Unmasked Kids Left Out in the Cold Rain Draws Out More Parents To Protest Tyrannical COVID Measures.


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At the Temecula Valley Unified School District board meeting this week in Temecula, Calif., a gathering of more than 100 parents, teachers, and students chastised local school trustees for policies that reportedly forced dozens of unmasked kids to study outside in the cold.

A mom, Tricia Werner, chastised the board for sending unmasked students from Temecula Middle School to complete their schoolwork outside in the rain on Feb. 22, when the temperature was in the low 50s.

Meanwhile, images and video show pupils wearing masks who are left out in the cold and socially isolated from one another.

According to Stephanie Dawson, a parent who photographed the students, one of them covertly called her mother to inform her that she was being forced to do her schoolwork outside.

Although some students huddled close in the rain, the pupils were told they couldn’t sit together.

Werner’s autistic daughter is required to wear a mask at school, despite her vision problems and the fact that it causes her glasses to fog up.

“Children like mine have trouble breathing and seeing straight. “They have lost their right to a free and proper public education because they are unable to see the faces of their teachers and peers,” she told the board.

“Since when has tormenting our children been considered a public policy?” Is this for the interest of public health, or is it retaliation for their refusal to comply?” Werner was the one who inquired.

Cloth masks have limited effect, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and school restrictions are merely adding insult to injury, she said.

“Can you tell me when this is going to end?” “I’ll tell you when it ends: When parents have had enough of seeing their children suffer,” she explained.

A group of parents led by Dawson submitted a notice of intent to file a claim against the district’s insurance coverage on the school board.

The parents demanded that the board remove the mask and vaccine mandates, as well as stop exposing their children to controversial subjects like critical race theory and “inappropriate” sexual education.

“We will proceed with filing a claim against your crime and liability policies for the codes of law that you are violating and for the violation of your oath of office if these are not deleted or halted within five days,” Dawson said.

The board members were clearly spotted not wearing masks behind glass barriers during the closed session portion of the meeting, but were seen wearing them during open session, according to Dawson. The Epoch Times was also able to obtain photos of the board members without their masks.

Dawson said, “It was nice to see you guys in here without masks today.”

A petition signed by more than 300 district employees opposing the mask and immunization mandates for staff and students was submitted by Steve Campos, a teacher.

As he handed up the petition, Campos remarked, “We recognize that the vaccination may or may not be executed.”

Campos claimed that the district retaliated against anyone who spoke out against its policies.

“In our district, retaliation and harassment are all too common, which is why so few employees ever speak out about issues,” he said.

According to Campos, some Temecula Middle School pupils who refused to wear masks were “put in a room where the lights were not even turned on.”

He said, “And today, a student released a video… of them shivering outside in the cold.”

Temecula Middle School instructor Ricardo Salcedo chastised the board members for failing parents, students, and employees despite promises to improve the district.

He requested the board to be more sympathetic to parents and students whose rights have been “trampled,” he said.

“You hear the parents, but you don’t pay attention to them.” That is not a sign of grandeur. This is referred to as tyranny. “There’s a distinction,” Salcedo explained.

He said that the number of kids at Temecula Middle School, where he works, had decreased from over 1,300 to under 1,000.

“Things are clearly not getting better,” Salcedo added, “when many Temecula parents choose to spend thousands of dollars on private education rather than sending their children to Temecula schools.”

“You can dismiss this as statewide enrollment declines, but private schools are booming in the meantime,” he said.

Another father running for school board, Danny Gonzalez, said he “saw in horror” as one administration prepared an email to parents threatening to expel pupils who refused to wear masks.

“Which of you on this board sanctioned the policy of expulsion of kids over this?” he inquired.

Gonzalez claimed that school officials were “bullying” students and encouraging others to join them.

“Some of this is coming directly from the administration staff, who are shouting and threatening students,” he claimed.

“We’ve watched as this school board and officials repeat their masters’ talking points from Sacramento. What good is local control if you, as a board, are just puppets for bureaucrats and wealthy politicians whose children are unaffected by these decisions?” he asked.

Francis Burns, a teacher at Thompson Middle School in Murrieta, Calif., which is part of the Murrieta Valley Unified School District, chastised the board for failing to respond to parents’ concerns.

He stated, referring to the Freedom Convoy, “It’s astounding to me that Canadian truckers grasp the gravity of this situation.” “They’re taking steps to address it.” And I’m curious if you comprehend what I’m saying. And, if that’s the case, why aren’t you doing anything?”

More than 150 individuals attended a Murrieta school board meeting earlier last month to voice their opposition to mandatory mask and immunization requirements. At that meeting, state Senator Melissa Melendez (R-Lake Elsinore), whose son attends the district’s school, spoke in support of the parents.

