The COVID Tyranny Continues In Canada.


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Despite pleas from a city councillor to cancel the city’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, the city of Hamilton, Ont., will go through with its plan to dismiss unvaccinated municipal employees at the end of May.

The city council of Hamilton established a COVID-19 vaccine verification policy in August 2021, requiring all city workers to produce proof of immunization by May 31, 2022.

According to an official document on the policy, unvaccinated personnel must take an obligatory COVID-19 vaccination education course, with continuing noncompliance resulting in “potential punishment.”

The municipal council opted to leave the ban in place for the time being during a meeting on April 27.

During the meeting, Ward 7 councillor Esther Pauls asked for a halt to the policy’s implementation, which might result in the firing of hundreds of city employees after May 31.

“On March 28, the Reopening Ontario Act came to an end. The policy has outlived its usefulness. Since March 1, Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s chief medical officer, has actively promoted the elimination of vaccination policies, claiming that they are no longer essential. “We as a city council and city have followed the province’s recommendations for the past two and a half years, and now we say let’s stop,” Pauls said.

“When will this vaccination policy end if we don’t execute vaccine policy verification?” In a modified definition of ‘completely immunized,’ how many boosters or new vaccinations would be required?'”

Pauls, who is pro-vaccination, encouraged sympathy for the unvaccinated, saying she has received letters and phone calls from local citizens who did not get their shots for different reasons but are now facing job loss.

“I understand there will be a heavy price to pay, but… not just from a financial standpoint, but also from a human standpoint, let’s not split the city,” she remarked.

“There are only a few people in Hamilton who have chosen not to [be vaccinated].” So let’s save their employment and provide them a place to live.”

According to the City of Hamilton, around 94 percent of its employees have been completely vaccinated and are in compliance with the policy, leaving about 500 people at risk of losing their jobs.

When the bulk of the population has been vaccinated, Pauls questioned the reasoning of those who blame the unvaccinated 6%.

“Logic says that if there are 100 balls in a box and all but six are red, then if you put your hand in there and take one up, it will be red,” she explained. “Logic tells you that the [six percent] aren’t spreading in Hamilton.”

According to CP24, a union representing Hamilton public transit workers said on April 28 that it will challenge the city council’s policy.

“It is irresponsible for this city council to vote to fire hardworking employees who have served on the front lines for the last two years during COVID-19, especially when there is no protection,” Amalgamated Transit Union Local 107, which represents Hamilton Street Railway workers, said in a statement on April 28.

“To reach this decision now is rude and utterly unjust to the frontline city and transportation employees who labor and serve this community on a daily basis.”

The union plans to file a grievance against the policy, claiming that the city’s move would end up costing taxpayers “$500,000 in wasteful litigation.”

It stated, “Those cash resources may have been better spent improving air treatment equipment on our buses to better safeguard both personnel and transit users.”

It’s clear that there is a more impactful virus spreading exclusively among politicians. Turning them into neo-communist tyrants. They’re fascinatingly driven to impose tyrannical legislature and induce societal polarization. The citizens and politicians who are in favor of this tyrannical of policy are the same people that believe its okay to take the life of an unborn child. This kind of issue shouldn’t even be happening this far into a realistic pandemic scenario. If the city of Hamilton were using the data available to them, it’s not likely that it would indicate that such extreme measures be taken. So it’s clear that there are ulterior motives at play here.

The tyranny imposed upon citizens of Hamilton is simply incomparable to what citizens across China are experiencing. But it makes for an extremely interesting agenda to watch unfold, as China continues to ramp up their overbearing lockdowns and western society is oblivious to their respective version of great reset tyranny. All in all, Christ is king. Isaiah 54:17 says: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God and the world around you.

Residents in bad condition struggled to get medical care in Shanghai due to the city’s rigorous COVID rules, which resulted in tragic incidents.

Shanghai has enacted the country’s largest city-wide lockdown since Wuhan in the face of a new wave of COVID-19 illnesses, as authorities scramble to cut off every chain of infection. Beginning March 28, the eastern Chinese port and financial hub will isolate 26 million citizens in two stages for obligatory mass-testing over a nine-day period.

As of March 26, Shanghai had designated 36 hospitals as special treatment sites for pandemic patients.

Insiders verified to The Epoch Times’ Chinese-language version that elderly citizens confined to their homes were in danger after being denied care by overburdened hospital staff, and that suicide attempts had happened in the area.

A resident of Pudong New District named Dong, whose father is a renal patient who requires dialysis three times a week, turned to Chinese social media for assistance.

“After four days without hemodialysis, my father’s feet had developed edema. High potassium levels in the blood can harm the heart, putting (my father’s) life in jeopardy, he told the Epoch Times on March 28.

“All of my demands have gone unanswered, but I can’t watch my father die at home,” Dong stated. His Monday post drew a lot of attention. After being refused by Shanghai East Hospital and Pudong Hospital, a netizen from Pudong said that his relative had gone a week without dialysis.

Despite the fact that dialysis is the most prevalent therapy for uremia, according to Dong, only one hospital in the Pudong district presently accepts patients in quarantine. Two additional people in his neighborhood are also in severe need of dialysis.

“Hundreds or thousands more patients on dialysis across Pudong,” he warned, fearing that a second COVID-19 outbreak will kill more people than those who died in the first.

By the time of publication, Dong had given another update, stating that his father will begin dialysis on March 29.

Meanwhile, a video leaked online shows an elderly citizen jumping off his apartment building in Shanghai’s Minhang area due to significant limitations on travel and movement.

Lin (pseudonym), a Shanghai resident from the same area, confirmed to the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times on March 28 that the guy who died following his fall was around 70 years old.

“I heard it was because of his poor health, that he was probably suffering from cancer and discomfort,” she stated, as a purported municipal committee denied him medication.

The accusation was dismissed by Chinese state media as a rumor. The Epoch Times attempted to contact local officials several times but received no response.

On March 27, Wang, a Pudong resident, told The Epoch Times that a 14-year-old girl leaped from her home in Pudong district’s Kangqiaozhen after testing positive for Covid.

During the interview, Wang stated, “Her mother cried almost to death.”

“People have gone through so many rounds of sweeping nucleic acid tests,” he said. “[Authorities] should consider what’s going on and figure out what’s causing it.” They suspended my account after I said it online.”

The new tragedy follows the death last week of a Shanghai nurse who died of an asthma attack after being turned away from her workplace. The emergency room was closed for disinfection due to COVID-19 rules, she was told.

On March 28, Shanghai set a new record of 4,477 new COVID-19 cases, according to government data, accounting for roughly two-thirds of the nationwide total.

There is a correlation that can be made between the Chinese Communist Party and the Centers For Disease Control. And that is the CCP underreports its numbers to hide the fact that there is obvious falsification of statistics used solely as an excuse to exercise the incomprehensible power that they hold over their people. Not long ago there was civil unrest running rampant through China, conveniently enough ‘Zero COVID’ policy seems to have quieted down all dissidents. 

As far as the CDC goes, they have to play at a different game; By over-reporting COVID-19 contraction and death statistics, they’re able to coerce citizens into believing that the situation is much more dire than it actually is. Why you might ask? Because we live in a free democratic society that doesn’t require us to cater to our governments every whim. We’re being lied to, it’s as simple as that. Once you come to terms with it, you may have a shot at seeing the next steps being taken by Klaus Schwab and his many neo-communist constituents. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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