The Worst Has Arrived:Trump The CDC, And FEMA Have Created a Plan Just For You–To Re-open America, Hell Is Now Open


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Step Up, Or The State Will Come To You…

We The People Are Now Subjects to the Ungodly CDC and FEMA, No Doubt We Are Entering the Great Tribulations…

Our President Has Turned Over Our Constitutional Rights to the Sinister Group CDC, and FEMA to Control Our Very Existence, We Have Been Deceived AGAIN, This Won’t End Well

Document is part of White House plan being drafted to allow Trump to reopen parts of the country within weeks

Politician are EVIL


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According to The Washington Post, an early draft of what reopening the country looks like indicates a phased approach to reopening child-care facilities, schools, summer camps, parks, faith-based organizations and restaurants in some parts of the country.

A federal official told the newspaper the overall plan titled “A Framework for Re-Opening America” has eight parts. The Post was able to obtain the public health portion, which accounts for two of the eight parts.

A team of government officials — led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — has created a public health strategy to combat the novel coronavirus and reopen parts of the country.

Their strategy, obtained by The Washington Post, is part of a larger White House effort to draft a national plan to get Americans out of their homes and back to work. It gives guidance to state and local governments on how they can ease mitigation efforts, moving from drastic restrictions such as stay-at-home orders in a phased way to support a safe reopening.

CDC and FEMA officials have worked on the public health response for at least the past week, and the resulting document has been discussed at the White House, including by members of the coronavirus task force, according to two administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.AD

It’s way past time we got to the bottom of this,Quote Tweet


janagatien@janagatien73 · Apr 15Replying to @Inevitable_ET

Read the document

President Trump wants a final plan on reopening the country ready within days so he can issue suggestions for some states to reopen May 1, officials said.

“The plans to reopen the country are close to being finalized,” Trump said at a White House briefing Tuesday.

He said he planned to speak with all 50 governors “very shortly” and would then begin authorizing individual governors to implement “a very powerful reopening plan” at a specific time and date for each state.

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He said roughly 20 states have avoided the crippling outbreaks that have affected others, and he hinted that some could begin restarting their economies even before May 1.

“We think we’re going to be able to get them open very quickly,” Trump said.

He added: “We will hold the governors accountable. But again, we’re going to be working with them to make sure it works very well.”AD

Other agencies and White House officials have drafted similar planning documents, a White House aide said. The version obtained by The Post appears to be an early draft by FEMA and contains granular instructions for a phased reopening of institutions such as schools, child-care facilities, summer camps, parks, faith-based organizations and restaurants.

Within the White House, one senior administration official said, Trump has been so insistent on the reopening that some officials worry only a narrow window exists to provide information to change his mind or to ensure that the effort to reopen does not significantly add to the country’s rising number of infections and deaths. The president has not committed to following the guidelines delineated in the draft.

“Beneath the bluster of the president saying May 1, and he’s in charge, and all the other things, there are real efforts to figure out how we could safely and actually do this,” that official said.AD

A federal official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss evolving plans said the overall planning document has eight parts; the public health response obtained by The Post represents only two of those.

The public health response portion of “A Framework for Re-Opening America” is dated April 10. It runs 36 pages. An 11-page executive summary called “Focus on the Future — Going to Work for America” was the subject of discussions last week by FEMA and CDC officials, among others.

“It’s a road map for if they want to do it gradually,” said one participant in the planning who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the plan has not been made official.

The plan lays out three phases: Preparing the nation to reopen with a national communication campaign and community readiness assessment until May 1. Then, the effort through May 15 would involve ramping up manufacturing of testing kits and personal protective equipment and increasing emergency funding. Then staged re-openings would begin, depending on local conditions. The plan does not give dates for re-openings but specified “not before May 1.”AD

The first priority, according to the CDC response document, is to “reopen community settings where children are cared for, including K-12 schools, daycares, and locally attended summer camps, to allow the workforce to return to work. Other community settings will follow with careful monitoring for increased transmission that exceeds the public health and health care systems.”

The document also says that during phased reopenings, it is critical to strictly follow recommendations on hand-washing and wearing face coverings in group settings.

The plan also carries this warning: “Models indicate 30-day shelter in place followed by 180 day lifting of all mitigation results in large rebound curve — some level of mitigation will be needed until vaccines or broad community immunity is achieved for recovering communities.”AD

The document says reopening communities in this phased approach “will entail a significant risk of resurgence of the virus.” Any reopening must meet four conditions:

  • Incidence of infection is “genuinely low.”
  • A “well functioning” monitoring system capable of “promptly detecting any increase in incidence” of infection.
  • A public health system that is “reacting robustly” to all cases of covid-19 and has surge capacity to react to an increase in cases.
  • A health system that has enough inpatient beds and staffing to rapidly scale up and deal with a surge in cases.

