Day after Manchester jihad massacre, Twitter and Facebook roll out hijabi emoji….

[![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts Day after Manchester jihad massacre, Twitter and Facebook roll out hijabi emoji ( MUSLIMS DO NOT ASSIMILATE, THEY INFILTRATE! THE CONSPIRACY TO ENSLAVE THE  AMERICAN PEOPLE TO ,ISLAM RUNS VERY DEEP ONLY WE CAN SAVE OUR PEOPLE FROM THIS CONSPIRACY!! ) There is an ongoing effort in the establishment media to present Islam and Sharia observance as completely ordinary, benign things, with no downside at all. This effort usually becomes more intense after a jihad massacre, with its attendant myth-making about racist, redneck yahoos supposedly victimizing hijab-wearing women: efforts such as this one are presented as attempts to offset that supposed outpouring of “hate” by “humanizing” hijab-wearing women and allowing sympathetic non-Muslims to stand in “solidarity” with them. That’s all wonderful,…

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