This Country Is Headed for Civil War, Our Justice System Has Collapsed


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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There’s No Doubt, There Will Be Blood Spilled in the Streets in a Matter of Days…

majority of Americans, no matter where they live, or the party they typically vote for, think the country is growing apart. On political, racial, and class lines, Americans think divisions are widening, according to a new Georgetown University poll.

That division is leading to a dark place, respondents said. Asked how close the country is to the “edge of a civil war” — with 0 being not close at all and 100 being time to get the “go” bag — Americans say we’re at 67.23. So, two-thirds of the way to internecine bloodshed. Could be better. Could be worse.

The poll also shows how people think we got here. On one side are Republicans who say Democratic political leaders and the media are responsible for the division. On the other side are Democrats who say Trump, his Republican allies, and “wealthy special interests” are to blame. The only thing the two sides can agree on is that we’re screwed.


Scott Atlas About COVID-19 Shutdowns: ‘The Only Way This Stops Is If People Rise Up’

Scott Atlas, the only sane member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, has made an extraordinary statement in response to Field Marshal Whitmer’s decision to impose a brutal new lockdown on Michigan.

“The only way this stops is if people rise up,” Atlas said.

In other words, Atlas knows the solution to fake science and fascism is revolt. Things have gone too far. He’s tried rational argument. He’s tried to show that massive testing gives a distorted and fake picture of the truth — and the truth is, there is no danger from living out in the open and going to work and gathering in groups and reverting to the old normal.

Scott Atlas

I’ve spent nine months proving that from every significant angle.

I hope to hell the few hundred thousand Trump supporters or more who gathered in Washington DC last week understand this fully.


Meanwhile, “national leaders” Trudeau and Macron are babbling about installing a new world order and a great reset. Capitalism is finished; we need a different system; inequality must be solved; some nations disappear and others emerge, Macron says. What? He’s challenging Biden for the global gobbledygook championship. I want to see the two of them live, in an intimate conversation. Brrzzzzip fnfrgy givfsgt…indeed…ghdfert hgnjto…

The major news networks keep saying Biden is president-elect. Translation: “If we were wrong about who won the election, if people find out we flipped the truth upside down, we’re finished. We’ll collapse. Who could we blame? Edison Research? The Associated Press? WE’RE the Associated Press. No more Scarsdale, no more Chappaqua, no more Beverly Hills. We’ll be pumping gas in Death Valley…”

Biden’s ‘reset’ will strip Americans of freedom, money:

Add political leaders and prominent pundits invoking civil war to that environment, and you get a country that feels like it’s nearing collapse. Those invocations are coming more and more from the right, Charlie Wetzel wrote in the New York Times last month. Here’s why:

It doesn’t matter that we’re not on the brink of a civil war; the threat as outlined by right-wing media is intended to inspire fear in liberals and conservatives alike. For conservatives, it’s the notion that Democrats will stop at nothing to get rid of Mr. Trump and will marshal the forces of the “deep state” to right the wrongs of the 2016 election. For liberals, it is a warning: Don’t push churchgoing, gun-loving conservatives too far, or there’ll be dangerous consequences.

It’s not just pro-Trump forces either. It’s Trump himself. In late September, Trump tweeted a quote from a pastor warning that if he’s removed from office it will cause “a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.”

Often, civil-war warnings from right wingers come during discussions over guns. Beto O’Rourke’s pledge to “take” guns at last month’s Democratic debate accelerated the threats, whipping up passion among guns-rights advocates such as Rob Drake, a Major League Baseball umpire. This week, Drake tweeted a message that could have come out of any right-wing fever swamp: “I will be buying an AR-15 tomorrow, because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL WAR!!! #MAGA2020.” The tweet was eventually deleted, and not because of the typo.

France, Germany, and the UK are locking down again. The US press isn’t covering sizeable COVID protests in Europe. How about a new and vastly improved OCCUPY movement?

Take those crowds to 10 Downing Street and other headquarters of national leaders. Camp out. Surround the buildings. More and more outraged citizens will show up in the days and weeks ahead. Millions.

More women have to be out front in this movement. They create an entirely different problem for the authorities. For example, mothers have been leading the charge against the vaccinators who’ve been injecting autism into their children.

A report from an observer on the ground in India:

“Everyone is scared to death, except the poor, who either have no TV or do not watch the news if they have one. The story from the villages of India is still the same — No, no corona in my village. No, no one sick with anything else either. In Delhi however, you only have to have a blocked nose, to get yourself tested and be corona positive…”

The blocked nose pandemic.

