The Corona Virus Is a False Flag — The Virus


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Is REAL Man-Made in China…

For the purpose of frightening the masses into believing this was a killer virus, just the opposite, it was a man-made virus made in China for the purpose of yoking the population of entire planet., We Have Been Deceived…

The Covid 19 fiasco was man-made in a lab in China with the blessings of the ungodly, Bill Gates, and his band of demons, those that promoted the vaccine as a miracle cure for Seasonal flu, wanting to turned Covid 19 into a deadly plandemic. We have all been played, at this point these New World Order pukes are extremely dangerous. God only knows what their next move will be, but time will tell. We need to keep our eye on Australia, apparently that country will be the poster child for the New World Order going forward…

‘Rogue’ Chinese Virologist Joins Twitter, Publishes “Smoking Gun” Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab

On Saturday we reported that Dr. Li-Meng Yan – a Chinese virologist (MD, PhD) who fled the country, leaving her job at a prestigious Hong Kong university – appeared last week on British television where she claimed SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, was created by Chinese scientists in a lab.

On Sunday, Li-Meng joined Twitter – and on Monday, just hours ago, she tweeted a link to a paper she co-authored with three other Chinese scientists titled:

Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route

Cutting to the chase:

“The evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 should be a laboratory product created by using bat coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21 as a template and/or backbone. Building upon the evidence, we further postulate a synthetic route for SARS-CoV-2, demonstrating that the laboratory-creation of this coronavirus is convenient and can be accomplished in approximately six months.

Here is the extended punchline:

The receptor-binding motif of SARS-CoV-2 Spike cannot be born from nature and should have been created through genetic engineering.

The Spike proteins decorate the exterior of the coronavirus particles. They play an important role in infection as they mediate the interaction with host cell receptors and thereby help determine the host range and tissue tropism of the virus. The Spike protein is split into two halves (Figure 3). The front or N-terminal half is named S1, which is fully responsible for binding the host receptor. In both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infections, the host cell receptor is hACE2. Within S1, a segment of around 70 amino acids makes direct contacts with hACE2 and is correspondingly named the receptor-binding motif (RBM) (Figure 3C). In SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, the RBM fully determines the interaction with hACE2. The C-terminal half of the Spike protein is named S2. The main function of S2 includes maintaining trimer formation and, upon successive protease cleavages at the S1/S2 junction and a downstream S2’ position, mediating membrane fusion to enable cellular entry of the virus.

Similar to what is observed for other viral proteins, S2 of SARS-CoV-2 shares a high sequence identity (95%) with S2 of ZC45/ZXC21. In stark contrast, between SARS-CoV-2 and ZC45/ZXC21, the S1 protein, which dictates which host (human or bat) the virus can infect, is much less conserved with the amino acid sequence identity being only 69%.

Figure 4 shows the sequence alignment of the Spike proteins from six β coronaviruses. Two are viruses isolated from the current pandemic (Wuhan-Hu-1, 2019-nCoV_USA-AZ1); two are the suspected template viruses (Bat_CoV_ZC45, Bat_CoV_ZXC21); two are SARS coronaviruses (SARS_GZ02, SARS). The RBM is highlighted in between two orange lines. Clearly, despite the high sequence identity for the overall genomes, the RBM of SARS-CoV-2 differs significantly from those of ZC45 and ZXC21. Intriguingly, the RBM of SARS-CoV-2 resembles, on a great deal, the RBM of SARS Spike. Although this is not an exact “copy and paste”, careful examination of the Spike-hACE2 structures37,38 reveals that all residues essential for either hACE2 binding or protein folding (orange sticks in Figure 3C and what is highlighted by red short lines in Figure 4) are “kept”.

Most of these essential residues are precisely preserved, including those involved in disulfide bond formation (C467, C474) and electrostatic interactions (R444, E452, R453, D454), which are pivotal for the structural integrity of the RBM (Figure 3C and 4). The few changes within the group of essential residues are almost exclusively hydrophobic “substitutions” (I428àL, L443àF, F460àY, L472àF, Y484àQ), which should not affect either protein folding or the hACE2-interaction. At the same time, majority of the amino acid residues that are non-essential have “mutated” (Figure 4, RBM residues not labeled with short red lines). Judging from this sequence analysis alone, we were convinced early on that not only would the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein bind hACE2 but also the binding would resemble, precisely, that between the original SARS Spike protein and hACE223. Recent structural work has confirmed our prediction.

