European Airline CEO Says Unvaccinated Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Enter Hospitals, Supermarkets, or Airplanes.

Unvaccinated persons should not be permitted to access hospitals, stores, or ride on airplanes or other kinds of public transportation, according to European airline CEO of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary. While O’Leary does not agree with mandatory COVID-19 vaccine programs, he does feel that governments should “make life tough” for those who refuse vaccines without a valid reason, according to an interview with The Daily Telegraph newspaper. Occupational Safety and Health Administration-mandated immunization programs are already in place in the United States, following President Joe Biden’s September announcement of extensive new guidelines for employees regarding vaccinations and testing. Employers with 100 or more employees must verify that each of their staff is completely vaccinated or test for COVID-19 at least once a week, according to the rules, which go into effect on Jan. 4. Not to mention the fact that all unvaccinated workers…

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