1 min read

Interac, Your Digital ID, and Your Digital Health Data, According to Watchman but Wait, What? Money, Digital ID, and Digital Health Data—No, Mum, That’s a Hoax— Permit to Relocate? Your Digital Health Certificate Has Been Granted

HNewsWire: Permission to move? Granted with your Digital Health Certificate. Paul Mitchell @PaulMitchell_AB G20 Summit: Indonesian Health Minister wants a Digital ID to control the movement of people: “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO. If you’ve been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around” Do you see where this leads? 7:13 PM ∙ Nov 15, 2022 “You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t. You’ve got to have a proper digital structure.” Liam O’Neil – I did not support the Coup @lienomail I hate this guy with a passion 😡😡😡 Teflon Tony advocating digital health care ID for everyone globally What’s in it for him ??? This is a web page published by Interac, for all those who think our money, ID, and health records are not converging electronically. I note it has […]


4 mins read

The Biden Administration Is Crazy, the Watchman Warns? Are They All? In Poland, Who Wrote Biden’s Speech? He Talks as Though the Nation Is at War and That These Nuts, These Crazy, Insane People Are Bringing up World War 3—Not Historically, but Biblically. Plus Three Years and The Nuclear Stuff Hits the Fan

HNewsWire: While testicles were being distributed, where were the male Republicans in Congress? They are all wimps. These men are without prejudice. Since Marjorie Taylor Green has everything for all the Republican guys, she should lend them some of her goods. And are the senators not embarrassed of themselves for allowing Biden to lead us into a conflict where their children would be killed by remaining utterly silent? They are unconcerned. Exactly to whom was Biden speaking? Is he even capable of speaking without a prompter? This is insane! These Neocon and Neoliberal thugs seek a third world war. They desire conflict. These insane globalists and warmongers benefit from and enrich themselves through perpetual conflicts. They have brought us dangerously close to starting a third world war (the Tribulation). It is obvious that both he and everyone else handled the […]


27 mins read

Watchman:”Not Only Are Children Receiving Unlicensed Experimental mRNA Gene Transfer Injections Referred to as “Vaccines,” Which They Are Not, but Damaged Youngsters Have Virtually No Recourse

SRH: I Wrote This Article Over a Year Ago, HNewsWire- There are several reasons to be concerned about the COVID-19 vaccinations, which were rushed to market with little testing and aggressively sold to an uneducated population, potentially resulting in massive, permanent negative repercussions. One possible effect is that the limited supply of progenitor B cells in the bone marrow is depleted early in life, preventing the production of new antibodies against pathogenic pathogens. Even more concerning is the likelihood that these vaccinations, both mRNA and DNA vector vaccines, may become a road to devastating illness in the future. ( Pestilence ) We will likely see an alarming increase in several major neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, CKD, ALS, and Alzheimer’s disease, as a result of the spike protein’s prion-like action, and these diseases will appear with increasing prevalence among younger and […]


7 mins read

Watchman, Sound off Another Effect of Ignoring God Is Marriage, Then Sex. Not the Other Way Around. Enjoy Your Pestilence, Fornicators

Every choice has a consequence…God loves us and gave us guidelines for a reason… HNewsWire: Massachusetts health officials revealed Thursday that they had uncovered two cases of a novel strain of gonorrhea that looks to be drug-resistant and is being investigated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the state Department of Public Health (DPH), an unique strain of the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae “showed diminished sensitivity to several antibiotics,” while another strain was discovered to have “genetic markers that indicate a similar treatment response,” according to a news release. Both cases were discovered in Massachusetts and were successfully treated with the antibiotic ceftriaxone, which is used to treat all types of gonorrhea. According to experts, the bacteria is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and a variety of other health […]


13 mins read

Watchman: According to BioNTech SEC Filing, mRNA “Vaccines” Are Gene Therapy Might Have Unfavorable Side Effects That Will Hinder or Delay Regulatory Approval

HNewsWire: Filing Date March 30, 2021 Document Date December 31, 2020 Form Description Registration of securities of foreign private issuers pursuant to section 12(b) or (g) Filing Group Annual Filings Company BioNTech Issuer BioNTech SE Excerpts: Pages 7-8 Our revenue depends heavily on sales of our COVID-19 vaccine, and our future revenues from our COVID-19 vaccine are uncertain. Our COVID-19 vaccine was granted emergency use authorization in the United States and the United Kingdom, and conditional marketing approval in the European Union, in December 2020, followed by emergency or limited use authorization in a number of other countries and approval for use in certain other countries. Prior to this, we had not sold or marketed any products in our pipeline. As a result, we expect that a majority of our total revenues, and all of our product revenues, in 2021 will be attributable to sales of our COVID-19 vaccine. There […]