As elaborated below, the way that SARS-CoV-2 RBM resembles SARS-CoV RBM and the overall sequence conservation pattern between SARS-CoV-2 and ZC45/ZXC21 are highly unusual. Collectively, this suggests that portions of the SARS-CoV-2 genome have not been derived from natural quasi-species viral particle evolution.

The paper then makes two critical observations for those who claim that SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin: its RBM could have only been acquired in one of the two possible routes: 1) an ancient recombination event followed by convergent evolution or 2) a natural recombination event that occurred fairly recently.

She first dismisses option 1:

“this convergent evolution process would also result in the accumulation of a large amount of mutations in other parts of the genome, rendering the overall sequence identity relatively low. The high sequence identity between SARS-CoV-2 and ZC45/ZXC21 on various proteins (94-100% identity) do not support this scenario and, therefore, clearly indicates that SARS-CoV- 2 carrying such an RBM cannot come from a ZC45/ZXC21-like bat coronavirus through this convergent evolutionary route.”

She then dismisses option 2:

In the second scenario, the ZC45/ZXC21-like coronavirus would have to have recently recombined and swapped its RBM with another coronavirus that had successfully adapted to bind an animal ACE2 highly homologous to hACE2. The likelihood of such an event depends, in part, on the general requirements of natural recombination: 1) that the two different viruses share significant sequence similarity; 2) that they must co-infect and be present in the same cell of the same animal; 3) that the recombinant virus would not be cleared by the host or make the host extinct; 4) that the recombinant virus eventually would have to become stable and transmissible within the host species.

In regard to this recent recombination scenario, the animal reservoir could not be bats because the ACE2 proteins in bats are not homologous enough to hACE2 and therefore the adaption would not be able to yield an RBM sequence as seen in SARS-CoV-2. This animal reservoir also could not be humans as the ZC45/ZXC21-like coronavirus would not be able to infect humans. In addition, there has been no evidence of any SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV-2-like virus circulating in the human population prior to late 2019. Intriguingly, according to a recent bioinformatics study, SARS-CoV-2 was well-adapted for humans since the start of the outbreak.

Which leaves just one option:

Only one other possibility of natural evolution remains, which is that the ZC45/ZXC21-like virus and a coronavirus containing a SARS-like RBM could have recombined in an intermediate host where the ACE2 protein is homologous to hACE2. Several laboratories have reported that some of the Sunda pangolins smuggled into China from Malaysia carried coronaviruses, the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of which is almost identical to that of SARS-CoV-227-29,31. They then went on to suggest that pangolins are the likely intermediate host for SARS-CoV-227-29,31. However, recent independent reports have found significant flaws in this data40-42. Furthermore, contrary to these reports27-29,31, no coronaviruses have been detected in Sunda pangolin samples collected for over a decade in Malaysia and Sabah between 2009 and 201943. A recent study also showed that the RBD, which is shared between SARS-CoV-2 and the reported pangolin coronaviruses, binds to hACE2 ten times stronger than to the pangolin ACE22, further dismissing pangolins as the possible intermediate host. Finally, an in silico study, while echoing the notion that pangolins are not likely an intermediate host, also indicated that none of the animal ACE2 proteins examined in their study exhibited more favorable binding potential to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein than hACE2 did. This last study virtually exempted all animals from their suspected roles as an intermediate host, which is consistent with the observation that SARS-CoV-2 was well-adapted for humans from the start of the outbreak. This is significant because these findings collectively suggest that no intermediate host seems to exist for SARS-CoV-2, which at the very least diminishes the possibility of a recombinant event occurring in an intermediate host.

