Watchman: By Providing Funds to the U.N. and Its Allies, the US Is Financing Its Own “Invasion.” the Entire Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, and Presidency Have To Go and Start Over. They Serve the People No Longer. Throw Them All Out!

By SRH, Satan never takes a day off…

By providing funds to the UN and its allies, the US is financing its own "invasion." The entire Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, and Presidency must depart and start over. They serve the people no longer. Change them all out!

In 2023, the UN migration agency received approximately $1.3 billion from the Biden administration. This money is used to support migrants as they attempt to enter the US illegally.

By supporting the UN and its allies, which in turn provide hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and other forms of assistance to migrants who ultimately breach the southern border of the United States illegally, the United States is financing its own "invasion."

The United Nations has been providing assistance to migrants for many years, but as the number of undocumented immigrants entering the country has increased—from at least 160 countries—the organization's purview has significantly broadened.

According to a government spending database, the U.S. government has funded the U.N. and other organizations that aid migrants with more than $1 billion, which has fostered this expansion.

Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, a research tank that supports low immigration and immigration policies, told The Epoch Times that "we're actually funding our own border crisis." "And in the end, the United States taxpayer provides it."

Prior to President Joe Biden's arrival, the United States owed the U.N.'s migration arm, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), over $500 million annually.

However, according to, spending increased dramatically under the Biden administration, reaching over $1.3 billion in 2023—more than twice as much as it did under the Trump administration.

According to the federal spending database, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department provide the majority of funding.
Two of the biggest government handouts were voluntary $547 million over two years, ending in 2023, contributions made by the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration to the United Nations' IOM.

"To fund processing individuals requesting refugee status and resettlement in the United States and arrange their movement" was the bureau's stated mission.

The United Nations is investing an incredible sum of money in the illegal immigration crisis, some of which comes from American taxpayers.
With the assistance of 248 partner groups that are also getting money from the United States, the U.N.-orchestrated Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan update for 2024 asks for distributing $1.6 billion in 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

On May 24, 2023, in Costa Mesa, California, Todd Bensman, a senior national security scholar at the Center for Immigration Studies. (The Epoch Times / John Fredericks)

For 624,300 migrants—the equivalent of the population of Detroit—in Central and South America who are traveling to the U.S. border, the proposal allotted $372 million in "cash and vouchers" and "multipurpose cash assistance" for the year 2024.

Giving the border to criminals and unscreened invaders is now the biggest financial crime against US citizens and taxes since the country was founded. Politicians who are short-sighted and lazy have now put a huge, unnecessary, and generally disliked economic burden on taxpayers that will cost them trillions of dollars every year. And last for many years to come. All taxes have to go up to cover the huge costs of millions of people crossing the line without being stopped.

When taxes aren't enough to cover the difference, people will have to pay more for everyday goods and services. As the number of invaders rises, so will the costs to taxpayers. This is because all of them are needy, ignorant, untrained, sick, weak, frail, criminal, or just typical predatory economic opportunist jerks. Very, very soon, working taxpayers' private wages will be taken away at levels that have never been seen before, and their private wealth will be given to criminal invaders. Anyone with a clear head can't think that putting the health, safety, and financial security of working people at risk is good or right in any way. It's terrible for the USA to give up the border. People have lived for generations without proper border control, but that's no reason to give up on the border completely as things stand now. It's not a big deal for politician-scum.



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