CBS’s 60 Minutes went to the mountain and the great peacemaker, Barack Obama, for sacred words of wisdom and sideways pops on Trump’s head.


“I think that there has been this sense over the last several years that literally anything goes and is justified in order to get power. And that’s not unique to the United States. There are strong men and dictators around the world who think that I can do anything to stay in power.

“I can kill people. I can throw them in jail. I can run phony elections. I can suppress journalists. But that’s not who we’re supposed to be. And one of the signals I think that Joe Biden needs to send to the world is that no, those values that we preached, and we believed in, and subscribed in, we still believe.”

Where is Obama these days? I NEED him. He’s a much better target than Trump. Obama is the share and care we’re all in this together saint of justice for all. He goes the distance.

For example — The [politically Left] Guardian, January 9, 2017, “America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016; what a bloody end to Obama’s reign”:

“…in 2016 alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.”

“While most of these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, US bombs also rained down on people in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s seven majority-Muslim countries.”

“Obama authorized over 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, and automatically painted all males of military age in these regions as combatants, making them fair game for remote controlled killing.”

“President Obama has claimed that his overseas military adventures are legal under the 2001 and 2003 authorizations for the use of military force passed by Congress to go after al-Qaida. But today’s wars have little or nothing to do with those who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001.”

And then there was that little thing where Obama and Hillary hit Libya with massive bombing runs and turned it into a failed-nation terrorist nightmare.

But 60 Minutes has to have Obama, to make disparaging remarks about Trump and cement Joe Biden as the next president.

On yet another front, what is the reaction of New Yorkers to the months of lockdown measures unleashed by those two sociopaths, Mayor Bill De Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo? Are residents of the “city that never sleeps” (Sinatra) still in a New York State of Mind (Billy Joel)? Apparently not.

NY Post, November 14: “New stats reveal massive NYC exodus amid coronavirus, crime.” “More than 300,000 New Yorkers have bailed from the Big Apple in the last eight months, new stats show.”

“The escape from New York is fueled not only by coronavirus concerns but economic worries, school chaos and rising crime, experts say.”

The greatest city in the world, reduced to a boarded up desolate psych ward. With the loss in tax revenues, the Indians might not buy it back for $24.

What HAS been bought is a fake story about a fake virus.

People, places, and plans are reshuffling in the middle of the COVID hoax. Hustlers, con artists, and madmen are trying to leverage us into their new normal. We don’t need it.

We don’t need a new currency, or the “Chinese model” of behavior modification, or a winter of lockdowns, or an old Delaware man who can’t think straight in the Oval Office, or masks, or restaurants with takeout only, or devotees of the Church of the Germ, or news networks that are PR agencies for the Democratic Party, or a million more business closures and bankruptcies and suicides.

I told you in advance of the election that, with Trump, we get glints of light, but with the Biden plan, it’s all darkness.

Could something like this happen? Biden is installed as the next president; and then, a few months later, a civil suit reveals that, yes indeed, the vote was flipped. Think about that. The moon comes up in the morning and sun comes up at night.

“Today, it was revealed that the Biden-Harris ticket lost the election by three million votes. Trump won with 320 electoral college votes…”

Half the country would come to Washington DC for that rally.

A reader wrote claiming my articles on the election are “divisive,” when we should be smoothly transitioning to Biden as the next president.

“Divisive” is a strange word. It’s often used to claim that covering up a crime is in the best interests of everyone.

If I committed a grave offense, and as punishment found myself teaching a college course in political science, I would pose a question the first day: If telling the truth causes conflict, should you a) lie or b) tell the truth? And we would spend a year answering the question.

If millions of cases of COVID-19 can be forged because no new virus was ever proved to exist; and because the test for it is a fraud on several levels, even if you assume a virus does exist; then fixing an election is walk in the park.

In domestic policy news, several NY state sheriffs say they won’t enforce Gov. Cuomo’s order to limit home gatherings to 10 people for Thanksgiving.Newsom Dinner Image

The photograph that captures the lying hypocrisy of the political class: Newsom dinner image — One law for me, and another for thee.

I want to see some sheriff go all out — home invasion, cops standing around the dinner table where 14 people are enjoying their meal. Video. Cops cutting into the turkey to look for an explosive device. Mom and Dad put in cuffs. Grandma Wilma, age 90, picks up a dish of cranberry sauce and throws it at a cop.