Fast-forwarding to the smoking gun:

Given that RBM fully dictates hACE2-binding and that the SARS RBM-hACE2 binding was fully characterized by high-resolution structures (Figure 3)37,38, this RBM-only swap would not be any riskier than the full Spike swap. In fact, the feasibility of this RBM-swap strategy has been proven. In 2008, Dr. Zhengli Shi’s group swapped a SARS RBM into the Spike proteins of several SARS-like bat coronaviruses after introducing a restriction site into a codon-optimized spike gene (Figure 5C). They then validated the binding of the resulted chimeric Spike proteins with hACE2. Furthermore, in a recent publication, the RBM of SARS-CoV-2 was swapped into the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARSCoV, resulting in a chimeric RBD fully functional in binding hACE2 (Figure 5C)39. Strikingly, in both cases, the manipulated RBM segments resemble almost exactly the RBM defined by the positions of the EcoRI and BstEII sites (Figure 5C). Although cloning details are lacking in both publications39,47, it is conceivable that the actual restriction sites may vary depending on the spike gene receiving the RBM insertion as well as the convenience in introducing unique restriction site(s) in regions of interest. It is noteworthy that the corresponding author of this recent publication, Dr. Fang Li, has been an active collaborator of Dr. Zhengli Shi since 201049-53. Dr. Li was the first person in the world to have structurally elucidated the binding between SARS-CoV RBD and hACE238 and has been the leading expert in the structural understanding of Spike-ACE2 interactions. The striking finding of EcoRI and BstEII  restriction sites at either end of the SARS-CoV-2 RBM, respectively, and the fact that the same RBM region has been swapped both by Dr. Shi and by her long-term collaborator, respectively, using restriction enzyme digestion methods are unlikely a coincidence. Rather, it is the smoking gun proving that the RBM/Spike of SARS-CoV-2 is a product of genetic manipulation.”

It gets better, because the Chinese scientists then presciently tried to cover their tracks:

Although it may be convenient to copy the exact sequence of SARS RBM, it would be too clear a sign of artificial design and manipulation. The more deceiving approach would be to change a few nonessential residues, while preserving the ones critical for binding. This design could be well-guided by the high-resolution structures (Figure 3)37,38. This way, when the overall sequence of the RBM would appear to be more distinct from that of the SARS RBM, the hACE2-binding ability would be well-preserved. We believe that all of the crucial residues (residues labeled with red sticks in Figure 4, which are the same residues shown in sticks in Figure 3C) should have been “kept”. As described earlier, while some should be direct preservation, some should have been switched to residues with similar properties, which would not disrupt hACE2-binding and may even strengthen the association further [ZH: i.e., the virus was weaponized and enchanced]. Importantly, changes might have been made intentionally at non-essential sites, making it less like a “copy and paste” of the SARS RBM.

Yan also discusses the infamous furin-cleavage site:

… a close examination of the nucleotide sequence of the furin-cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 spike has revealed that the two consecutive Arg residues within the inserted sequence (- PRRA-) are both coded by the rare codon CGG (least used codon for Arg in SARS-CoV-2) (Figure 7).

In fact, this CGGCGG arrangement is the only instance found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome where this rare codon is used in tandem. This observation strongly suggests that this furin-cleavage site should be a result of genetic engineering. Adding to the suspicion, a FauI restriction site is formulated by the codon choices here, suggesting the possibility that the restriction fragment length polymorphism, a technique that a WIV lab is proficient at, could have been involved. There, the fragmentation pattern resulted from FauI digestion could be used to monitor the preservation of the furin-cleavage site in Spike as this furin-cleavage site is prone to deletions in vitro. Specifically, RT-PCR on the spike gene of the recovered viruses from cell cultures or laboratory animals could be carried out, the product of which would be subjected to FauI digestion. Viruses retaining or losing the furin-cleavage site would then yield distinct patterns, allowing convenient tracking of the virus(es) of interest.

And another critical allegation: once again, the Wuhan Researchers were doing everything in their power to weaponize and boost the “enhancement of the infectivity and pathogenicity of the laboratory-made coronavirus”:

The evidence collectively suggests that the furin-cleavage site in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein may not have come from nature and could be the result of genetic manipulation. The purpose of this manipulation could have been to assess any potential enhancement of the infectivity and pathogenicity of the laboratory-made coronavirus.

