Tribulation: VAERS Approx. 70 People Die From COVID Vaccines Every Day In America


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The experimental mRNA covid vaccines have NO long term testing to prove their safety over the long term. At least none that has ever been released to the public. The average vaccine is tested for 10-15 years before it is approved and released for use in humans. The covid vaccines were rolled out in mere months. Again, there is NO PROOF whatsoever that the covid vaccines are safe in the long term, and there are already a number of examples of lack of safety in the short term. Why would we trust an experimental protein spike vax that has nowhere near the same testing history as the majority of other normal vaccines?

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is exploding with vaccine injuries, at a rate never seen before. The number of injuries and deaths from these vaccines is so immense, all prior vaccine injury data over the past two decades pales in comparison to the carnage observed in 2021.

vaers approx. 70 people die from covid vaccines every day in america

The government’s passive vaccine injury surveillance system has logged over 675,000 adverse reactions from the vaccines in just eight short months. If these medical issues were divvied up among the roughly 17,000 hospitals in the United States, there have been roughly 40 COVID vaccine injuries for every hospital in the nation.

Over the past forty-seven days of reporting, there have also been 3,296 deaths reported to VAERS. This is equivalent to SEVENTY deaths per day — a sacrificial routine of medical malpractice and wrongful death that must be stopped.

When Will The Genocidal Vaccine Program Be Stopped?

To date, there have been a total of 14,701 deaths reported as a result of the COVID vaccines in the US, and a vast majority of these fatalities are occurring within a week after vaccination. The young and the old are dying needlessly, as the vaccine protocol is forced on people like rape and advertised as the only way to stop COVID.

This is most certainly a lie, a grand deception that is being used to humiliate families and strip individuals of their due process rights and their dignity. Historically, vaccines are removed from the market and stripped of their licensure when there are just a handful of deaths.

There are so many deaths from this vaccine, almost every hospital in the US can represent one dead patient who was sacrificed “for the greater good.” If the genocidal routine continues with booster shots, these death by vaccine figures will continue to skyrocket — an apocalypse that is already being witnessed in heavily vaccinated nations like Israel.

The mainstream media refuses to pick up on these stories and lies about vaccine side effects, normalizing week-long illnesses, Bells Palsyblood clots, headaches, severe pain and heart inflammation in children. The mainstream media lies through their teeth, saying that post vaccination COVID is mild and is proof the vaccine is working. Every day, seventy people are fatally victimized by this deception, as they are intubated then sent to the morgue.

all deaths reported to vaers by year 300x132

Rampant medical malpractice and wrongful death is destroying the credibility of hospitals

As the medical malpractice continues, hospital systems around the country are purging healthy “unvaccinated” employees from their ranks, creating an artificial bed shortage. Nurses who were once lauded as “superheroes” are now being discriminated against, rapidly and superficially.

As hundreds of thousands of medical issues are reported in the vaccinated test subjects, there just aren’t enough nurses and doctors to deal with all the issues caused by the COVID vaccines. As a result, rampant medical malpractice and wrongful death, caused by COVID vaccines, is destroying the credibility of hospitals.

The current 675,000 adverse events reported to VAERS does NOT include all the other adverse events that are misdiagnosed as something else, not reported, normalized or ignored.

Many patients and doctors cannot connect their vaccine injuries back to the vaccines because they are either too prideful to admit the fact; they are oblivious to the VAERS reporting system; they are vaccine fanatics and simply don’t see or believe the facts; or they are so accustomed to having reoccurring medical issues, nagging health problems, vaccine injuries, doctor visits and prescription dependency, that all this pain and misery is just normal to them.

Also, these reported adverse events do not factor in the tens of thousands of severe cases of illness that occur post vaccination, COVID cases that have been covered up by the CDC’s PCR rule change, which artificially lowers COVID cases in the vaccinated and deliberately under-reports them. Whether these illnesses are called COVID, DELTA, Mu, pneumonia, tuberculosis or the flu, the illness continues post vaccination.

Lastly, the reported number of adverse events does not include all the vaccinated and unvaccinated people who were harmed by mutating strains of the virus, an epidemiological consequence of the selective pressure, non-neutralizing design of the COVID vaccines.

Source: / References: humansarefree

The vaccine is being imposed whether you like it or not. Those who don’t get vaxxed will be forced into the basement of a two-tiered society and be denied access to public spaces and social interaction.

Your choice is to get vaxxed or be treated like a leper.

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Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen

TrustWHO — TrustGOD Only

“Joe Biden has gone full authoritarian with his illegal, unconstitutional & tyrannical federal vaccine mandate. Over 165 million Americans – myself included – now face this harrowing choice: the jab or Scorn. Biden’s regime has now become a NWO Demonic dictatorship.” Tribulation

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Tribulation: VAERS Approx. 70 People Die From COVID Vaccines Every Day In America

  1. Are you beginning to understand why more than 700 medical doctors from Germany, 600 doctors from Spain, thousands of medical experts from the USA and many more all over the world are calling this pandemic a ‘global’ crime’?

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