Video posted online. 14 million views in an hour. Citizen outrage. A march on the governor’s mansion.

“…Other marches have occurred in nine states with COVID restrictions. People are throwing turkey legs at governors’ homes. They’re calling it the Thanksgiving Revolt. It’s gaining momentum. People are shouting, WE’RE THE ECONOMY, WE’RE GOING BACK TO WORK, AMERICA ISN’T AFRAID. What’s the weather looking like, Jill?”

“It’s raining turkeys, Bob.”

“Yeah, well, it’s been raining turkeys for nine months now. Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Bill Gates…oops, my bad. In Washington, president-elect Biden said it’s time to collect on the moral debt accumulated by President Trump. Nobody is quite sure what he meant.

“Standing next to him at a brief press conference, former President Obama tried to clarify Biden’s remark, but he broke off in the middle of a sentence and gave up, switching to remarks about the Prophet of Islam, Jesus Christ, Buddha, various Hindu deities, and the need for all Americans to come together and get their news from qualified sources…”

“That would be us, Bob. What are your qualifications?”

“I did voiceovers for used car ads. How about you, Jill?”

“I was third runner-up in the Miss Peek-a-Boo modeling and talent search at the county fair in East Wumfield.”


Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closings:

In my view, it is clear that the political left has gone so far off the rails into its own cultism that there is no coming back. There can be no reconciliation between the two sides, so we must separate, or we must fight. I advocate for separation first for a number of reasons:

First and foremost, conservatives are the primary producers within American culture. If we leave the leftists to their own devices there is a chance they will simply implode in on themselves and eat each other because they have no idea how to fill the production void. The recent developments in the defunct CHAZ/CHOP autonomous zone are a perfect example. Those people don’t have the slightest clue what they are doing and it shows.

Second, if conservatives separate it provides a buffer that helps defuse future random conflicts. When you force the two sides into a box together eventually they will find a reason to try to kill each other. Putting some distance between them and us reduces the angst.

Once we understand that a fight is coming regardless, our task is to position ourselves with the most advantage possible while keeping our culture and our principles intact. This includes our belief in constitutionalism, civil liberties, and opposition to tyranny in ANY form. Winning the fight is important, but maintaining our principles in the process is more important. Becoming a monster to fight the monster is the same as losing.

In my home state of Montana, there has been a surge of people trying to escape the chaos and oppression of leftist states.

Some are here because of the pandemic and the harsh restrictions they had to endure during the first lockdowns. Others are here because they can’t stand the hostility of identity politics, cancel culture, and race riots. Either way, they are fleeing places with decidedly leftist influences.

Uprooting and moving to an entirely new place is not an easy thing to do, especially in the middle of a pandemic. For many people, such an idea would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. Believe me, moving to a place like the Rocky Mountain Redoubt is not an easy transition for most. Hopefully, these people understand that they will have to make extensive preparations for the rough winter and be ready to work hard in the spring and summer months to survive. Maybe they don’t realize yet how tough it is here; maybe they know and don’t care.

That’s how bad the situation has become – Rational and reasonable people are willing to leave behind their old life and risk it all to keep a margin of freedom.

In my view, it is clear that the political left has gone so far off the rails into its own cultism that there is no coming back. There can be no reconciliation between the two sides, so we must separate, or we must fight. I advocate for separation first for a number of reasons:

First and foremost, conservatives are the primary producers within American culture. If we leave the leftists to their own devices there is a chance they will simply implode in on themselves and eat each other because they have no idea how to fill the production void. The recent developments in the defunct CHAZ/CHOP autonomous zone are a perfect example. Those people don’t have the slightest clue what they are doing and it shows.

Second, if conservatives separate it provides a buffer that helps defuse future random conflicts. When you force the two sides into a box together eventually they will find a reason to try to kill each other. Putting some distance between them and us reduces the angst

Third, if the leftists decide they don’t like that we have separated and are thriving on our own, and they attempt to antagonize or attack us where we live, then we hold the clear moral high ground when we smash them to pieces in response.

I fully realize that the third outcome is the most likely. War is probably inevitable. Why? Because collectivists and narcissists are never satisfied. They desire unlimited control over the lives of others and they will use any means to get that control no matter how destructive. Separating from them is only a stop-gap that allows us to take a superior position. Through peaceful migration, we set the pace of the conflict. Eventually, they will come after us, and there will be no doubt about our response then. There will be no way to spin the result in their favor, no way for them to play the victims.

