Watchman: The United Nations General Assembly Has Approved a Resolution Led by Pakistan Aimed on the Promotion of Nonreligious, Intercultural Dialogue. It’s Interesting to Consider the Opposing Views on Religion and Faith. Some Individuals, Like the Pharisees, Were Known for Their Strong Opinions on Religion. It’s Worth Reflecting on Jesus’ Teachings About Hypocrisy and the Importance of Sincerity

HNewsWire: The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution co-sponsored by Pakistan and the Philippines on the “Promotion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue” by an overwhelming majority. This resolution is part of Pakistan’s global efforts to promote interfaith harmony, tolerance, respect for eachother’s religions and values, and peaceful co-existence. The resolution welcomes the Kartarpur initiative by Pakistan, referring to it as a “landmark initiative for interreligious and intercultural cooperation for peace”.Due to the efforts of Pakistan’s delegation, the resolution for the first time this year also acknowledges the significance and respect for religious symbols. It stresses that the exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities, and must therefore be subjected to legitimate restrictions. In the wake of growing religious intolerance and racism especially Islamophobia around the world, this resolution is important…

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2 Timothy 3:2-8  2 You see, the world will be filled with narcissistic, money-grubbing, pretentious, arrogant, and abusive people. They will rebel against their parents and will be ungrateful, unholy, 3 uncaring, coldhearted, accusing, without restraint, savage, and haters of anything good. 4 Expect them to be treacherous, reckless, swollen with self-importance, and given to loving pleasure more than they love God. 5 Even though they may look or act like godly people, they’re not. They deny His power. I tell you: Stay away from the likes of these. 6 They’re snakes slithering into the houses of vulnerable women, women gaudy with sin, to seduce them. These reptiles can capture them because these women are weak and easily swayed by their desires. 7 They seem always to be learning, but they never seem to gain the full measure of the truth. 8 And, just as Jannes and Jambres rose up against Moses,[a] these ungodly people defy the truth. Their minds are corrupt, and…

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The Power Over Christian Publishing We’ve Given To Amazon

The great “heresy” is that God created and defines our sexuality and that as his creatures we are accountable to live according to his ways. It seems likely to me that the first book to go will be on this very topic …. Afew days from now, or maybe a few months, or even a year, Amazon will pull a book from its site. One day it will be there available for purchase with all the rest, and the next it will be gone. One day people will be able to order it and have it shipped to their homes, and the next day it will have ceased to exist, at least as far as Amazon is concerned. This will inevitably be a book that Christians have embraced as orthodox but that the culture has rejected as heretical. And, of…

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War on the 2nd Amendment kicks into high gear. There is nothing unspiritual about owning a gun or knowing how to use one. There is nothing wrong with protecting oneself or loved ones, even if it involves the use of weapons. We need not pretend there is never a need for guns, but pointing a gun at a person should always be a last resort. We should seek to neutralize threats without violence whenever possible. Instagram is now blurring out images of women at gun ranges, saying the photos violate “violence or dangerous organization guidelines.” Yes, really. A picture was posted showing Kaitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver shooting firearms at a gun range. Facebook-owned Instagram banned and removed the image, claiming it violated their policy on violence or dangerous organizations. The image depicts two independent women at a shooting range…

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Revelations from the Underworld

There is not a more knowledgeable person on this topic than Steve Quayle. I am interviewing Steve for two hours on these topics. This topic also bends into earth changes which are nearly upon us. Evil spirits, or demons, can actually possess people, dwelling within them and controlling them (see Mark 5:1-20, for example). The four Gospels and the Book of Acts record several instances of demon possession and of good angels appearing to and aiding believers. Angels, both good and bad, can cause supernatural phenomena to occur (Job 1–2; Revelation 7:1; 8:5; 15:1;16). 3. Scripture shows that demons know things of which people are unaware (Acts 16:16-18; Luke 4:41). Because these evil angels have been around a long time, they would naturally know things that those living limited life spans would not. Because Satan currently has access to God’s presence (Job 1–2), demons might…

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It’s Time for All Americans to Stand Your Ground Against the Lunatic LGBTQE-E For Evil Outrage Mob

America is being dominated by Satanic black lights that are shining, humanism, Marxism, multiculturalism, revisionism, relativism,  evolutionism, religious pluralism, dominionism, idealism, collectivism, radical environmentalism, spiritualism, Islam, political correctness, tolerance, rebellion, greed, covetousness, laziness, class warfare, etc. Even the spiritual lights of God in this nation are often being extinguished because they allow themselves to become draped in the black garments of neo-Gnostic mysticism, lack of Biblical knowledge, Christian reconstructionism, collective global transformation and the need to be politically correct. The spirit of antichrist has taken over the government, public education, most media, most large corporations, and most religions including quite a bit of our institutions that call themselves Christian. Through these conveyers of black light, the people of this nation are constantly being bombarded with antichrist doctrine. Antichrist doctrine has become the politically correct norm and those that oppose this spirit of…

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