Two Edmonton Officers Terminated Without Pay For Publicly Supporting Canadian Freedom Convoy.


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Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 Is Now the Longest Truck Convoy on Record at 43 Miles Long! TENS OF ...

Two Edmonton Police Service (EPS) officers have been suspended without pay for publicly supporting the trucker protest against COVID-19 regulations and restrictions.

According to an emailed statement from EPS spokesperson Cheryl Sheppard to The Epoch Times on Feb. 26, Constable Elena Golysheva and Staff Sergeant Rick Abbott were both “relieved of duty without pay following a preliminary internal inquiry” as of Feb. 23.

“An investigation under the Police Service Regulation is being conducted by the EPS Professional Standards Branch. As a result, I’m unable to share any other details.”

Both Golysheva and Abbott spoke at a convoy demonstration outside the Canada-US border crossing in Coutts, Alta., on Feb. 12, praising truckers and their supporters, and a video of their statements was shared on Facebook.

Abbott addressed the gathering, “We’re on a little bit of thin ice up here doing this, but so are you out there.”

“I believe the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada is still valid.”

The trucks are “lawfully deployed,” according to Abbott, who has spent over 25 years with the EPS Tactical Section dealing with high-risk scenarios.

“This is just my opinion.” Before introducing Golysheva to the rally attendees, he stated, “This is not my company’s take.”

“Elena is definitely going to get in a little bit of trouble for something she did on video.” But I believe that everyone in the country understands that the risk she took was well worth the effort.”

On Feb. 8, Golysheva produced an emotional video expressing her support for the Freedom Convoy and addressing the Ottawa police officers who were placed in a difficult situation during the protest.

She remarked in the video, while wearing her uniform, that it upset her to see Canadians’ freedom deteriorating by the day.

She explained, “I’m here because you people have given me so much strength.”

EPS Chief Dale McFee was not pleased with the officers’ actions, and he chastised them for not following protocol.

At a virtual media briefing on Feb. 16, he remarked, “That’s not something we promote or condone.”

“That’s simply not acceptable in how we perform our police work, and we have a discipline procedure in place for that.”

Canadians inarguably reserve the right to peaceful protest, and the actions of the Canadian government are to be considered a direct attack on the individual rights of its citizens. The problem is, a mentionable percentage of the world at large is under the illusion that people against vaccine mandates are a danger to the public. Totalitarianism is more of a risk to the global population at this point than the omicron variant. Which accounted for 95% of COVID-19 cases within two weeks of reaching the United States of America.

There is a radicalized left that seeks to dismantle everything that makes America what it is. The threat of globalism is apparent; It’s convenient that it’s considered “racist” to require voter ID, while Bidense is letting our southern border allow anyone and everyone in. They want us to be global citizens, not citizens of America.

Despite the proposed repeal of COVID-19 vaccine regulations pertaining to cross border truckers, the public is not satisfied; And rightfully so. They’re trying to put a band-aid on a problem that they’ve created, when all freedom loving citizens can see right through their egregious agenda. They’ve adopted anti-domestic terrorism protocol to deal with those who seek to observe their medical freedom. The Canadian constitutional crisis is seemingly far from over. But it seems as though the public will continue to make themselves known as this tyrannical agenda unfolds.

Nothing these tyrants say or do will cause God fearing men and women to relinquish their faith in Christ. Despite their feeble attempts at persecution, Christ is king. 2 Corinthians 12:10 says: “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Before the caravan proceeds to Washington, D.C., a California organizer for Freedom Convoy USA 2022 is holding an overpass event in Los Angeles County.

The overpass event will take place at 9 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 25 near the intersection of Rosemead Boulevard and the CA-60 Freeway in El Monte, California, according to Mark Perez, the organizer.

The Freedom Convoy USA is distinct from The People’s Convoy, which will leave Barstow on February 23 with the purpose of abolishing the state of emergency and COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates.

“We were all in with them,” Perez said of the other convoy groups, but organizers of Freedom Convoy USA 2022 were fed up with the delays and devised their own strategy.

According to him, the group has acquired permits in Washington, D.C., as well as other states.

Perez stated that the major goal is to “restore freedom in the United States.”

“It may be 20,” according to the number of vehicles anticipated to join the procession in El Monte. It might be tens of thousands.”

Perez said he never knows how many people will attend any of the freedom rallies or events he has coordinated in the last three years or more.

Because many truckers and supporters don’t want their names on a list for fear of “backlash,” no convoy keeps a “RSVP” tally.

“I’m simply a regular retired guy fighting for our liberty,” he says. Currently, eight of us are in vehicles that will go the entire route to Washington, D.C. “We’re paying for the entire trip ourselves,” he explained.

Perez stated that once in Washington, the group planned to have a rally across the street from the Washington Monument on March 1, the day before President Joe Biden delivers his State of the Union speech.

“We have no idea what will happen in Washington.” “We’re only having our event on March 1,” he remarked.

Several routes from various sections of the country to Washington are shown on maps uploaded on the Freedom Convoy USA 2022 Instagram page. The caravan will travel east from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Denver, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Columbus before arriving in Washington, according to a map.

According to Perez, the group’s Instagram followers have recently increased from 30,000 to 50,000.

On Feb. 21, a Freedom Convoy USA representative, Kyle Sefcik, released a video on the group’s Instagram page, declaring the mission’s objective in an open statement to Biden.

“We’re coming peacefully,” he stated in the video. “We’re going to do this legitimately and constitutionally.”

“All we want is for the government’s overreach to stop,” he stated. “On behalf of Freedom Convoy USA 2022, we respectfully request that the state of emergency be lifted and the mandates be lifted once and for all.” Sir, the rest of the world is watching us because they know that if what’s occurring in Canada happens here in the Land of the Free, freedom as we know it would be lost.”

All Democrats and Republicans, according to Sefcik, must listen to the people.

“This entire caravan, this entire assemblage on the National Mall—it doesn’t even need to happen if you just stop things now so we can get on with our lives,” he remarked.

ELected officials only seek to herd the sheep around because they’ve been led astray from Elohim the true shepherd. The holy spirit has blessed many of us with the gift of discernment, to witness the masses being led astray. That being said, we have yet to fulfill our responsibility as followers of Christ. We have to aid our adversaries through prayer and patience; Satan has laid his burdens upon many, leaving them jaded and their hearts hardened. It’s our responsibility to convey God’s grace to those who have been led astray. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you



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