Trump’s Obama spying accusations not out of thin air…


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A pro-family leader says there is plenty of evidence that the Trump campaign was monitored by the Obama administration last year, as the media reported on former President Barack Obama wiretapping Trump before the president tweeted his accusation about spying.

On Tuesday, Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families (CWF) gave the names and quotes from several news sources that reported on Obama’s wiretapping of Trump and his associates. This came after his original report on the matter that he posted a few days prior.

The conservative leader noted on Tuesday in his “End of Day” report that Trump is not pulling his allegations out of thin air.

“It’s been three days since President Trump made assertions of surveillance by the Obama Administration,” Bauer pointed out. “Of course, the media aggressively defended Obama and insisted that Trump had no proof. But SOMETHING happened.”

<a href=”″>Trump's Obama spying accusations not out of thin air</a>

Bauer went on to quote a former federal prosecutor and respected legal analyst, Andrew McCarthy, who summarized the media’s reporting on the accusations in a powerful statement:

“The specter of an investigation – breathless media reports of FISA-court applications, wiretaps, surveillance of agents of a foreign power, and mysterious servers; painstaking analysis of shady financial transactions involving Russian banks and funding streams – seems to make the outlandish conspiracy impossible to dismiss out of hand,” McCarthy informed, according to Bauer.

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey made a similar conclusion about the allegations of Obama’s wiretapping.

“I think [Trump’s] right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general – at the Justice Department,”  Mukasey stressed, as quoted by Bauer. “I think the president was not correct certainly in saying that President Obama ordered a tap on a server in Trump Tower. However, I think he’s right in that there was surveillance, and that it was conducted at the behest of the Justice Department through the FISA [court].”

Bauer brought up another attorney general in making his case about the former president’s suspected wiretapping.

“My good friend Mark Levin, former chief of staff to Attorney General Ed Meese, outlined the list of media reports referring to the investigation of Trump – reports that were allegedly based on sources in the intelligence community,” CWF’s leader shared in his report. “Levin told Fox & Friends: ‘The issue isn’t whether the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign or the transition or surrogates; the issue is the extent of it … These are police-state tactics.’”

Bauer also noted how Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge corroborated the media’s finding about Obama’s snooping when she discussed the issue on Tucker Carlson’s show on Wednesday night.

“I think it is important for people at home to know that some of the intelligence we’re talking about, such as these transcripts between former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn and the Russian ambassador, I’ve spoken to people who will go 30 years in the U.S. intelligence community and they will never see an NSA transcript,” Herridge stressed during the program.

“That’s because it is so closely held. So this was information at the senior-most levels of the intelligence community that was leaked for, I would say, partisan purposes … Only a very small pool of people have that raw information … the fact that that was leaked to reporters … was a threshold we have not crossed before.”

On Friday, Bauer ended his daily “End of Day” report by suggesting that the Trump campaign had been wiretapped and/or monitored by the Obama administration.

Then on Saturday morning, the president essentially made the same charge.

Bauer maintains that despite accusations by news outlets like the New York Times – which ran a story headlined, “Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones” – there is an abundance of evidence from the New York Times and the left-wing British publication, The Guardian, and others reporting on possible links between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

“And in every one of those stories, the reporters writing them refer to information that was obtained from intercepts of conversations that were allegedly had between Trump associates and the Russians,” Bauer pointed out.

And Bauer does not think there is any danger that the president cannot prove his allegations.

“If it comes out that during the presidential campaign, the Obama administration was abusing the authority they had that would cause a backlash from the American public, that – I think – would be incredibly damaging to former President Obama and to the political left in this country.”

Bauer is also pleased that California Congressman Devin Nunes, who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has announced that his committee will look into the matter by investigating Obama’s suspected wiretapping soon.


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