The Media Is Toxic — While Terrorizing Americans With Fake News and Bogus Hoaxes


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Truth Is Not Simply Whatever Works. This Is the Philosophy of MSM – an Ends-Vs.-Means-Type Approach. in Reality, Lies Appear to “Work”…

After ringing in the new year in Nashville, TN, CNN’s Don Lemon and Brooke Baldwin discussed what they wanted to see in 2020.

Petition for CNN to Fire Don Lemon Draws 33,000 Signers in ...

Baldwin said she wanted to “lift women’s voices” in the new year while Lemon said he wanted to see the country reunite.

“I just want us to come back together again as a country,” Lemon stated. “I want us to stop being so sensitive. I want to get rid of the stupid racist and homophobes and bigots. I’m sick of that. I’m sick of promoting that and hearing about it. It’s disgusting.”

After saying he wanted Americans to be less “sensitive,” Lemon referenced seeing someone flash a “white power” sign at him in the crowd.

“It’s become toxic,” he stated. “I’m tired of people fighting,” Lemon continued. “I’m tired of … walking through the crowd and people giving me white power signs. It’s disgusting. Stop it, America. That’s not what we’re about.”

The CNN anchor’s remarks came not long after unveiling new tattoos that said “#Lemon2020.” Source

When President Trump calls the “fake news” media an “enemy of the people,” establishment media personalities start clutching their pearls, gnashing their teeth and declaring “We are not the enemy of the people. I am not your enemy. You are not my enemy. It is wrong to call your fellow Americans the enemy. We are all on the same team. We are all Americans,” as CNN’s Jim Acosta did in October 2018.

The President knows full well that the liberal establishment media will start immediately chasing their tails the second he makes the statement, and he welcomes that bit of entertainment, but in reality, there have been an increase in factually “inaccurate” (aka fake news) stories, which all lean just one way, against conservatives and against the President.

The bias is documented as studies have found that “pretty much all of journalism now leans left,” as well as finding that in 2016 “more than 96 percent of political donations from journalists went to the Hillary Clinton campaign.”

The American people see the bias as well, as multiple surveys and polls show an increasing amount of respondents see the bias, acknowledge it and believe that the media deserves to be scrutinized just as much as politicians and other high profile personalities, so when journalists like CNN’s Chris Cillizza states “Let me say for the billionth time: Reporters don’t root for aside. Period,” Americans can be excused for laughing their tail ends off.

Glad you asked!

The answer is no. In October 2017 the Cato Institute found that while 63 percent of Republicans said journalists are the enemy of the American people, 38 percent of Independents agreed, as did 11 percent of Democrats.

Does this mean that the media are considered the enemy by only the “right” and only “conservatives?”

Things have only gotten worse in the nearly two years since that comprehensive survey was published.


Before making my argument that the liberal establishment media is actually more of an enemy to their own liberal followers than to conservatives (I know you are thinking WTH, but I will explain below!), let us take a look at this past week’s screw-ups, all of which were self-inflicted.

The NYT decided to promote a book by two of their employees about Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, making it sound as if there are new allegations of sexual misconduct against him, but the NYT conveniently neglected to add that the so-called “victim” not only wasn’t the one to make the allegation but refused to be interviewed and told friends she had no recall of any such incident.

That of course was added later as a “clarification” after the NYT received a ton of backlash, and after the story went viral and other liberal news outlets jumped all over the misleading and inaccurate story.

Liberals all across social media and the Democrat presidential candidates started screeching about impeaching Kavanaugh… why? Because the media misled them yet again.

The other self-inflicted wound for the media was jumping all over a story about a whistle-blower coming forward to claim that President Trump inappropriately asked a Ukrainian official to investigate Joe Biden’s son for his dealing in Ukraine.

Much, much later, after liberals and Democrat politicians, amplified by the establishment media, screamed for Trump to be impeached, we find out the “whistleblower” wasn’t actually present, didn’t hear the conversation and was only told about it by someone else, meaning it was complete hearsay. Source


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They perverted justice among themselves (v. 7): “You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man.’’ That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under color and pretense of doing right. Corruptio optimi est pessima —The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst.

