A Strong Warning to the U.S. Military about Operation Warp Speed If

You Are a Member of the Military Who Will Soon Be Called Upon to Participate in Operation Warp Speed and Help Distribute the New Experimental COVID Vaccine. Be Careful That You Do Not End up on the Wrong Side of History! Just Claiming to Be “Following Orders” if Massive Deaths and Injuries Result From This Experimental Vaccine Will Not Save You!… A Strong Warning to the U.S. Military about Operation Warp Speed War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg and the “Doctors Trial.” Adolf Hitler’s personal physician, 43-year old Karl Brandt. Brandt was also Reich Commissar for Health and Sanitation, and was indicted by the U.S. prosecution with 22 other Nazi doctors. Brandt was found guilty of participating in and consenting to using concentration camp inmates as guinea pigs in horrible medical experiments, supposedly for the benefit of the armed forces. He…

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