Human Trafficking Camps Operating in America is bad enough but worse is that it is currently being operated by the Democrat Party’s Administration’s NGOs with Americans’ Debt Dollars in Texas.

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber 15 , 2023 Allegedly, these children are being sold to the highest bidders for Secret Labor Camps, Sex Trafficking Operations, to be Tortured, Extracting Children Adrenalised blood to SATISFY THE ELITES ADDICTIONS to  rejuvenate themselves or are being used for Bio-Labs’ Human Experiments to develop Bio-Weapons. There are Adrenochrome Businesses and Secret Underground Factories allegedly operating in America and all around the World. This is a U.S. CONCENTRATION camp hiding in broad daylight | Redacted with Clayton Morris  Source: Redacted  Sep 7, 2023 “ The united states is the largest trafficker of children in the world. Children that are illegally kidnapped and brought across the US Mexico border are then sold off to wealthy Americans… used as sex slaves and worse… if you can imagine anything worse… it’s happening and the corporate media is too scared to…

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Watchman:California School Official Defends Teaching Pedophilia as “A Sexual Orientation”

Pedophiles share the characteristic of being “without natural affection” (Romans 1:31; 2 Timothy 3:2). The phrase “without natural affection” is translated from one Greek word, which means “inhuman, unloving, and unsociable.” One without natural affection acts in ways that are against the social norm. This would certainly describe a pedophile. Government school officials in California think it is “really important” to teach children about pedophilia and pederasty in the classroom because it is a “sexual orientation.” That is according to a top official for California’s Brea Olinda School District, who admitted to parents that it was being done — and that it would continue, despite the outrage. The implications are mind-blowing. #Antichrist #evildoers #suppressingtruth #birthpains #tribulation #sevenyears #hellonearth ##those that have ears, let him hear, those that have eyes let them see! Watchman: Pushing Transgender Ideology on Kindergartners Transgender: An Evil…

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