The plan describes the conditions under which it is reasonable to lift some community mitigation measures, the phased steps to reduce those measures and indicators to monitor the impact of transmission on public health and health system capacities.

Communities where it is necessary to maintain only “low mitigation” are places where the virus never spread significantly, and those locations can reopen soon, according to the document. Moderate mitigation is called for in former hot spots entering “controlled recovery.” Significant mitigation is recommended in current or emerging hot spots or moderate-mitigation communities showing signs of strained capacity.AD

In a community following the moderate mitigation track, the report says, schools could remain open with enhanced distancing measures, such as no assemblies, no sporting events and staggered scheduling.

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The document calls for the CDC to establish a Covid-19 Response Corps to help state and local health departments with key public health functions, including contact tracing, which involves locating people who may have had contact with someone infected with the coronavirus.

Health experts in recent days have called for federal and state officials to help expand capacity throughout the country for the labor-intensive work of tracing people who have come into contact with infected patients because local health departments lack the necessary staff, money and training. The plan also says that solutions for “app-based case and contact investigations will be necessary for augmenting the actions of public health workers and for greatly increasing the important role of slowing covid-19 transmission in the community.”AD

Tech experts and companies such as Google and Apple are developing software that uses cellphones and apps to track people’s movements. Once someone is confirmed as infected with the coronavirus, public health workers could go back and trace people the infected person has come into contact with. But the invasive nature of cellphone tracking and apps has raised sharp concerns about civil liberties.

The document calls for a workforce of 670 to support communities with contact tracing as part of a surge staff, not nearly large enough based on plans from other groups.

Executive Director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Programme Dr. Michael Ryan announced last week that world governments need to act now by removing those infected with COVID-19 from their very own homes and take them to an undisclosed location where they are to be isolated. (i.e. FEMA camps)…

“Most of the transmission that is actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at a family level,” Ryan explained. “In some senses, the transmission has actually been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units… now we need to go into families and find those people who are sick and remove them and isolate them.”

Fox News host Tucker Carlson was not very happy with the plan telling viewers on Monday that this is not something which officials typically casually drop during normal circumstances.

“Just so you know we are coming to your house seizing your children and quote ‘isolating them in a safe and dignified manner,’” Tucker said. “Whatever that means.”

Listen to the insightful Thomas Paine Podcast Below —


Keep in mind COVID-19 is reportedly an asymptomatic virus which means people do not need to display any symptoms in order to test positive. This very fact leaves the door wide open for tyrannical governments around the world, including the United States government, to conduct snatch and grab operations on anyone who they deem infected.

The U.S. and other countries around the globe have essentially been brought into tyranny in just several short weeks and there is currently no end in sight to the lockdowns just as I warned 90-days ago when I said that the lockdowns will keep being extended and “will never lift.” Source: truepundit

We Don’t Fully Understand Case Mortality,” Pestilence”, In Other Words: “No, It’s Not ‘Just Like the Flu, Bro!”

The CoronaVirus Is a False Flag, The Virus Is REAL Man-Made Bioweapon. The Tribulation Has Begin–China Plunge US Into Mighty Sea Of MAN-MADE Coronavirus For One Reason, The New World Order and The Battle Between Satan and GOD has Beguin…

Our social media platforms (The Reprobates) continue to hide the truth from the American people, by shadow banning. The blood of GOD’s people is on their hands …StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

Is a widespread coronavirus outbreak inside the United States inevitable? After weeks of generally optimistic statements, officials are now warning us to prepare for the worst. Over the past several days we have seen the number of confirmed cases outside of China escalate dramatically, and this has really rattled global financial markets. After being down more than 1,000 points on Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell another 879 points on Tuesday. U.S. stocks have lost more than 1.7 trillion dollars in value in just two days. Much more importantly, a wave of tremendous panic is starting to sweep across America, and it looks like this crisis is just getting started.

I Believe The CoronaVirus Is a False Flag, The Virus Is REAL Man-Made Bioweapon. The Tribulation Has Begin–China Plunge US Into Mighty Sea Of MAN-MADE Coronavirus For One Reason, The New World Order and The Battle Between Satan and GOD has Beguin…

I Am suggested that the coronavirus is not a naturally occurring disease and that it is a manmade bioweapon cultivated and released to yoke, control the masses, Biblical Prophecy coming to life for all to see. The consequences of the virus in terms of tolls or the extent of the epidemic and the type of media propaganda over this issue that is aimed at increasing fear and panic among people strengthens the speculations that a biological attack has been launched against the world peoplewith one goal in mind, the New World Order platform.

