10 mins read


ANOTHER EXCUSE… By Edward O’Hara Because in it’s explanation of sin it offers no deliverance from it as the true gospel does. Instead, like the devil it came from, it actually makes you believe that you are inextricably joined to sin until physical death. Talk about slavery. Wow!  So the doctrine of original sin is the antithesis of Paul’s gospel, and the epitome of his admonition in 2Tim3:5, for those who have “a form of godliness but deny it’s power”. Of whom Paul says “from such turn away”.  The doctrine of original sin provides an excuse for sin by saying that men are born that way. It’s no strange thing that the lgbtqrxmy… community of unbelievers makes the same claim as these. They use this mantra so that they are not“without excuse” as Paul says those who reject Jesus are. But, instead […]


12 mins read

I was forced out of my PhD program because of my open faith in Jesus Christ

Many people speak about “having faith in Jesus,” but what exactly does this mean? The Bible uses the phrase “faith in Jesus” synonymously with belief in Jesus as Savior. Romans 3:22–23 says that “righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” When we place our faith in Jesus, we believe in Him, and God grants His righteousness to us. While as an undergrad at Salt Lake Community College in 1991, I gave a presentation in front of my humanities 101 class arguing Jesus Christ is the messiah, citing evidence for his resurrection. My professor literally cut me off during my presentation and told me it was over, that I couldn’t proceed. He later informed me that I was […]


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