Summarizing the above:

Evidence presented in this part reveals that certain aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 genome are extremely difficult to reconcile to being a result of natural evolution. The alternative theory we suggest is that the virus may have been created by using ZC45/ZXC21 bat coronavirus(es) as the backbone and/or template. The Spike protein, especially the RBM within it, should have been artificially manipulated, upon which the virus has acquired the ability to bind hACE2 and infect humans. This is supported by the finding of a unique restriction enzyme digestion site at either end of the RBM. An unusual furin-cleavage site may have been introduced and inserted at the S1/S2 junction of the Spike protein, which contributes to the increased virulence and pathogenicity of the virus.

These transformations have then staged the SARS CoV-2 virus to eventually become a highly-transmissible, onset-hidden, lethal, sequelae-unclear, and massively disruptive pathogen.

Evidently, the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 could have been created through gain-of-function manipulations at the WIV is significant and should be investigated thoroughly and independently.

Finally, those curious how the virus could have been created synthetically in Wuhan, here is a diagram proposed by Dr. Yan explaining all the required steps:

Her full paper is below

As a reminder, Zero Hedge was banned from Twitter on Jan 31 for making just this allegation, following a hit-piece written by an alleged pedophile (who was later fired for plagiarism) and countless so-called “scientists” screaming that our take was fake news and nothing but propaganda. Five months later Twitter admitted it had made a mistake, stating “we made an error in our enforcement action in this case.”

Now It All Makes Perfect Sense, Bill Gates, Trump and the New World Order Pukes Have Pulled off the Unthinkable Hell on Earth Has to Begin, It Gets Un-godly Going Forward, The Mark Of The Beast Is In-Play, “Vaccination With Microchip”

Field hospital gets quietly dismantled, didn’t see a single patient

Field hospital gets quietly dismantled, didn’t see a single patient – WNDWashington Gov. Jay Inslee announced his state is returning a field hospital to FEMA after it never saw a single

If all goes according to plan, Gates plans to hold the world hostage until everyone – or at least everyone who wants to return back to a “normal” way of living – agrees to whatever he declares as the “remedy” for this coronavirus, which he’s already indicated will include mandatory vaccination and microchip.

The vaccines that Gates is planning to introduce will come with so-called quantum dot tattoos, a type of small microchip that will have to be inserted underneath the skin in order to function.

Much like – if not the embodiment of – the Mark of the Beast spoken about in the book of Revelation, Gates’ digital microchip vaccinations will be required for all people who want to open back up their businesses and participate in society. They’ll also likely store the “digital dollar” cryptocurrency that was included as part of the stimulus bill recently signed by President Trump.

Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism Bill Gates The (B.E.A.S.T.).

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New World Order Pukes

ICYMI – AG Barr On Bill Gates Wanting ‘Digital’ Vaccine ‘Certificates’: I’m ‘Very Concerned About’ Slippery Slope (VIDEO)

AG Barr On Bill Gates Wanting ‘Digital’ Vaccine ‘Certificates’: I’m ‘Very Concerned About’ Slippery…Attorney General William Barr told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night that he was “very concerned” about billionaire Bill Gates’ apparent desire to have “digital certificates” to show if…

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I Believe The CoronaVirus Is a False Flag, The Virus Is REAL Man-Made Bioweapon. The Tribulation Has To Begin–China Plunge US Into Mighty Sea Of MAN-MADE Coronavirus For One Reason, The New World Order and The Battle Between Satan and GOD have Beguin…

Now It All Make Sence, The Coronavirus was a Planned event

I Am suggested that the coronavirus is not a naturally occurring disease and that it is a manmade bioweapon cultivated and released to yoke, control the masses, Biblical Prophecy coming to life for all to see. The consequences of the virus in terms of tolls or the extent of the epidemic and the type of media propaganda over this issue that is aimed at increasing fear and panic among people strengthens the speculations that a biological attack has been launched against the world people, with one goal in mind, The New World Order Platform.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

Usually, officials at the CDC choose their words very carefully so that they do not needlessly alarm the public. With that in mind, I would like for you to consider three statements that the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier made about a potential outbreak inside the United States during a press conference on Tuesday…

#1 “It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country anymore but a question of when this will happen.”

#2 “Disruption to everyday life may be severe.”

#3 “We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad.”

Can you ever recall a top CDC official ever making statements this ominous? I certainly can’t.

In an article entitled You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus, the Atlantic explains how the coronavirus is particularly dangerous because it may cause no symptoms at all in many carriers of the infection.

