The New Norm From Satan Soldiers, Medical Terrorist Increases In Pure EVIL, New Zealand Dad Banned From Contacting His Children Until He Gets (Kill Shot) a.k.a Vaccinated, “Tribulation”
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The New Norm From Satan Soldiers, Medical Terrorist Increases In Pure EVIL, New Zealand Dad Banned From Contacting His Children Until He Gets (Kill Shot) a.k.a Vaccinated, “Tribulation”

"Death's most dreadful power comes from the hands of those who wish to be alone. They work really hard to keep their heads down and provide for themselves and those they care about. They suppress every urge to fight back, knowing that it would result in a forced and irreversible change of life. They understand that the minute they fight back, their lives as they have known them would end. When a guy who wished to be alone is compelled to fight back, he commits himself. They are practically annihilating their former selves. As a result, when forced to resort to violence, these guys who longed to be alone battle with unholy fury against those who slaughtered their previous life. They battle with raw anger and a determination that people who are just interested in politics and terror can not understand. will knock on these people's doors, crying, shout, and plead for mercy... However, it would fall on deaf ears of guys who just wished to be left alone."

HNewsWire-If you live in New Zealand, you can't have contact with your three kids until your whole family is vaccinated. This is what a family court judge said.

It was made by Justice Anthony Grieg on February 10, and he said that the 11-year-old middle child was "at risk of serious illness or death" if he caught COVID-19.

To protect the 11-year-old, Grieg said that the two younger children should get COVID-19 vaccines. This was a decision that was "in line with their welfare and best interests," he said.

The best thing for the kids is to have as close a relationship with their father as it is safe for them to have.

Officials say that a 12-year-old girl can make her own decisions about getting a vaccine called COVID-19 because she is old enough.

The Epoch Times is keeping the names of the family members secret for privacy reasons.

He said that, if two parents didn't want to vaccinate him, "I would think about taking him out of their care until such time as he could get vaccinated."

The father, who was on supervised contact with his kids until Nov. 25, 2021, said that he could see his kids if he took other steps, like wearing a mask, washing his hands, and having all contact outside.

Grieg, on the other hand, said he would need help from both the contact supervisor and one of his child's medical professionals to be sure that these steps were safe. He said he was not willing to "take the risk."

Until all three of the children have been vaccinated, the father can't see them. Grieg said that.
Taken by Epoch Times
At a drive-thru vaccination center in Auckland, New Zealand, on January 17, 2022. This picture was taken by Fiona Goodall.

COVID-19 vaccine: The father doesn't think it's safe or can protect people from COVID-19. He doesn't want his kids to get it.

"He doesn't believe the science that governments around the world have agreed on," Grieg said.

Even so, Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist, has told parents not to vaccinate their kids because they could get sick from them.

A lot of these things can't be changed if you get the short straw and your child is hurt. He told EpochTV's "American Thought Leaders" show that there is no way to fix it.

He also said that all the data for COVID-19 vaccines don't match up with the Omicron strain, and some data even shows that people who have three vaccination doses are more likely to get the current dominant strain.

"This is bad because it suggests that there are parts of Omicron that may be made better by something that is linked to vaccination," he said.

Vaccine effectiveness for children dropped from 68 percent in mid-December 2021 to just 12 percent in the last full week of January, a study by the New York State Department of Health and the University at Albany School of Public Health found.

The data also showed that the protection against severe disease dropped from 100% in mid-December to 48% in late January.

Children, especially those who were 5 to 11 years old, lost their ability to fight the COVID-19 virus quickly in the Omicron era, researchers said. They were referring to the Omicron variant of the CCP virus that causes COVID-19.

Children who are 5 to 11 years old should have their dosing schedule looked at if these findings are repeated in other places, the researchers said. These results show that even though children lose their protection against infections quickly, they still need to use layers of protection, like wearing a mask, to keep them from getting infections and passing them on.

After just five months of the second jab, COVID-19 shots lose effectiveness quickly.

At the same time, booster shots lose their power even faster, after just four months. Marc Girardot, a COVID analyst, says that repeated booster shots can be bad for a person's health and could speed up the development of autoimmune diseases.



The New Norm From Satan Soldiers, Medical Terrorist Going Forward Pure EVIL, New Zealand Dad Banned From Contacting His Children Until He Gets Vaccinated. mRNA Technology Architect Says COVID Jabs 'Not Effective', Absolutely Being Used to Lead 'Worldwide Totalitarianism' - Tribulation In Play

Immunologist and virologist Dr. Robert Malone is reverberating the alert about how risky COVID limitations and commands in Western nations like the U.S., Canada, and Austria are smothering common inheritances. Dr. Malone, who created mRNA antibodies during the 1980s, prompted that systems are involving COVID as a "stage for advancing different plans."

He refered to Austria, the principal area to require each of its occupants to be inoculated against COVID, as "the most outrageous model" of "the organization of an extremist methodology" to a general wellbeing crisis like COVID.

Dr. Malone forewarned that Austria, among other European countries and Western nations, is utilizing "mass plan psychosis," a term involved by teacher Mattias Desmet of Ghent University in Belgium to depict "the franticness of the majority," the specialist said. He added, "A great deal of these systems have been surpassed by this type of psychosis or entrancing."

"They accept that these antibodies are compelling," Dr. Malone commented. "They positively are NOT

Were Used as Human Lab Rats and Injected With Gates Foundation-Funded Vaccines…

It's About Time We Understood That We're in the Midst of a Global Crime Spree

Sources: HNewsWire   HNewsWire   HNewsWire   HNewsWire

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