EXODUS 21 AND MATHEW 5- AN EYE FOR AN EYE… By,Edward O’Hara When the Bible speaks of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, what first comes to mind? Is it God’s wrath and punishment? Or His love and compassion? If it’s wrath and punishment then you’ve been misdirected. You are on the wrong side of things. You are thinking with man’s wisdom. The wisdom of the natural man who has not been through the “renewing” process of Rom.12:1,2 that Paul says is needed in order that we might have the “mind of Christ”.  A process that Paul says in 2Tim.2:15 comes by studying to show yourself a workman who is approved of God who needs not to be ashamed. A process that is necessary for every man. So that as Jesus said in John17:3 he can…

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