Many experts claim that the fear of Coronavirus is overblown.  And that mortality might actually be decreasing

On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced yesterday that the mortality rate from the Wuhan Coronavirus (formally known as 2019 nCoV) is 3.4% globally.

The Spanish Flu of 1918 – which killed between tens of millions of people – had a lower mortality rate, estimated by the WHO as between 2 and 3%.

But surely, you say, the Coronavirus is not as contagious as the Spanish Flu …

Unfortunately, it’s more contagious.  The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy notes:

Based on calculations, the authors of the larger study estimate the novel coronavirus has an R0 of 2.2, meaning each case patient could infect more than 2 other people. If accurate, this makes the 2019 nCoV more infectious than the 1918 influenza pandemic virus, which had an R0 of 1.80 (interquartile range: 1.47 to 2.27).

WHO says that the R0 of Coronavirus in China was initially between 2 and 2.5.< But scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory said that the R0 for the Coronavirus is actually between 4.7 to 6.6 (although that number drops to between 2.3 and 3 after quarantines and social distancing are implemented).

According to the Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and others, Coronavirus can be spread even when people have no symptoms. On the one hand, this is bad news, as it is very hard to screen and locate carriers when they are symptom-free or have only mild, cold or flu-like symptoms.

On the other hand, this means that the real R0 might be much higher than WHO estimates … which would make the mortality rate lower.

If the number of people with Coronavirus is a lot higher than is being reported, that means the mortality is a lot lower … i.e. a smaller percentage of the larger population of people infected have died.  

Indeed, China only tests a portion of those who are really sick, and the United States has tested less than 500 people total for Coronavirus (American doctors have to beg to get their sick patients tested).

So far, WHO has rejected the theory that there are more people who have Coronavirus than reported:

Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the smoking gun linking the weaponized Wuhan virus to the U.S.

China’s CCP media Un-godly mouthpiece, Xinhua News, has published a new article titled “Be bold: the world owes China a thank you.”

In it, the author suggests that the coronavirus outbreak is much worse in the United States than authorities are letting on – while noting that President Trump praised China’s measures to control the outbreak during a recent press conference. Xinhua also points out that the US stock market “has plummeted continuously, with a drop of more than 12% in just one week.”

The article then suggests the travel ban imposed on China – including the restriction of people who have visited China – was ‘unkind,’ and has had a ‘great economic impact’ on the country.

US government officials, such as Secretary of Commerce Rose, US Secretary of State Pompeo, and US White House Economic Adviser Navarro, have publicly gloated over China’s new crown pneumonia epidemic, saying that the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in China is good for the United States and will help companies return to the United States.

It also called on companies around the world to consider the risks of China’s supply chain. Even the infamous “Wall Street Journal” published an infamous article “China is a real patient in Asia”, and the “New York Times” in the United States also published a document condemning the closure of Wuhan in China as a violation of human rights. The American culture of falling rocks is really shameless. Today, Feng Shui is taking turns, and the United States has become a victim of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. At this time, China has not fallen into rocks and has not condemned the United States. At this time, the United States should recognize its mistakes. Apologize to China for your actions. -Xinhua (translated)

The punchline? If China retaliates against the United States at this time, including a travel ban or a strategic restriction over medical exports,  America would be “plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus.”

Xinhua notes that “most of the drugs in the United States are imported,” and that “most masks in the United States are made in China and imported from China,” an that if restricted, the US won’t be able to take “the most basic measures to prevent the new coronavirus.”

Indeed (via F. William Engdahl of New Eastern Outlook):

80% of present medicines consumed in the United States are produced in China. This includes Chinese companies and foreign drug companies that have outsourced their drug manufacture in joint ventures with Chinese partners. According to Rosemary Gibson of the Hastings Center bioethics research institute, who authored a book in 2018 on the theme, the dependency is more than alarming.

Gibson cites medical newsletters giving the estimate that today some 80% of all pharmaceutical active ingredients in the USA are made in China.

It’s not just the ingredients. It’s also the chemical precursors, the chemical building blocks used to make the active ingredients. We are dependent on China for the chemical building blocks to make a whole category of antibiotics… known as cephalosporins. They are used in the United States thousands of times every day for people with very serious infections.”