Update (1845ET): Tonight’s press conference is going about as well as can be expected, since President Trump made the smart move of letting Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci take the reins.

If you’re looking for a copy of the slides Dr. Birx presented during her turn at the podium, they’re included in the report below, which outlines the White House’s plan to reopen the economy in a surprising level of detail.

*      *      *

Update (1820ET): WSJ reported earlier that China is moving to block exports of medically essential supplies manufactured by US companies on Chinese territory, despite the fact that they were lawfully due to be shipped out.

The key paragraphs:

The policies were instituted this month, and Chinese officials have said they are intended to ensure the quality of exported medical products and to make sure needed goods aren’t being shipped out of China. Instead, they have created bottlenecks at a time of urgent need, according to the suppliers, brokers and the State Department memos.

China’s policies have “disrupted established supply chains for medical products just as these products were most needed for the global response to Covid-19,” according to one of the memos sent this week. The State Department said in a statement: “We appreciate the efforts to ensure quality control. But we do not want this to serve as an obstacle for the timely export of important supplies.”

As for these ‘export controls’? Beijing blamed ‘complaints’ from Europe about the quality of certain Chinese-made goods.

To repair its image, China has tried to reshape perceptions about its role in the crisis, leveraging its manufacturing power to export crucial medical supplies to affected countries. Beijing was then hit with complaints from European countries about the quality of masks, gowns and other products they received.

The export restrictions then followed. Chinese customs prohibited the export of medical products without certifications from China’s National Medical Products Administration, even if the goods had been registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. On Friday China added another hurdle, subjecting certain types of surgical protective gear and equipment—including ventilators and masks—to extra checks before they could be shipped overseas.

Interestingly, the editors at WSJ dedicated a surprising amount of column inches making clear that market factors and “legitimate complaints” were contributing to these shortages.

Suppliers said the urgent demand has created a “complete sellers’ market,” with prices changing daily as factories, inundated by offers, dictate minimum purchasing quantities and buying conditions.

“China’s between a rock and a hard place,” said Solomon Matzner, the Shanghai-based founding partner of BioAktive Specialty Products, who assists U.S. and German institutions in sourcing KN95 masks. “They need to get as much product out as possible, but on the other hand, Chinese products are being criticized for quality.”

Is WSJ buttering up the Communist Party censors to try and win favor for an eventual return of their reporters? Or, is it just trying to shield those reporters who haven’t yet left but are due to depart as Beijing kicks out reporters for the WSJ, WaPo & NYT.

Suppliers said the urgent demand has created a “complete sellers’ market,” with prices changing daily as factories, inundated by offers, dictate minimum purchasing quantities and buying conditions.

“China’s between a rock and a hard place,” said Solomon Matzner, the Shanghai-based founding partner of BioAktive Specialty Products, who assists U.S. and German institutions in sourcing KN95 masks. “They need to get as much product out as possible, but on the other hand, Chinese products are being criticized for quality.”

It’s just the latest evidence that the shortages of certain medical supplies aren’t simply due to closed factories; it’s deliberate policy intervention by Beijing.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

Usually, officials at the CDC choose their words very carefully so that they do not needlessly alarm the public. With that in mind, I would like for you to consider three statements that the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier made about a potential outbreak inside the United States during a press conference on Tuesday…

#1 “It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country anymore but a question of when this will happen.”

#2 “Disruption to everyday life may be severe.”

#3 “We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad.”

Can you ever recall a top CDC official ever making statements this ominous? I certainly can’t.

In an article entitled You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus, the Atlantic explains how the coronavirus is particularly dangerous because it may cause no symptoms at all in many carriers of the infection.

This is exactly what Hitler did to Germany. He slowly took over their Constitution and enacted Marshall Law to “protect” the people.

Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Coronavirus, Noahide Laws, End Time

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Have NOT Got The Memo Yet, “Pestilences” Has No Cure

The Coronavirus Was Most Certainly Produced by Crazy (Un-Godly) Men in Laboratories, WGO and CDC Knew All Along That the Coronavirus Was a Bioweapon, There’re in Charge?

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Well-known medical expert Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit (transcribed here), in which he casually drops some chilling ideas into the conversation: Ummm, people of God! Am I late? Did I miss this? Did we see this already? Digital certificates to identify those who got the #Covid19 vaccines and TO DO BUSINESS?

Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Edwitness on April 19, 2020 at 9:18 pm

    Great article as usual StevieRay.
    Asymptomatic = you’re not sick! The body fights off viruses and bacteria all the time without ever showing any symptoms. This is all very normal. But, TPTB are trying very hard to convince us that it isn’t so they can apply more and more control. Evil to the core. Mark of the beast stuff.

    Even so… Maranatha!!

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