These Biblical Literate Big Mouths (MSLSD Joe Scarborough) Continue to Use Any Method Necessary to Move Their Baby Killing/Human Sacrifice via Kill Shot Vaccine Agenda Forward. Satan Soldiers Have No Moral Compass

SRH: Make no mistake, the Democrats have just admitted that they have picked a side in the battle between good and evil, and they have chosen to reject God… True Christians are “born again” (John 3:3) and are controlled by the Holy Spirit; they are no longer controlled by their sinful nature (Romans 8:9). Indeed, born-again Christians have the Spirit of Christ indwelling their hearts (Galatians 4:6), and they become new creations: “The old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). When a person receives Christ, tremendous spiritual changes take place in him, and true converts will indeed display the characteristics of genuine Christians. For example, true Christians will understand the importance of abiding daily in God’s Word, which shows not only how we can be saved from our sins, but also how we may be equipped to…

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