The made in China drugs today include most antibiotics, birth control pills, blood pressure medicines such as valsartan, blood thinners such as heparin, and various cancer drugs. It includes such common medicines as penicillin, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and aspirin. The list also includes medications to treat HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cancer, depression, epilepsy, among others. A recent Department of Commerce study found that 97 percent of all antibiotics in the United States came from China.

* * *

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec

Should pharma companies be required to disclose the country of origin of their medicine – including ingredients?16.3K11:50 PM – Feb 22, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy5,552 people are talking about this

Still, Xinhua suggests in their ‘blackmail’ article that there is “great love in the world,” and that they would never do such a thing. As their own coronavirus infections are gradually controlled, “China’s ability to export masks and medicines will be greatly enhanced.

“Humanity Now Has a Common Enemy”: Who, NWO, UN and CDC

The New Level of Illusion

Public health agencies and the press are casting out a blizzard of confusing terms:

presumptive cases, infected persons, asymptomatic persons, confirmed cases, containment measures, persons connected to persons who are infected…

It is my understanding that, now, the CDC is lumping together presumptive cases and confirmed cases, and calling them: CASES.

Certainly, that strategy would immediately multiply the total number of CASES and also multiply fear among the uninformed population.

A presumptive case would be a person who has not been tested for the coronavirus, or he has been tested, but the results are not yet in.

Why is he a presumptive case in the first place? There could be several reasons. He has ordinary flu-like symptoms, and his doctor suspects he might be infected by the coronavirus, for no particular reason. He might have come in contact with a person who has been diagnosed as an epidemic case. He might have recently traveled to China—and has or doesn’t have flu-like symptoms. Maybe he has a slight cough…

You can see that “presumptive” is a quite shaky status. It means next to nothing. Nevertheless, in order to “contain the spread of the virus,” he is pinned with that label—and added to the total of CASES.

The press, looking for the next piece of click-bait, sees that, in a particular state or city, there are “25 CASES.” A reporter writes an article. The public is led to a sense that, in that locale, a “spread” is occurring. No distinction is made between confirmed cases and presumptive cases.

Suppose, in a nursing home, where a hundred residents have all sorts of long-term health problems—including flu-like symptoms and respiratory difficulties—two people have been labeled “presumptive cases,” because they were visited by a person who recently returned from China. Now, there is an opportunity to label more residents of the nursing home “presumptive,” because they’re in daily contact with the two “presumptive residents.” Result? There are 13 “presumptive cases,” and when the press discovers this, they characterize the 13 as CASES.

But it gets a lot worse than that. As I’ve been detailing in these pages, the basic test for the coronavirus is called the PCR. A positive result is taken to mean the patient “has the virus.” He is now a confirmed case. However, PCR has many problems.

The procedure itself is tricky, and unless done perfectly, with great care to avoid contamination, the result is useless. But even when the test is perfect, it says nothing about whether the patient is ill or will ever become ill. Why? Because the PCR never comes to a valid conclusion about how much virus is in the patient’s body actively replicating. And in order to start talking about illness and disease, millions and millions of viruses must be at work replicating inside the patient.

Going even further down the rabbit hole, how was the PCR test for the coronavirus developed in the first place? We seem to have an answer from the CDC, offered up to reporters in a February 28 press briefing. A Dr. Messonnier, representing the CDC, said this in reply to a question:

“…please remember that our laboratories developed this [PCR] test kit before there were US cases. We developed it based on the posted genetic sequencing, and it was this test kit that allowed us, to identify the first cases in the United States.”

What does this mean? It seems to means that the CDC accepted the genetic sequence of the “new virus” without having an actual isolated specimen of the virus itself. Is that a problem?

If the police receive a description of a car wreck on a local highway (the sequence), should they travel to the scene and actually look at the wreck (obtain an isolated specimen of the virus)? Should they decide who was at fault (diagnose the first US cases) without investigating (having the actual virus itself in their possession)?

Researchers claiming they’ve laid out the genetic sequence of a virus, and passing the information along to colleagues, is not what you would call proof of anything. Those original researchers could have sequenced another virus. They could have made mistakes. Did THEY ever have an isolated specimen of the virus?

