Watchman’s Daily Devotional: Pray at All Times (Luke 18:1). Paul Commands Us to “Pray Without Ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17).

WarFair God

In Philippians 1:9–11, it is evident that this section is a prayer. Usually, Paul's prayers showed his desire for his readers to grow spiritually. It is essential to rely on prayer for spiritual growth, as it connects Us to the power of the Holy Spirit.


Prayer is incredibly important, as Jesus directed His followers to pray constantly (Luke 18:1). Paul instructs us to maintain a constant attitude of prayer (1 Thess. 5:17). Peter emphasized the importance of maintaining a clear mind and focused attitude when praying (1 Pet. 4:7).

Many other commands are given in scripture to pray, but what truly reflects your faith is your inner drive to pray, not just following commands. As a believer, you live in a spiritual realm where prayer is as essential as breathing in the physical realm. Similar to how atmospheric pressure affects your lungs, prompting you to breathe, your faith surroundings urge you to pray. Resisting can lead to severe consequences.

Seeing life from a divine perspective increases your motivation to pray. Your prayers reflect the development of your faith. Paul prayed fervently day and night due to his deep care for God's people and their spiritual growth.

Reflect on your personal prayers. Do you pray because you feel obligated, or do you pray willingly? Do you pray seldom or for short periods? Are your prayers focused on your personal needs or the needs of others? Do you ask for the growth of others in their faith? These significant inquiries reflect your spiritual growth and provide direction for adjusting your prayer routine if necessary.

Prayer Tips

Grateful for the opportunity and strength of prayer.
If prayer has been overlooked or focused on personal needs rather than others, acknowledge the mistake and seek a renewed commitment to praying as intended.
Is there a person you should be praying for more regularly?

For additional exploration, consider reading Daniel 6:1-28.

How did Daniel pray regularly?
What charge did the political leaders level against Daniel?
How did the king feel about Daniel?
How was Daniel's faith rewarded by God?


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The Watchman

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  1. Karen on February 26, 2024 at 11:37 am

    Wonderful, timely article.

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