lead-contaminated system of Flint, Michigan. We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test […]


7 mins read

Satan Soldier Head Snake Fauci: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if We Can Get Together for Christmas —

Fauci is a Psychopath, Liar, and Trained Jesuit… The Jesuit, classified as having a reprobate mind, they have some knowledge of God and perhaps know of His commandments. However, they live impure lives and have very little desire to please God. Those who have reprobate minds live corrupt and selfish lives. Dr. Fauci Is a Jesuit, Nonbeliever Scientists Which Makes Him an Enemy of GOD Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” “it is just too soon to tell” if Christmas gatherings will be advised in light of the corona-virus pandemic. Science is a process, not the dissemination of truth. If it’s truth you want, read the Bible. Satan Soldier Dr. Fauci because that scientific process is full of errors , bad guesses, inaccurate scenarios, and faulty models. But it’s a process and the more we learn […]


3 mins read

“The Time Has Come. Enough Is Enough” – Satan Soldier Fauci Dismisses “Freedom” In

Call For Vaccine Mandates… After the FDA fully approved the Pfizer COVID vaccine, Anthony Fauci immediately issued a decree via his permanent CNN propaganda platform that it is time for nationwide vaccine mandates. Fauci declared that “There was some poll that showed about 30% of people who are not anti-vax, they were just waiting to get what they felt was the real final stamp of approval, which we just got today with the Pfizer product.” He continued, “And those 30% are saying when that occurs, they will feel very, very comfortable about getting vaccinated. So right away, you’re talking about 30%. I hope they come through with what the survey said.” Fauci added “They’re going to give a lot of incentive and backing for a lot of institutions and organizations and places of employment to mandate, and that could be colleges, university, the […]


5 mins read

Satan Soldier Fauci Who Has Managed to Last at Least a Few Weeks Since a Major Flip-

Flop Covid Booster Shots Coming “Soon” Fauci Tells CNN… It’s no longer a matter of if but when the US will mandate booster shots to those already vaccinated. Speaking to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Anthony Fauci who has managed to last at least a few weeks since a major flip-flop, said Covid-19 vaccine booster shots should be given “reasonably soon” to people with weakened immune systems. “We need to look at them in a different light. We would certainly be boosting those people before we boost the general population that’s been vaccinated, and we should be doing that reasonably soon.” “The virus has changed. We went from a virus that was formidable but didn’t transmit nearly as well as the virus we’re dealing with today… the situation is understandably a bit complicated.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci on how well Covid vaccines […]


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