Developing and using a diagnostic PCR test on humans, and then telling them whether they are “victims of the epidemic,” based on received genetic sequences alone, is more than irresponsible. It’s entirely reckless.

If you’ve come this far in the article, and you’re beginning to feel that the whole system of diagnosing people with THE VIRUS is madness, I would agree with you.

Categories of cases are being deceptively juggled and merged, in order to inflate numbers.

The “gold standard” diagnostic test is fraught with difficulties and is inherently useless.

And lurking behind all this is the question: who discovered the coronavirus in the first place, and did they ever have an actual specimen of it, a biological reality; or, working from indirect “markers,” were THEY the PRESUMPTIVE, blithely assuming their genetic sequences pointed to an entity that actually exists?

Most Pharmaceuticals (80%) Are Made in China, Get in Bed With the Devil and You Can Bank on Death

There are 180 drug makers that have been working with FDA officials since January 24, when it became clear the virus had spread beyond Chinese containment methods, to inform them of their legal obligation to tell the federal government when possible supply disruptions are about to occur…

In addition, the companies have also been requested by the FDA to analyze their entire supply chain, to include pharmaceutical ingredients that are made in China.

“The FDA has identified about 20 other drugs, which solely source their active pharmaceutical ingredients or finished drug products from China,” the FDA said in a statement. “We have been in contact with those firms to assess whether they face any drug shortage risks due to the outbreak.”

The firms, the statement said, have yet to report any shortages by publication time.

In addition, FDA officials have said they are aware of 63 plants representing 72 facilities in mainland China that make “essential medical devices” which are also likely to be more prone to shortages thanks to supplying chain disruptions.

Some of those facilities, the agency says, have been affected by mass lockdowns, factory closures, and quarantines in China, all related to the outbreak and all of which have caused “workforce challenges” — government-speak for ‘not enough workers to maintain necessary production levels.’

“Regarding personal protective equipment—surgical gowns, gloves, masks, respirator protective devices, or other medical equipment designed to protect the wearer from injury or the spread of infection or illness—the FDA has heard reports of increased market demand and supply challenges for some of these products,” the agency said in a statement.

Bottom line, say experts: This supply chain issue with drugs and medical devices will probably get much worse before it improves.

“One of the ugly secrets of the pharmaceutical industry is that the vast majority of raw materials that go into a prescription drug are produced overseas, mostly in China and India,” said Geoffrey Joyce, chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics at the USC School of Pharmacy.

“The coronavirus shutting down China or India for an extended period of time is likely to have a substantial impact on the supply of many drugs,” he warned.

William Comanor, a professor of health policy and management at UCLA, was even more emphatic.

“Tell your readers to stock up on generics!” he said. “You’re going to see shortages.”

That may be just a tad alarmist. But I’ll admit I’ve ordered additional supplies of my own meds.

BJ’s is an East Coast big-box discounter that competes with Costco. Like many retailers, the company has its own in-house brands that serve as cheaper alternatives to the big national brands.

It’s Berkley Jensen acetaminophen is a generic rival to Tylenol.

Nowhere does it say on the BJ’s website where the product comes from. A BJ’s service rep told me it’s manufactured in the United States.

What about the ingredients?

“I don’t know,” the rep answered after tapping away at her computer keys. “It doesn’t say.”

She said BJ’s acetaminophen, like many of the company’s over-the-counter drugs, is produced by a company called Perrigo, which is based in Michigan but, for tax purposes, claims Dublin, Ireland, as its official headquarters.

Perrigo says its products “are available at retailers, pharmacies and e-commerce outlets in the United States, across Europe and in other major markets.”

Before we go any further, it’s important to note that U.S. Customs law has a big loophole when it comes to country-of-origin labeling.

It doesn’t require that the sources of a drug’s ingredients be disclosed. Rather, the law says a drugmaker can claim as the country of origin wherever the drug’s various components were “substantially transformed” into the final product.

That means a drug manufacturer can gather ingredients from around the world. But if it pulls them all together into pill form in the United States, the country of origin can be claimed as the U.S. This, of course, does consumers no favors.