Despite the adverse weather, parents organized a “Mask-Off” protest in a park near the school earlier in the day on Feb. 22.

On February 23, board members Adam Skumawitz, Barbara Brosch, Sandy Hinkson, Allison Barclay, and Steven Schwartz did not respond to emails.

After most people had left, Superintendent Jodi McClay noted that the public remarks had been “very depressing” and packed with “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

The data has never indicated that children are at risk of infection or severe illness from COVID-19 throughout this entire plandemic. What we’re witnessing is the brainwashed left putting their loyalty to a tyrannical globalist agenda on display despite their lack of understanding of the implications. The data has shown however, that masking these children is extremely harmful psychologically. It’s very hard to watch these parents believe that they’re doing the right thing by sending their kids to school masked and incapable of learning social cues. To vaccinate these children is a whole other level of deranged, as the data has never suggested that these children require such inoculations. Yet as we already know, these parent are paying their dues to the tyrants in hope for protection and dependence. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

A new investigation says that COVID sufferers are being “robbed of their patient rights.” These patients are being denied basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids, as well as basic sustenance and hydration, according to the report, which is comparable to “a war crime.”

During a conversation with Stew Peters on Rumble, a “totally healthy man” named Benjamin Gord claimed that after he was involved in a vehicle accident, he was given a “unknown knock-out drug by the attending EMT” and then “woke up on life support in a COVID hospital.”

Gord described how he removed the ventilator by himself, despite the fact that he was unharmed in the vehicle crash. When he inquired as to why he was on a ventilator, hospital workers informed him that he was being treated for COVID.

Similarly, even though they arrived in the hospital claiming other conditions, additional patients are being placed on COVID standard care. Patients are “essentially confined as captives at the hospital,” according to the study, and are “refused the ability to refuse treatment.”

According to the article, some patients are compelled to accept do-not-resuscitate orders, while others are given “powerful central nervous system respiratory depressants,” often known as “euthanasia cocktails,” which include sedatives such as morphine, fentanyl, and midazolam.

According to the NOQ Report, every patient who enters the hospital has a “$100,000+ bounty on their head” since hospitals receive a 20% “bonus” on top of the usual cost for COVID therapy, admission of a COVID patient, and remdesivir use.

Hospitals are earning at least $100,000 more for each claimed COVID patient when they obey the directive to exclusively treat them with remdesivir and ventilation, according to human rights attorney Thomas Renz. Meanwhile, any government payments for ivermectin, antibiotics, and steroids are forfeited.

According to the report, senior care homes in the United Kingdom are being accused of killing COVID patients with the sedative midazolam, according to Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician whose work contributed to the development of mRNA vaccines and who owns patents related to mRNA technology. There were 38,352 out-of-hospital prescriptions for midazolam written in April 2020. For the previous five years, the monthly average for the medicine was only 15,000.

The health authorities’ focus appears to be on “maximizing the death toll, not saving lives,” according to Dr. Mercola, who claims that they continue to “over-treat” patients to death and promote COVID vaccines as the only way to prevent serious disease.

Renz, on the other hand, said on his website, “These vaccines are injuring, and in some cases killing, our military personnel, as well as the general population who believe the ‘safe and effective’ marketing. These figures demonstrate this beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) statistics from the US Department of Defense revealed a 279 percent rise in miscarriages among DOD personnel compared to previous five-year averages. Breast cancer cases grew by 487 percent, while neurological problems increased by 1,048 percent. There was also a 350 percent increase in female fertility, as well as a 437 percent increase in ovarian dysfunction, according to the data.

Meanwhile, Pfizer appears poised for the emergence of bad news. In its fourth quarter earnings release and risk disclosure,31,32 the company admits that “the possibility of unfavorable new preclinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing preclinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of preclinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection” could impact earnings.

They also note challenges related to public confidence, concerns about clinical data integrity, and prescriber and pharmacy education as potential risks, and that’s in addition to the possibility that COVID-19 might “diminish in severity or prevalence, or disappear entirely.”

Those in favor of this malpractice are only troubled by our position because they never knew the freedom they’ve given up. They haven’t observed the privileges given to them bought and paid for with blood sweat and tears. They seem to think humanity can operate without the people they loathe. Such shortsightedness is sure to progress into something much more problematic in the coming years. These are actions planned and executed, with the intention of dividing the American public.

The lack of oversight shown from various different sectors is a direct display of the unshakable incompetence in those who favor this global biological experiment. These vaccine passports will be pushed onto America heavily by the UN and other globalist organizations once the two tier system is set in place. Nothing that these tyrants can say or do will convince self aware Christians to relinquish their faith in Christ. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Please stay inquisitive the word of God, and the world around you.


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