6 mins read

Satan Soldiers,AKA FBI Going After Fundamental, Traditional Catholics, Then Fundamentalist, Traditional Baptists, So-Called Radical, Traditional Evangelicalism, and Everyone Else Who Believes in Essentially What Is Bible Believing Christian Believes, Which Is Just a Christian Faith and Is Apparently Dangerous in This Country

SRH: For starters, civil government is secular, whereas Christianity is spiritual. Christians are foreigners and aliens going through this earth (see 1 Peter 1:1). Their place of residence is in paradise (Philippians 3:20). Second, the state may regard Christianity as competitive, if not hostile to its authority. God is the Christian’s ultimate authority. Caesar was “god” in Rome. As a result, Romans regarded Christians as atheists. Christianity came to be regarded as treacherous. Third, Christians were sometimes asked to “follow God rather than man” (Acts 5:29), which openly verified the government’s suspicions. Fourth, either unconsciously or willingly, government officials utilized their authority to aggressively attack the church and persecute Christians. If government officials began to see Christians with mistrust, if not terror, Christians were inclined to consider government as their adversary, as an enemy of God and the gospel of […]


19 mins read

These Corrupt Politicians Will Literally Tear Each Other Apart. Biden Got It All Wrong During SOTU–Satan Soldier Demonic Biden Heckled, Booed by Republicans During SOTU

HNewsWire: Satan Soldier Biden Heckled, Booed By Republicans During SOTU Recognizing Demonic Affliction At 80 years old, and One of Satan Older Solder, Biden is the oldest Fake Wanna-be  president to offer a State of the Union speech, and it showed. Satan Soldier Biden referred to Tyre Nichols as “Tyler” while discussing police enforcement and his death in Memphis. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was referred to as the Senate’s “minority” leader by Biden. Biden said he had succeeded in pushing illegal immigration “down” at his State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, in a somewhat shocking remark. Republicans heckled Biden again when he called on Congress to establish a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants as well as border security funding, causing Democrats to cry “order!” According to The Daily Caller, the president’s remarks come on the heels of a […]


10 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, Community Church Pastors Have Strayed From God’s Word, Causing Individuals to Wander in Doubt and Darkness

Daily Devotional: Watchman Issues Warning: Community Church Pastors Have Strayed From God’s Word, Causing Individuals to Wander in Doubt and Darkness We Have False Prophets Today, and When They Deviate From the Word of God, They Get Into This Era of This Heretical Teaching The first characteristic Christians should be aware of can be found in Jude 1:4, which says that false teachers have a way of secretly slipping in among Christians and disguising themselves alongside godly church leaders. In 2 Thes.2 Paul is teaching the church about the great falling away and the coming of the “man of sin”. In it Paul says that the great falling away is caused by a strong delusion that comes upon those who were in the church. And that this strong delusion is for those in the church that have never come to a love […]


18 mins read

Watchman: The Department of Defense Is the Master Controller of the Kill Shot COVID-19 Plan-Demic and COVID-19 Experimental Biological Deadly Weapons

All Evil , and mankind has lost control To Satan! HNewsWire: “Really this is a military operation, war crimes and atrocities covered up as a health event.” Perhaps the biggest existential question of our times is where exactly did covid-19 come from? According to Sasha Latypova, a Russian-American, former pharmaceutical industry research and development executive, and Katherine Watt, a para-legal researcher, and philosopher, it’s an inside job. Covid-19 is an act of bio-warfare perpetrated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on the U.S. and worldwide populations in two stages. The first step was a virus that frightened the living daylights out of people already primed for the next disaster. The second was the rollout of toxic “vaccines” designed to cause further harm and death. “They were designed to be toxic, with intent to cause harm,” Latypova told L4Atv. “It looks like […]


6 mins read

The Watchman Gives a Warning. Satan Soldiers Are Coming For Us: Australian Health Authorities (Satan Soldiers) Call For More COVID Boosters… But the Public Says No. Americans Are Next!

HNewsWire: Australia and New Zealand saw among of the harshest pandemic mandate conditions of any Western country, crossing the line into dictatorship on several occasions. The Australian authorities (Satan’s Soldiers) limited residents of larger cities to living close to their homes, with residents not permitted to travel more than three miles from their residences. Curfew hours were imposed between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. They were prohibited from entering public parks and beaches without a mask, despite the fact that it is practically impossible to spread a virus outside and UV light from the sun functions as a natural disinfectant. In the worst cases, Australian residents were visited by police and government officials (Satan’s troops) for expressing their opposition to the mandates on social media. Some were even arrested for calling for anti-lockdown protests. COVID camps were created in Australia and […]


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