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StevieRay Hansen

God often uses men who are not of the best moral character. Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Herod, and Trump (amongst others), to accomplish His will in events He orchestrates during human history. We either trust the sovereignty of God or we don’t. Nothing happens apart from Him…

The best index to a person’s character is how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and how he treats people who can’t fight back…

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” Outlaw Josey Wales

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, although it is believed that the sources are reliable and the information accurate. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for direct or indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or for any other damages relating or arising out of any action taken as a result of any information or advice contained in this commentary. The author disclaims any express or implied liability or responsibility for any action taken, which is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. Steve Meyers, StevieRay Hansen

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

They are everyone you can’t stand, from gun prohibitionists and Socialists to the corrupt mainstream media, large social media outlets, Hollywood, and our institutions of higher education, to name but a few. They are anyone working against our GOD Given freedoms, rights, constitution, etc.

It’s interesting when you connect the dots, the masses are opposed to God’s blueprint and therefore will bring destruction upon the earth intentionally. Me, I, mine, narcissists generation will bring total destruction upon God’s people, only the chosen will survive, we live in evil times, dress appropriately, put on the full armor of God!….

Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything else has collapsed. There is no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no honest news, no honest Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food, and threats from the elitist, the power structure that is hell-bent on bringing the New World order into the reality of the sleeping masses, get woke or get yoked, the choice still lives in the people’s hands. Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of mankind, We are on the Doorstep of the Great Tribulations…

The prophet does not confuse truth with consensus. The prophet does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.

I just saw the best news site I ever saw in my life. I never saw so much news and videos and links in my life. You have to go to Whatfinger News. , here – – click this I bet you found your go-to news site from here on.

Thanks to people like Pastor Steven Anderson and the choir of preachers he has assembled within the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement there has been a resurgence in what is called the Reprobate Doctrine. A Biblical doctrine that demonstrates in scripture, that God will turn people over to their vile lifestyles as a curse, blinding them to salvation in Jesus, giving them over to a devil’s hell for eternity. A doctrine that I believe is completely Biblical and defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 is unmistakably visceral language.

Let Me Make This Abundantly Clear. (I Am Apolitical) While I Have a General Distaste for Electric Cars and Politicians No Matter the Party They Belong To, I Am Unashamedly Politically a Bible Believing Conservative Christian. I Have a Severe Distrust of Government. I Believe It Is the Most Inefficient and Ineffective Way to Accomplish Most Things. While I Strongly Disagree with Liberals/Progressives and Conservative on Most Political Issues, and While I Believe Liberals/Progressives and Most Politicians Are Terribly Misguided and Naive About What Big Government Will Eventually Result In, I Strive to Not Question Their Motives. at the Same Time, While I Find Myself in Agreement with Conservative Politicians on Some Issues, I Do Not Believe Electing Republicans Is the Answer to Everything. for Me, Very Sadly, the Main Difference Between Republicans and Democrats Is How Quickly They Want to Drive the Car Towards the Cliff. Simply Put, I Do Not Believe the Government Is the Solution for Everything. I Do Not Place Any Faith, Trust, or Hope in Any Politicians to Fix What Is Wrong with the World. “Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20) The prophet does not confuse truth with consensus. The prophet does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.StevieRay Hansen

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Keith P.Cooper on August 17, 2022 at 4:22 pm

    First my Yahoo password was forgotten months ago.Your message is Apocalyptic and true.This native New Yorker retired from government service after working for them for 40 years.Working for the government was better than working for places that didnot last long enough to stop me from wondering if that employer was still there.Years ago I completed 64 credits to get a Liberal Arts degree from a college in lower Manhattan.There I graduated with the class of August 1987.My tuition was paid for with a grant.After reading the New York Daily News that I grew up with I agree bad news sells.Although I need to look on this Ioad to find fake news and bogus hoaxes
    Keith P.Cooper

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