The Radical Left Continues to Mask Your Children Despite Worrisome Data.


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Young girl wearing a mask in a classroom.

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated on Feb. 8 that masks should still be mandated for children and faculty in schools.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky told Reuters, “We continue to promote universal masking in schools.”

“In areas of high and substantial transmission—which is essentially everywhere in the country in public indoor settings,” she continued, “we have and continue to recommend masks.”

Walensky’s remarks come after the Democratic governors of New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut announced plans to repeal their respective school mask regulations, while Virginia Senate Democrats helped pass a bill prohibiting districts from requiring face coverings.

COVID- After rising in late 2021 and early January due to the Omicron virus variant, cases have declined dramatically in subsequent weeks across the country.

On February 5 and 6, the CDC received less than 80,000 cases. On Feb. 7, over 353,400 people were recorded, which was still significantly less than the 1.3 million on Jan. 10.

COVID-19 hospitalizations have also decreased significantly, falling below 4 per 100,000 after peaking at 6.5 per 100,000.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and some health experts claim that requiring masks helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Based on studies from the 2020–2021 school year, CDC recommends schools maintain at least 3 feet of physical distance between students within classrooms, combined with indoor mask wearing to reduce transmission risk,” the health agency states on its website, citing studies from the 2020–2021 school year.

A Feb. 4 report published in the agency’s quasi-journal found no statistically meaningful protection from cloth masks, which is one of the research the agency has championed. According to the study, surgical and respirator masks helped to avoid COVID-19 infection.

Critics claim that studies claiming that masks assist prevent transmission and infection are lacking in controls and have other flaws.

Despite the decrease in cases and hospitalizations, Walensky told Reuters that the CDC’s recommendation that schools require masks hasn’t changed. “I don’t think we’re there yet,” she stated.

“we can responsibly take this step given the continuing drop in new cases and hospitalizations from Omicron and with all the evidence projecting a continued decline over the coming weeks.” New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said at a news conference on Monday regarding the lifting of the school mask mandate.

Murphy, Delaware Gov. John Carney, and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont will continue to enable districts in their states to demand masks; some Republican-led states have prohibited districts from doing so.

When asked about the measures by governors like Murphy, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in Washington that “it’s always been up to school districts,” a hint to how the CDC simply provides guidelines.

“We certainly understand and have seen in polling that the public is tired of COVID. We understand that. So are we. And there has been some good signs recently where there has been a decrease in hospitalizations around the country. We’re in constant touch about what it looks like moving forward,” she stated. “But our responsibility, as the federal government, is to rely on the data and the science that is being analyzed by our public health experts. And we’ll continue to rely on that for what recommendations we’re making.”

Many parents are speaking up and writing letters, claiming that their children are suffering from not being able to breathe freely under face masks, headaches, bad acne, cognitive fog, and depression. California parents who reach a school board member have been told, “My hands are tied. We have to follow the CDPH guidelines.”

Parents in California are becoming aware of the studies proving masks are harmful, and therefore feel the government should not mandate that their children wear them, especially since the risk of children suffering from severe COVID-19 are extremely low. As parents continue to follow the rules and mask their children, many wonder if the masking will ever end. It’s fair to ask if a mask that covers the mouth and nose is free from undesirable side effects in everyday use.

According to dozens of studies, including meta-analyses compiled by Children’s Health Defense, masks do have harmful side effects. Los Angeles based PERK group has compiled a comprehensive page of information on the adverse effects of mask wearing in children. Let’s take a closer look at some of the worst side effects of mask-wearing in children.

California parents are using the word ‘despair’ when describing the mental state of their children. According to Psychiatrist Dr. Stefani Reinold, on the Highwire with Del Bigtree, parents have been complaining their younger children feel like they are full of germs and everyone else is full of germs. Extended mask wearing has shown detrimental psychological harms tied to lack of facial and emotional signaling according to a 1986 study on face recognition in children. Another report found wearing a mask longer than four hours a day decreases cognitive precision, increases headaches and sweating, and encourages dehydration, increasing bacterial infection risk. The same study noted a loss of sound quality from face-shield use and distorted verbal speech from masks.

Stacey Abrams, a Georgia gubernatorial candidate, apologized on Tuesday for posing without a mask in a room full of masked youngsters.

In her apologies, the Democrat said that she made a “mistake” by not wearing a mask when she posed for a photo at Glennwood Elementary School in Decatur on Feb. 4.

“I approached the podium with my mask on. I followed the protocols. I told the kids I’m taking my mask off because I’m reading to kids who are listening remotely as well, and we were socially distanced—the kids were socially distanced from me, ” Abrams said to CNN.

The data has never indicated that children are at risk of infection or severe illness from COVID-19 throughout this entire plandemic. What we’re witnessing is the brainwashed left putting their loyalty to a tyrannical globalist agenda on display despite their lack of understanding of the implications. The data has shown however, that masking these children is extremely harmful psychologically. It’s very hard to watch these parents believe that they’re doing the right thing by sending their kids to school masked and incapable of learning social cues. To vaccinate these children is a whole other level of deranged, as the data has never suggested that these children require such inoculations. Yet as we already know, these parent are paying their dues to the tyrants in hope for protection and dependence. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

According to Edward You, the US national counterintelligence officer for Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, China is “developing the world’s largest bio database.” “It’s not something you can change like a pin code once they have access to your genetic data.”

