Watchman: Connecting the Dots: The Same Criminal Banker and Globalists Who Advocate for Net Zero, Unending Proxy Wars, Big Pharma, and So On. A Never-Ending Vacuum Sucking the Vitality From the Middle Class by Producing Counterfeit Money and Passing the Inflation Bill on to the Working Class,AKA Tribulation

And Next



In the Sam Bankman-Fried trial, Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicolas Roos stated, "This is not about complicated issues of cryptocurrency," after charging the defendant with creating FTX on a "pyramid of deceit." The underlying principles of Britain's net-zero project are comparable.

Similar to FTX, energy is complex, and electricity is necessary for modern society and our standard of living, but the fundamental narrative is clear: net zero and wind power are based on a pyramid of lies.

On the basis of arguments that wind power costs were low and declining, net zero was marketed to Parliament and the British public. This was untrue: the cost of wind electricity has been rising. The official assessments from the Treasury and the Office for Budget Responsibility, which support the net-zero version of the myth that "crypto will make you rich," are predicated on the fallacies that wind power is inexpensive, that net zero would have low costs, and that it might increase economic growth and productivity. There's no truth to any of these.

The UK's Climate Change Committee published a report in 2019 pleading with the government to implement the policy, sparking the start of the net zero movement. Historic climate guilt was one of the reasons offered. Britain had been "one of the largest historical contributors to climate change," according to committee chair Lord Deben. The primary rationale for increasing Britain's decarbonization from 80% to 100% by 2050, or reaching net zero, was centered around "rapid cost reductions during mass deployment for key technologies," particularly in the offshore wind industry. The committee asserted that "tighter emission reduction targets are achievable at the same costs as previous looser targets" as a result of these spurious cost savings. The oil was a green snake.

The statement cautioned that there was a "weak economic case for the UK continuing to act alone where global action cannot be achieved."
The Climate Change Act was enacted to demonstrate Britain's leadership in climate change and to encourage other nations to emulate its actions. What was the outcome of that? Between the time the Act was passed in 2011 and the year that net zero legislation was implemented in 2019, Britain's fossil fuel emissions decreased by 180 million metric tons, or 33 percent.

The rest of the world's emissions rose by 5,177 million metric tons, or sixteen percent, during the same time. Stated differently, the world's increasing emissions negated 11 years of British carbon reductions in approximately 140 days.

Promoting policies based on fraud and misrepresentation carries no criminal or civil sanctions, in contrast to the business and banking worlds. Instead, communism and net zero are comparable. Similar to net zero, communism relied on an untruth to outproduce capitalism. However, it was a failure, and support for communism vanished. The crash struck quickly and without warning. There was no hiding from reality. Net Zero faces a similar destiny.

SRH: The net zero narrative is about as destructive as the COVID jab.

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