Watchman: Ohio Sheriff Alerts People to Worsening Border Invasion; SRH: We Are Heading Toward Civil War—Don’t Believe Those That Lead You To The November Election—Won’t Be One!


Watchman: Sheriff of Ohio Warns of Worsening Border Invasion; Civil War Is Coming; Don't Trust Those Who Take You To The November Election—You Won't Be One!

Radical southern border tactics by the Biden administration have unleashed the largest wave of migrants this country has ever seen, with a large contingent of men from all over the world who are of military age. Alarms have been aroused by this situation within the FBI, and last week, the head of the federal agency held a conference to notify local law enforcement agencies across the United States.

Ohio Sheriff Richard K. Jones provided information about a meeting he attended with other sheriffs nationwide in Washington, DC, at a press conference on Wednesday. The FBI director, Christopher Wray, was one of the meeting's participants.

In light of the border situation and the rise in violent crime across the country, Jones clarified, the president has declined to meet with the 3,300 sheriffs and police chiefs across the country.

The FBI director, Mr. Ray, also told us that there are more warning indicators rising now than there were prior to September 11th.

The following is an excerpt from Wall Street Apes' transcript of the sheriff's press appearance in which he details Wray's warning to the United States:

"China has safe houses in every state in the United States."

"They're coming something with the intention of hurting us. You need to think that. Every state in the union has a safe house run by China. Rick Jones is my name. In Butler County, Ohio, I serve as the Butler County Sheriff. It was only three days ago, indeed, that I returned from the National Sheriff's Training in Washington, DC. FBI Director Ray, along with representatives from many government agencies, briefed us. In America, there are 3,300 sheriffs.

Biden declines to have a meeting with the 3,300 sheriffs. There is a hierarchy here. There is a president here. Our vice president is here. The US Officials declines to have a meeting with the sheriffs.

Additionally, he declines to have a meeting with the American police chiefs. They also have a hierarchy. He declines to meet with them to discuss border concerns or the crime that results from them. The FBI director, Mr. Ray, also told us that there are more warning indicators emerging now than there were prior to September 11th. Alright?

Red flags are those who are in this country with the intention of harming us. We were also informed that we were now bombing two countries. two nations. Even before anything happened, these folks did not like us. There are hundreds of foreigners in attendance, representing 160 different nations. They are not here to be our pals.

A portion of them are arriving because, in our opinion, this is the greatest country in the world. Some of them are here to hurt us. The FBI director also informed us that the question is not whether, but rather when. Five weeks after the attack, we were also informed that five sheriffs had been to Israel. The Israeli government and local police were the only things that kept the Israelis alive. \

Outnumbered and outgunned, they were. They approached. It was the Palestinians. They approached. They raped and killed. There were sheriffs present. They had a conversation with the police. That nation was saved by its local cops. Even in Israel, you cannot simply contact the military, and they will respond, which means don't do that. They killed and raped as they proceeded from house to house. The police in Israel.

The sheriffs said, "They just don't hate us," when our soldiers arrived. They both despise you people equally. Additionally, those who teach kids to hate us are also those who teach others to hate us.

There are more red flags now than there were after 9/11, according to the FBI director. Thus, he declared, "These are the people who wish to harm and kill us." In case you were wondering, I want everyone to be aware of what I am aware of.

I can't tell you everything, but I do want the public to be aware of the dire circumstances we find ourselves in at the moment. America, and I'm going to reach the regional.

We're on the defensive in the United States. It is impossible to play defense without offensive play. We mean no disrespect. Our only role is defense. We're taking these hits in stride. We're not in the United States. We are providing them with arms. We are giving them our money, our treasure. Furthermore, we're not doing anything at home. Okay.

In light of that, three days ago, the federal government informed us that they were leaving. Our elections will be attacked by them."

"We're going to start training civilians; we've offered classes to train civilians," the sheriff added.

It is an election year, and the radicals in the White House have prepared this border invasion through open southern border policy and covert networks of non-governmental organizations.

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