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is compiling a large database of medical, health, and genetic information from people all over the world, including Americans, in order to dominate the bioeconomy.

Private firms are enlisted by the CCP to assist in the collection of genetic data, which may then be merged with top military supercomputing capabilities to uncover genetic flaws in a population. Bioweapons that feed on these flaws can then be designed. Chinese scientists have been pursuing research in the areas of brain science, gene editing, and the construction of artificial genomes as part of Beijing’s military-civil fusion program.

Similar study could be utilized to help Chinese military improve their performance. The CCP’s genome project is led by BGI Group, previously Beijing Genomics Institute, which is also one of the primary producers of COVID-19 tests. According to a Jan. 30 investigation by Reuters, BGI has ties to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

BGI is home to the world’s largest pig cloning program. The CCP is focusing on the potential to make “super soldiers” after modifying generations of pig DNA to produce pigs that are smaller or larger, more vulnerable to certain diseases or less susceptible to others. BGI’s endeavor to make China’s Han ethnic soldiers less sensitive to altitude sickness is one of the experiments now underway.

Chen Weijun, BGI’s current chief infectious disease scientist, was one of the first scientists to sequence COVID-19 using samples from a Wuhan military hospital. He is also the inventor of the BGI test kits, which have been sold all over the world, including in the United States. Four BGI researchers have joined China’s Central Military Commission’s National University of Defence Technology (NUDT), which is led by Xi Jinping. The United States has placed the NUDT on a blacklist list as a national security threat.

Private technology companies have become more incorporated into military-related research under Xi. BGI offered to open COVID test labs in the United States in 2021. However, because the swabs contain genetic material, US security experts cautioned that test centers would allow China to access American DNA. No US states approved, according to Mike Orlando, the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, but at least 18 other countries enabled BGI to set up test sites. BGI test kits were also delivered to 180 countries.

DNA taken from test subjects is routinely used for further studies by Chinese medical testing companies. Human rights organizations claim that the data is being used by the CCP for security purposes, such as identifying and tracking Uyghur Muslims. In addition, Chinese police are attempting to collect DNA samples from the country’s 700 million males in order to track down future crimes.

Another way the Chinese regime obtains DNA from Americans is through home ancestry testing. The US military has advised troops, sailors, airmen, and Marines to avoid organizations with ties to China, such as Ancestry and 23andMe. According to Bill Evanina, former head of the US National Counterintelligence and Security Center, an estimated 50 million Americans have already paid to have their saliva tested for DNA heritage.

WuXi Biologics, a Chinese company, purchased a Pfizer manufacturing factory in China and set up a production unit in Massachusetts. The company also purchased a share in 23andMe in 2015. WuXi Biologics now has locations in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, as well as a state-funded medication manufacturing facility in Delaware.

Part of BGI Group’s revenue comes from the sale of genetic sequencing services to universities and health institutions all over the world. Since 2013, the corporation has been purchasing U.S. genomics enterprises, and it now has various collaborations with U.S. gene sequencing companies. BGI gains access to genomic data in each of these partnerships. All data obtained by Chinese corporations, even data obtained abroad, must be passed over to the CCP upon request, according to China’s National Intelligence Law.

Chinese enterprises invest in US companies with the expectation of acquiring access to US data, according to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). Last year, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) barred a Chinese firm from buying a California IVF clinic that was close to six US military facilities. The fear was that the CCP would acquire access to not only the genetic data of US soldiers, but also the genetic data of their unborn children.

Despite the obvious risks, the Biden administration inked a $1.3 billion deal for home COVID test kits with iHealth Labs, a subsidiary of the Chinese corporation Andon Health Co. It’s part of the administration’s plan to give 1 billion Americans free rapid aintigen COVID-19 tests.

The Winter Olympics will be an ideal setting for acquiring DNA data. COVID tests will be conducted on a daily basis on Olympic athletes and coaches, as well as on a regular basis on journalists and other attendees. This means that every participant who attends the Games will have their genetic material collected by the CCP. Attendees will also be obliged to download a government-approved health app with security issues. Internet security experts fear that the app will be able to collect user data, which, when combined with genetic data, might be fed into China’s vast AI and genome programs.

It’s imperative that we take note of China’s use of DNA sequencing data to potentially produce an additional, more effective bioweapon. This armed the Chinese communist party with the ability to find any face, as long as they’ve attained DNA samples from the subject before hand. But as we know, the CCP has already done that among other jurassic measures. So the question remains, why has the American public not been made aware of the lengths that the CCP has gone to attain our data?

The answer to that is simple, it’s entirely too heavy of a topic to drop onto the American public. This single topic of conversation alone is enough to make someone who takes interest in technology wonder what is next for America. Considering the divide we’ve seen in society due to COVID-19 propaganda. The person next to you on a bus could be experiencing life in America completely bought into Fauci’s lies. But your choice to refuse vaccination could become troublesome for the sleeping sheep. Only because the lying “omniscient” medical practitioners suggest as such. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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