We Are Witnessing the Greatest Nation on the Face of the Earth Destroy Itself from the Inside Out, Jacobs Trouble Is upon Us…

Global governance over commerce is also now evident. When world governance controls the policies that favor multinational corporations and force out small business and free enterprise you have global socialistic Fascism. We already see a lot of that in some nations of the world. China is a prime example. Within the next decade, there is sure to be a world economic collapse caused by world debt and demographics (there will be few young to support the old). It is even a foregone conclusion among financial leaders and bankers that any wide-scale economic collapse would be followed by a new global economic system. It’s coming and soon! https://hnewswire.com/a-nation-out-of-controlno-godno-peace/ A war of words between anchors over at Fox News continues to brew, with Tucker Carlson repeatedly berating co-worker Shepard Smith on a segment Wednesday night that focused on Trump’s actions in Ukraine. Smith had called Carlson…

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Watchman Warning: Update 3/10/23 More Bank Closures Today–This Is Only the Tip of the Iceberg in Terms of Bank Failures and Bank Runs That Await Depositors, and I Am Not Alone in Stating So, Since the United States and Several European Countries Are Already Bracing for Bank Runs, Plan For Survival

Last week, Pam Martens, writing for Wall Street on Parade, reported that bank runs were happening at Silvergate Bank, a U.S. FDIC insured bank… HNewsWire: While the global financial system has not yet completely collapsed, bank runs that began in 2022 with the fall of FTX and the billions of dollars lost when depositors were unable to withdraw their funds continue to occur today in 2023, albeit without receiving top news attention. Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade revealed last week that bank runs were taking place at Silvergate Bank, an FDIC-insured bank in the United States. Silvergate, a federally insured bank, has recently severed relations with cryptocurrency. A depositor never likes to hear from a bank that holds his or her life savings that it is concerned about its “capacity to continue as a going concern.” Regrettably, those exact lines were…

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