The Systematic Dismantling of Christianity in America.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Are Democrats becoming the anti-Christian party? – The Bull Elephant

President Biden’s spending bill, which is overwhelmingly supported by Democrats, abolishes the longstanding Hyde Amendment, which protects American taxpayers from paying for abortions.

Alliance Defending Freedom’s attorney Zack Pruitt argued that by supporting President Biden’s spending bill, they’re participating in an assault on religious rights. Congressional democrats confirmed “how aligned they are with the radical Left’s agenda by voting in favor of a bill that mandates taxpayer funding of abortion and may force faith-based childcare providers out of the system.”

Meanwhile, critics have also been pressuring the Biden administration to appoint a special ambassador to lead the International Religious Freedom Act. Knox Thames of Religion News called upon the government to confirm Rashad Hussain, President Biden’s nominee for ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom before the holidays, as the post had been empty since the end of the Trump administration this year. He argued that this post must be filled “to ensure American values and interests remain at the forefront of the religious freedom fight.”

It’s worth noting, however, that Hussain was recently asked how he would be able to protect the religious freedoms of everyone, especially considering how he as a Muslim has professed to abide by Sharia law, which persecutes people of other faiths -particularly Christians- and those who get converted from the Muslim faith into Christianity.

In an open letter organized by the Save the Persecuted Christians Coalition, several questions were brought to the table concerning the intentions of Mr. Hussain. The questions seek to clarify, among other things, how President Obama’s special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), whose devotion to Islam prompted him to memorize the entire Koran, will address threats to the religious liberty of non-Muslims, a right not recognized by the Islamic doctrine of Sharia. For example, the letter asks:

“In light of differences in the understanding of personal rights and freedoms under Sharia rules versus those protected under international laws concerning human rights and religious freedom, what standard would you advocate for when issues arise affecting the freedom of non-Muslims to practice their faiths – especially in Muslim-majority nations – if confirmed as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom?”

Pertaining to Mr. Hussain’s ties to the OIC, the letter also asks:

“Sharia law is sometimes interpreted to permit faithful Muslims to punish and even kill those who blaspheme against Islam. In your testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, you professed a commitment to work against blasphemy laws. Yet, the OIC historically has championed such laws as part of their efforts to “criminalize” criticism of Islam. If confirmed as AAL for IRF, would you expressly reject the OIC’s Sharia-blasphemy agenda and seek the repeal of blasphemy laws worldwide?”

in addition, the 124 signatories inquired upon Mr. Hussain’s views pertaining to the Sharia-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood by asking:

“Do you believe that groups promoting the positions of the Muslim Brotherhood should be able to freely interact with and influence the U.S. government – notably at the White House, the National Security Council, and the State Department, including with the Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom (OIRF) and the office of the Ambassador at Large for IRF?”

In light of Mr. Hussain’s involvement in promoting the false narrative of Benghazi, the letter asks:

In your capacity as Special Envoy to the OIC, you were among the U.S. officials who promoted on September 12, 2012, the false narrative that the murderous and pre-planned jihadist attack in Benghazi which resulted in the death of the US Ambassador to Libya and others was actually a spontaneous – and, by implication, an understandable – response to an anti-Islam video with, as you put it, “disgusting images.” Do you repudiate that position today?

The Metaphysical Peregrine: Secularists', Atheists' Anti Christian Hypocrisy

The open letter’s signers respectfully request that Mr. Hussain respond to their questions before the U.S. Senate is asked to vote on his nomination.

Save The Persecuted Christians‘ mission statement is as follows, “Save the Persecuted Christians is a grassroots movement to save lives and save souls. We educate the public on anti-Christian violence and enlist their help in: supporting those harmed for their faith in Jesus; holding those responsible accountable; and securing significant penalties on state and non-state persecutors of Christians.”

So clearly they’ve got Mr. Hussain on the hot plate right now, but the mainstream media has nothing to say about the questionable things going on in our nation as usual. All the pawns are being put in place to asphyxiate followers of Christ. America lost its morals after this pandemic. Christian teachings are a threat to secularism, centralized governmental power and the valueless entertainment industry, which funds a lot of Democrat campaigns and liberal groups. Not to mention The World Economic Forum is casting its shadow on America; Budging the democratic party to adhere to a globalist agenda. This is foreshadowing of persecution and tribulation yet to come, stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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