Watchmen: Jesus Is Not Your “Homeboy.” Jesus Does Not ‘Put His Arm’ Around the Sodomites and Affirm Their Abominations. He Does Not Get Tattoos To Fit in With the “Tribe.”

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The one-minute commercial showcased various images of a wide range of individuals washing each other's feet. One image showed a Hispanic police officer cleaning the feet of a black man in an alley, while another depicted a mother washing her daughter's feet outside an abortion clinic. There were also photos of what appeared to be same-sex couples washing each other's feet, among others.

As the commercial wrapped up, it concluded with a lively melody and the message, "Jesus preached love, not hate." He proceeded to wash their feet.

Some people thought the advertisement showcased AI imagery. However, according to a global media firm, AdAge, the images are not created by artificial intelligence.

At first, some of us at Ad Age were skeptical about whether the He Gets Us Jesus #SuperBowl ad was created using AI...It was not.

These photographs were taken by photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten, who has a background in the fine arts industry.
AdAge reported on X

The Christian group attempted to offer some background to the ad by describing the video on YouTube: “The night before he died, Jesus gathered his friends and followers and washed their feet as a symbolic gesture of humility and respect towards others. Imagine the impact on our world if individuals, especially those with differing beliefs, humbly served one another in this way.

Furthermore, the group detailed their rationale in a blog entry. They decided to take this approach because they want to focus on an important directive given by Jesus - Love Your Neighbor, especially with an upcoming election year that will be filled with division and derision.

They included:

Reflecting on a powerful story, we remembered the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, even when we have differing opinions. Jesus had washed Peter’s feet, a loyal friend who would publicly deny that he knew Jesus later that very night. Surprisingly, Jesus washed Judas Iscariot’s feet, the one who would betray him for 30 pieces of silver.
[...] Jesus used foot washing to highlight a broader message - a representation for his followers to understand how they should interact with each other.

[…] Jesus emphasized the importance of humility and service by teaching that true leaders should be willing to serve others and even wash each other's feet. Foot washing demonstrated humility from both individuals involved: the one offering to wash someone else's feet and the one accepting the act. It was a display of mutual respect. Jesus was breaking down barriers of social status among his followers.

Engaging in foot washing involves the act of humbling oneself, possibly by kneeling before someone else. Although the initial appearance may suggest subservience, it actually reflects a gesture of kindness and generosity that elevates the foot washer's actions. Putting others before himself was always Jesus' way.

It was the teachings and deeds of Jesus that motivated us. We started envisioning a scenario where people with different beliefs were ready to put their disagreements aside and help each other. What would that appear like? Imagine the impact on our world if we practiced serving one another in a symbolic way. Symbolic acts of kindness can range from offering a kind word to a colleague to treating a stranger to a meal. It can be challenging to refrain from responding to criticism or reconnecting with a family member who is estranged. Performing acts of kindness with humility and respect for others can be seen as a modern-day version of foot washing.

We aim for our recent commercials to spark conversations and personal introspection on the concept of neighborly love, encouraging kindness and respect despite differences.

Many of the top comments on the YouTube video pointed out that it misrepresented what Jesus taught and did during his time on earth.

One individual sarcastically remarked, "Jesus supposedly prioritized spending 14 million on Super Bowl ads over feeding people." Another person inquired about the release date of the video on repentance. Another individual mentioned, “Jesus dined with sinners, but did not approve of their behavior either. Jesus is here to transform the sinner, rather than sinners altering Jesus' identity.

Despite efforts by certain conservative pundits to minimize the messaging in the ads, they argued that it was not flawless but not as severe as others were suggesting. Among the personalities involved were Jesuit-converted-Mormon Glenn Beck from The Blaze, and Michael Knowles, a Catholic, who is employed by The Daily Wire. However, the majority of the commenters were not in agreement.


This false gospel without repentance has destroyed this once blessed country; and instead of telling people to get away from sin, and to condemn sin, instead these evil ministers of Satan will tell you to embrace them, and don’t judge them and cast stones. Those are the words of false converts. Source: WinePress


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