History Shows Sex Depraved Tyrants Precede the Collapse of Empires The Sexually

  depraved tyrants, use their positions to force acceptance of their super minority sexual values onto the rest of society… A Historic Snapshot The Irony of the Gay Rights movement in America is the fact that it was built on the foundation of human trafficking, slavery, and the hedonistic elitist lifestyles of ancient times. Young slaves were prostituted to creepy old sexually domineering men. This is what today’s gay lobby seems to conveniently forget. Yes, there is a fraction of common gay folk, but even today it is still an elitist fraternal order when you consider the pedophilia scandals in the UK, Catholic church and Hollywood. A  study of history shows that there is a density of homosexual /bi-sexuals in the upper echelons of power, it also shows that many were totally detached from reality to the point that they…

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