Some people might question if we are actually to the point of open conflict; they might accuse me of “doom-mongering”. Others may argue that conservatives are acting “passive” and that we will never take any action. These assumptions are common right now because such people do not understand how history progresses and how group psychology evolves.

Domestic war is not something pursued lightly, or haphazardly. The average person knows at least subconsciously that it’s better to seek resolution or to remain patient as events unfold. Conservatives aren’t stupid; we know that before any civil war there is first a culture war. And, we know that the cards are stacked against us and that if we act rashly in any way we will lose position in that culture war.

So, we let the leftists spit and rage like madmen for a little while. Each day people who were on the fence when it comes to the culture war are witnessing this and come over to our side because we’re the only side that is sane. The drawback is, there comes a point in which calm professionalism might be wrongly perceived as weakness. And when people sense weakness among conservatives, they might run into the arms of the extreme left thinking that it’s safer to join the “winning team”

I believe conservatives have not been sucked into a reactionary stance yet because they are thinking logically and refusing to play the game for now. In some ways, it is how we enter the fight that is more important than the fight itself.  To understand why, we have to look at the bigger picture beyond the left/right conflict.

As I noted last week, the political left is a tool for a greater agenda. They are being used as a weapon of chaos by globalist interests. This is not “conspiracy theory”, this is a conspiracy fact. Millions of dollars have poured into Antifa and BLM related groups through elitist donors like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation as well as the Ford Foundation. Globalist institutions like these have been influencing the extreme left and promoting identity politics for DECADES. This is openly admitted. What we are witnessing in 2020 is simply the culmination of a half-century-long propaganda campaign that created the modern feminist movement, victim group status, entitlement culture, etc.

The reason for the agenda should be obvious: Chaos creates fear. Fear creates division and crisis. And, crisis creates opportunity (as globalist Rahm Emanuel once bragged). Meaning, the extreme left is going to start a war because that’s exactly what the global elites created them for.

Now, some might suggest that this places conservatives in a Catch-22 position; if we don’t fight back then we will look weak. We will be culturally isolated and eventually overrun and wiped from the history books. If we do fight back we will be giving the globalists what they want – A civil war that will tear America apart.

The suggestion by certain special interests will be that there is only one way out; use government power to turn the tide to our advantage. In other words, institute martial law. I don’t really see it that way.

Once we understand that a fight is coming regardless, our task is to position ourselves with the most advantage possible while keeping our culture and our principles intact. This includes our belief in constitutionalism, civil liberties, and opposition to tyranny in ANY form. Winning the fight is important, but maintaining our principles in the process is more important. Becoming a monster to fight the monster is the same as losing

When the left comes for us (and they will), the fight has to be won by us, not government. We cannot hand even more power to government in the name of security. We cannot become the fascists the leftists accuse us of being.

Trump “wins”, the election, the left will riot and a civil war will be triggered. Conservatives will have to deal with the violence of the left while also dealing with the potential for martial law.

Source: HNewsWire humansarefree HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

The country is on the “edge of a civil war” For conservatives, it is the notion that Democrats will stop at nothing to get rid of Mr. Trump and marshal the forces of the “deep state” to the right the wrongs of the 2016 election. It is a warning for liberals: Do not push churchgoing, gun-loving conservatives too far, or there will be dangerous consequences. It is simple for Christians that we’ve elected a group of ungodly politicians who have a significant amount of power and control over our lives. From a biblical standpoint, we are in tribulations, so Christians understand the onslaught from evil persons will only last seven years, then its payday for our Supreme Court Justices and politicians that have “made a mockery of justice.”



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “This Country Is Headed for Civil War, Our Justice System Has Collapsed

  1. Boycott the fascist multinational New World Order corporations and vote with your money.

    Instead of financially supporting a corrupt multinational corporation that does not prioritize your well being, you would be better to support local merchants and those like-minded people working together with you to make the world a better place.

    Events occurring outside the US should be also be watched closely because today’s economy is not local, but global, and the European crisis will likely spread to the United States in the future. In 2013, for example, the European Central Bank attempted to force a tax upon the bank deposits held in Cyprus. The plan was to force Cyprus banks to exact a 9.9 percent tax on accounts with more than 100 thousand Euros and a 6.5 percent tax on accounts with less than 100 thousand Euros.

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