Virginia Hospital Found in Contempt of Court for Refusing to Administer Ivermectin to a Patient.


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A Virginia hospital was found in contempt of court Monday for blocking an ICU patient’s right to allow her doctor to try the drug Ivermectin in a last attempt to treat her case of COVID-19. 

The patient, Kathleen Davies, 63, has been ill with COVID since October and was placed on a ventilator to help her breathe in early November. Her family has been determined in their efforts to try to do everything medically possible to save her life. 

The Fauquier Times reports Loudoun County Circuit Court Judge James Fisher found Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton in contempt of court for “needlessly interposing requirements that stand in the way of the patient’s desired physician administering investigational drugs as part of the Health Care Decisions Act and the federal and state Right to Try Acts.”Related

Davies’ son, Christopher, a radiologic technologist at the same hospital, and her husband Donald had been fighting a legal battle lasting over a week with the hospital for her right to try Ivermectin in what the newspaper described as a last attempt to save her life.   

The FDA has not approved Ivermectin to treat COVID, and Christopher Davies told the paper he doesn’t know whether or not Ivermectin will help his mother, but he wants the opportunity to try the drug as a “hail Mary” effort to save her. He said the hospital had tried every other treatment, but his family should be able to try the drug. 

“I get it. The doctors at the hospital are afraid. This has become politically charged. I’m not trying to go after the hospital. I just want them to use it in hopes that it will help,” Davies told the Times

“They believe it’s a fight between the rights of the hospital and the rights of citizens. They feel their rights trump her rights,” he said. 

According to a court document obtained by The Daily Wire, the court had ruled on Dec. 6 that Kathleen Davies had the right under Virginia law to try Ivermectin or any other order and prescription provided by Dr. Martha Maturi — the doctor retained by the Davies family who had prescribed Ivermectin — regardless of her employment with the hospital.

But when Chris and a nurse went to give his mom the Ivermectin on the night of Dec. 7, the hospital refused to allow him in the ICU with the drug. 

The hospital told Chris they had filed for another emergency hearing on the matter which was scheduled for Dec. 8, according to The Daily Wire

Ivermectin Israel Study. Photo: CBN News

On Dec. 9, Judge Fisher considered the hospital’s arguments, but ruled in favor of the Davies family, writing, “The specific provisions of the Health Care Decisions Act of Virginia control the rights of the parties and sets out a statutorily specific authority of the court to rule…. An agent operating under an Advance Medical Directive, as is the case here, is authorized with ‘full power to make health care decisions for {the patient}. The agent may consent to … medication,” and may “hire and fire {the patient’s} health care providers… That is what happened here,” according to the Times.

Even though the judge signed an order that Davies’ doctor had the right to administer Ivermectin under Virginia law, the hospital had still not complied by the time of the contempt hearing which was scheduled for Monday, Dec. 13.

The court then ruled the drug must be given to Davies by her doctor by 9:00 pm Eastern Monday night or the hospital would have to pay “$10,000 per day, retroactive to the date of the court’s injunction order filing (Dec. 9) and shall continue to pay such sums until the ordered relief has been accomplished,” the Times reported. 

The court’s order also said the medical facility could avoid further fines if they obeyed.

Christopher Davies told the paper a hospital nurse finally gave his mother the first dose of Ivermectin at 8:45 p.m. Eastern time on Monday. 

As of this writing, there has been no further word on Kathleen Davies’ condition. 

As CBN News reported last week, lawsuits have been mounting against hospitals that ban Ivermectin. 

Although major physicians associations oppose its use, a number of doctors nationwide believe the drug is a potentially effective treatment for COVID-19 and they prescribe it within the confines of their own offices. 

Doctors who work in hospitals, however, must abide by their hospital administration’s policies. 

If hospitals are going to make dying people fight for their rights to ivermectin, there’s no point in going to the hospital. Because there is significant data to suggest that their treatment is more harmful than helpful.

New York City emergency-medicine physician Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell sparked controversy when he posted a YouTube video claiming that ventilators may be harming COVID-19 patients more than they’re helping. Only a small portion of COVID-19 patients get sick enough to require ventilation—but for the unlucky few who do, data out of China and New York City suggest upward of 80% do not recover. A U.K. report put the number only slightly lower, at 66%.

“We are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue,” Kyle-Sidell warned. “I believe we are treating the wrong disease, and I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time.”

Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell

Few doctors are saying COVID-19 patients should never be ventilated, but there is a growing subset that thinks it’s happening too quickly. Dr. Nicholas Hill, chief of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine at Tufts Medical Center in Boston and a past president of the American Thoracic Society, says he’s avoiding mechanical ventilation when he can, and finding success with some non-invasive options like flipping patients onto their stomachs, which can trigger better blood flow to the lungs.

If the drug is proving to be effective, we shouldn’t be politicizing vaccine efficacy and mandates across the board. Because these inoculations are proving to be just as dangerous, if not more so than what they portrayed ivermectin to be in mainstream media. With that being said, why is there no talk of ivermectin being universally accepted as treatment and prevention from COVID-19 symptoms? As far as the medical field goes, some seem to be following an agenda that is clearly not in our individual best interest. That said, i’ll be taking personal responsibility for my health. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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