All across the United States people are getting really stressed out about COVID-19.  Every effort to contain the virus has failed, cases have started to pop up all over America, and the latest numbers show that it is 34 times more deadly than the flu.  And what makes this particular coronavirus even more frightening is the fact that it is so easy to catch.  You can become infected simply by breathing in the air around you, it can live on solid surfaces for days, and some victims can carry it around for weeks before ever showing any symptoms.  As this virus continues to spread, literally no public place will be safe, and that is really freaking a lot of people out.

But so far only 11 Americans have died from the virus.

If thousands start dying in this country, what is our national mood going to be like at that point?

Already, the level of stress that we are witnessing is very alarming.  The following comes from an NPR article about the “national anxiety” that we are currently experiencing…

Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

U.S. Administration Still Lying to the Public by Claiming It’s All Under Control

Source: CensoredNews ZeroHedge HNewsWire nomorefakenews Zero Hedge

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StevieRay Hansen

Our social media platforms (The Reprobates) continue to hide the truth from the American people, by shadow banning. The blood of GOD’s people is on their hands …StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

This day is here– get ready, the virus WILL spreads throughout the US and Europe, governments will respond the same way China’s government has; martial law and full-blown concentration camp culture. This would lead to civil war in the US because we are armed and many people will shoot anyone trying to put us into quarantine camps. Europe is mostly screwed. The establishment then suggests that paper money be removed from the system because it is a viral spreader. China is already pushing this solution now. Magically, we find ourselves in a cashless society in a matter of a year or two; which is what the globalists have been demanding for years. Everything goes digital, and thus even local economies become completely centralized as private trade dies. “AntiChrist Is On His Temporary Thorne”
StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

The Bible predicts the rise of this type of societal control within the frightening prophecies about the Antichrist, the final world empire called the Beast, and the final economic system using the Mark of the Beast. The electronic tyranny of technocracy that is now being developed and implemented throughout the world is in preparation for the Antichrist’s rise to power. As we see this final empire taking shape in our day, we can know for certain that the End Times is upon us and the Coming of Christ is drawing near. Now is the time to turn away from sin and evil and believe in Jesus before it is too late!

StevieRay Hansen, Biological Weapon, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Falsifying Death Toll From Coronavirus, biblical truth, Prophecy, tribulation, antichrist, United Nations Revelation 17

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. foxit reader full crack on June 15, 2022 at 9:02 pm

    Excellent article! We will be linking to this particularly great article on our website. Keep up the great writing.|

  2. Leonard Bremner on April 18, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    There is no virus it is crises actors and gov troll media enforcemeing a false flag plan they proved this when the public checked the hospitals that the media stated was overrun with casualty’s they were empty case solved the lockdown is to stop you from finding out the facts

    • Mary on September 16, 2020 at 1:56 pm

      Leonard, you are as dumb as a box of rocks. I am an RN. would you like some facts with those cheetos you throw around???? Would you like to see the kids with horrific lung damage? Do you want to talk to the marathon runner pharmacist who spent 5 weeks in ICU? do you want to talk to the family of the 41 yo HEALTHY RN who contracted this from work, and died????? You pathetic wannabee knowitall fool.
      Keep your braindead ignorant comments to yourself. Better yet, I willmake an opportunity for you to eat from the utensils of an ICU covid patient. YOU want to play??????? DAMN YOU TO HELL.

      • Buck on March 2, 2021 at 8:23 pm

        You told him to keep his arguments to himself. Sounds like you are a politically correct leftist nutcase liar that needs to read the US constitution, Article 1. Covid 19 is a respiratory cold not near as bad as influenza or pneumonia. I had stage 9 pneumonia 20 years ago and stayed in hospital 6 nights. They never put me on a ventilator or such.

  3. Alberta on March 28, 2020 at 6:23 pm

    very informative

  4. Alberta on March 28, 2020 at 6:23 pm

    Excellent and in lightening article

  5. Michael Pinkston on March 12, 2020 at 9:11 pm

    Wow, so I just need to sit back and wait on Jesus.
    Just like all the other dis info out there. Give the sheeple some truth and tell them someone else is going to save them. I call bullshit.
    We all need to fight against the NWO.
    First bt recognizing the enemy. Bankers
    Then unite against them.
    We have the power.
    You are co creators with the God in you.

  6. Robert on March 6, 2020 at 2:10 am

    What do you make of this guy’s site? Seems pretty legit.

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