Wikipedia Has Ice Facilities Listed Under ‘Concentration and Internment Camps’ Section, Birth Pains

Jesus’ argument to the Pharisees was logical: a kingdom that is at cross-purposes with itself will fall. Any household riven by infighting will tear itself apart. Jesus was obviously casting demons out of people. If Jesus was in league with Satan, or if Satan was somehow working through Jesus, it is unlikely that exorcisms would be a priority, because why would Satan cast himself out? Satan has more practical wisdom than to allow his demonic underlings to group themselves into warring factions. Likely will not be edited or removed any time soon Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, which has been routinely accused of left-wing bias, has a list of ICE facilities under a section titled “concentration and internment camps,” and is keeping it there despite critics requesting it be removed. The list of ICE facilities reappeared on the concentration camps page…

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