U.S Secret Service Agent Sent Home From South Korea For Assaulting A Local.


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Two US Secret Service personnel who were assigned to President Joe Biden’s trip to Asia have been ordered to return home after one of them was charged with assault.

According to a police officer from the Yongsan district, the agent was arrested in the early hours of Thursday in South Korea following a confrontation with a local over a cab. The incident occurred outside the Grand Hyatt hotel, where Biden was to stay on his five-day Asia trip, which began on May 20.

According to a Washington official, the suspected individual was just “investigated” by Korean authorities, not arrested or jailed. The investigation of the second agent engaged in the disagreement was not conducted.

The name of the local agent under investigation is unknown. The agent was detained when a fellow hotel guest alerted the authorities, according to South Korean network TV Chosun, which first reported the event. The agent is in his thirties, according to reports.

“The Secret Service is aware of an off-duty event involving two personnel that might result in possible policy breaches,” Anthony Guglielmi, the US Secret Service’s Chief of Communications, told The Epoch Times. “The people will be restored to their posts and placed on administrative leave immediately.” The future trip was not affected.”

He went on to stress that the Secret Service has “extremely tight rules and policies” in place for all of its workers, and that it adheres to the “highest professional standards.” Guglielmi refused to speak further on the situation since it is a current administrative personnel concern.

The White House and the president are protected by the US Secret Service. It’s not the first time that members have gotten into public squabbles.

Agents were ordered home in 2012 during the Obama administration following an altercation with a prostitute in Cartagena, Columbia. After becoming intoxicated in the Netherlands capital in Amsterdam in 2014, agents deployed to the presidential trip were sent home.

After reportedly meeting with a prostitute at a hotel in Maryland in 2017, an agent assigned to then-Vice President Mike Pence’s security detail was suspended from duty.

During Biden’s Asia tour, US national security advisor Jake Sullivan cautioned of possible nuclear tests by North Korea during a press conference on May 18.

“We’ve stated unequivocally that our information indicates the actual likelihood of more missile tests (sic)—including a long-range missile test or a nuclear test or, frankly, both—in the days preceding up to, during, or after the President’s visit to the region,” Sullivan said.

Sullivan stated that they are working on the problem with both Japan and Korea. He has also discussed the issue with his Chinese colleague.

Biden will visit South Korea and Japan during his five-day trip as part of Washington’s efforts to boost regional allies in the wake of the Ukraine war. He will also participate in the Quad Summit on May 24.

it’s clear that there is a reoccurring pattern seen in the secret service, we don’t ignore patterns. An indication of your ability to absorb information nearly entirely revolves around your ability to recognize and understand patterns. When you see that a particular organization is continually finding itself embarrassed by the actions of its members, it likely doesn’t uphold its members to the standard they claim to. These offenses we’re seeing secret service agents commit are literally reprobate behavior.

It’s clear at least to me that the founding principles and morality behind the leadership in our country is inarguably corrupted. It seems as though a man or woman of God is hard to come by these days, and the likelihood of one entering and changing anything about our current situation is very low. The only one we can confide in at this point is Jesus. If you weren’t confiding in him before, be ready to take a long look at yourself. Proverbs 17:3 says: “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts.” stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

After the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded emergency authorisation for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccination booster on May 17, Americans as young as 5 can acquire it.

The FDA approved a third Pfizer injection for youngsters aged 5 to 11 who had had their second dosage at least five months before.

The second injection is required due to diminishing protection from the original series of two doses, according to Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

The decision was met with some backlash.

Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco, told The Epoch Times via email, “There is no evidence that children 5-11 years old require a booster injection of the vaccine, nor of shown benefit.”

Pfizer’s decision is based on data from just 67 youngsters who are part of an ongoing trial examining the vaccine it developed with BioNTech in Germany.

The youngsters’ antibody responses were assessed when they got a third dosage seven to nine months following the second.

According to the FDA, the level of antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19 “was raised” after receiving the booster dosage. Seven to nine months after receiving the second treatment, all of the children received a third dose.

The approval was also backed up by safety data from a group of roughly 400 kids aged 5 to 11 who were given a booster.

Since being presented in a press statement from Pfizer and BioNTech in April, the data has not been peer-reviewed or otherwise published in its entirety.

There was no study of whether a booster injection helped with symptomatic COVID-19 or severe illness in the data.

“Antibodies are expected to rise with a booster dosage, but this does not always imply clinical improvement,” Gandhi explained. “Given that young males are higher at risk of myocarditis (heart inflammation) from mRNA immunization, the danger against advantages of administering a third injection to 5- to 11-year-olds is not obvious from the data.”

The vaccine developed by Pfizer is based on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology.

The vaccination for all age groups has been found to be ineffective against Omicron, a strain of the CCP virus that became prevalent in the United States in late 2021. 

The injection from Pfizer was given emergency approval to prevent COVID-19.

In the fall of 2021, regulators approved Pfizer’s main series for children aged 5 to 11. Approximately 10 million people have gotten at least one dosage since then.

Authorities continue to promote immunization, claiming that the vaccine’s protection against serious disease exceeds the hazards, which include heart inflammation.

“Vaccination remains the most effective and safe strategy to avoid COVID-19 and its catastrophic effects,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf remarked in a statement.

The FDA did not consult its panel of expert advisors whether it should approve or deny Pfizer’s request for clearance when it cleared the injection for youngsters as young as five.

“Where is the public’s promised transparent process?” In an email to The Epoch Times, Kim Witczak, co-founder of the drug safety group Woody Matters, said, “Once again, the FDA rubber stamped without hosting an Advisory Committee and an opportunity to hear discussion and explanation.” “Yet another choice taken behind closed doors with serious safety implications. “Our children are not test subjects.”

Several members of the panel have previously expressed doubts about whether the Pfizer vaccine should be administered to all kids.

After three studies released earlier this year revealed that the vaccine’s efficiency was lower than previously thought, one of the members, Dr. Cody Meissner, told The Epoch Times that the vaccine’s benefit “about equal the risk of damage” for most children.

On May 19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will hold a meeting to consider COVID-19 vaccination booster dosages.

The FDA decides whether vaccinations for certain groups should be approved. The CDC then assesses whether or not immunizations should be recommended for certain populations. Both agencies usually seek advice from their advisory groups before taking action.

Those in favor of these idiotic legislation like this in America are only troubled by our position because they never knew the freedom they’ve given up. They haven’t observed the privileges given to them bought and paid for with blood sweat and tears. They seem to think humanity can operate without the people they loathe. Such shortsightedness is sure to progress into something much more problematic in the coming years. These are actions planned and executed, with the intention of dividing the public. These people enacting laws with the sole purpose of moving toward inoculating children with an experimental MRNA vaccination is egregious, and won’t be tolerated by freedom loving citizens. Children belong to their parents, not the community. Because the “community” has proven to be unfit to aid the upbringing of a child. Children brought up in the early 90’s and prior experienced life as it were. Organic and not digitized. Think of how far we’ve come, and how sinister this agenda feels when you see the legislation coming down the pipe.

These vaccines will be pushed onto America heavily by the UN and other globalist organizations once the two tier system is set in place. Nothing that these tyrants can say or do will convince self aware Christians to relinquish their faith in Christ. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Please stay inquisitive the word of God, and the world around you.



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