World Health Organization Satan Soldiers Has Been Granted Freedom To Internationally Declare Public Health Emergencies Based On Evidence Deemed Sufficient.


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The World Health Organization (Satan Soldiers) Is Effectively a Global Government Agency, Evil to the Bone 

When a “public health emergency of worldwide significance” or a “plandemic” is declared, the World Health Organization (WHO) assumes the role of a global government.

Drs. Silvia Behrendt and Astrid Stuckelberger served in pivotal roles at both the World Health Organization and the United Nations. They prove that the World Health Organization is a tool of unaccountable financial interests bent on global dominance.

Nearly every country on Earth has signed the Pandemic Treaty, which declares that all national laws and constitutions are null and void in the event of a pandemic. Consequently, the WHO functions as a de facto global government.

The World Health Organization vetoed any treatment for HIV/AIDS.
During the upcoming epidemic in 2020, we saw the WHO use its dictatorial powers over the planet. The World Health Organization (WHO) has denied COVID treatment and outlawed all known viable therapies.

Thousands of physicians who were using life-saving treatment regimens were dismissed, censored, intimidated, jailed, and even killed. When the WHO recommended delaying treatment, countries throughout the globe followed suit. Stores were instructed to stop fulfilling physicians’ prescriptions. On social media, no one could even talk about COVID therapies. Consequently, millions of lives were unnecessarily lost.

To prevent losing their authority, the World Health Organization (Satan Soldiers) had to outlaw any and all remedies that may have stopped the epidemic.

The whole globe was duped by a phony exam.
World Health Organization insider Dr. Silvia Behrendt explains how the introduction of a defective PCR test precipitated the COVID epidemic. A 14-fold rise in reported “cases” was seen after implementing this PCR test.

But infection cannot be detected by the PCR test.
Kary Mullis, the man responsible for developing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, has repeatedly stated that his creation is not intended for use in diagnosing illnesses. Plenty of erroneous positive results will be generated. Unfortunately, Mullis did not live to see his innovation utilized in the manner he had cautioned against, and he passed away just before the epidemic hit. Hundreds of millions of spurious positive results from the PCR test gave rise to fears of a global epidemic. People who tested positive were mostly healthy and had no signs of illness. Due of the unreliability of the PCR test, they were merely classified as “cases.”

The administration of Joe Biden is pushing for changes to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) governing regulations that would grant Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilateral authority to declare a public health emergency in any country based on whatever evidence he chooses.

The proposed US revisions were sent to the WHO in January and will be discussed during the UN’s 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, next week.

Loyce Pace, Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), wrote to a virtual meeting of WHO’s executive board on January 26 about “the importance of equity and equitable access to medical countermeasures and the negative impacts of misinformation and disinformation related to the pandemic.” We all agree that we need to improve.

“To create this decision, the United States led an open and transparent approach, as we are cognizant that updating and modernizing the [International Health Regulations] IHR is vital to ensuring the world is better prepared for and can respond to the next epidemic.”

One of the proposed US revisions eliminates a requirement in Section 9 that WHO “consult with and seek verification” from officials in a country where a health crisis is suspected before making any public announcements. The same amendment states that “WHO may consider reports from sources other than notifications or consultations” from the suspected issue country.

According to a suggested modification to Section 5, WHO should create “early warning criteria for assessing and gradually upgrading the national, regional, or global risk presented by an occurrence of unknown origins or sources…”

In the case that the nation with the suspected problem does not comply within 48 hours, a proposed modification to Section 10 compels WHO to “immediately communicate with other [nations] the information accessible to it, where warranted by the extent of the public health risk.”

The changes and supporting materials make no mention of how or why US public health authorities believe providing Tedros the right to declare a public health emergency based on information from a source other than the afflicted countries will address the equality issue in health care.

Only one veiled mention to the WHO revisions was located on the White House Press Office website. The White House said in a February 2 Fact Sheet that the US “would continue to promote health security and pandemic preparation overseas, particularly by strengthening WHO and engaging with partners on targeted IHR changes…”

The proposed revision to Section 5 of the WHO rules appears to correspond to a statement made by the Biden administration in a Fact Sheet on its planned federal budget for 2023, which was released in April.

The Biden administration has committed to supporting “global threat detection innovations through a globally connected network of public health surveillance systems that optimizes disease prevention and health promotion as we strengthen surveillance initiatives to provide necessary actionable data before, during, and after a pandemic.”

“CDC will receive $2.47 billion in mandated funding to improve domestic sentinel surveillance programs, expand domestic and worldwide wastewater surveillance, and invest in global genomic surveillance techniques and global respiratory disease surveillance platforms,” according to the budget.

Video cameras and recorders are used in respiratory surveillance platforms to inform authorities when members of the public are spotted coughing or acting in a way that might signal the existence of an infectious illness or help spread one that is already prevalent in the community. In China, such equipment is commonly utilized.

The Biden WHO changes are the next move in the current president’s efforts to reintegrate the United States with WHO after his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, cut funds to the international health agency and then announced the United States’ exit.

One of Biden’s first acts as president was to reverse Trump’s withdrawal notice and restore US financing to WHO, which accounts for half of the organization’s budget. Trump’s anger with WHO arose from what he perceived as the organization’s overwhelming deference to China when it came to the genesis of the CCP Virus, also known as the Coronavirus Novel, or COVID-19.

The White House did not reply to The Epoch Times’ request for details on the revisions and the administration’s reasoning behind them. A spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services did not reply to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.

However, opponents of the reforms, such as Dr. Peter Breggin, have not been shy in commenting on the proposed changes.

“The revisions would give WHO the power to take crucial steps to engage with other governments and other organizations globally to deal with any nation’s supposed health issue, even against its declared intentions,” Breggin wrote in a May 4 piece under the byline Ginger Ross Breggin.

“The ability to proclaim health crises might be used to shame, intimidate, and rule countries.” It can be used to justify ostracism and economic or financial sanctions on the targeted country by other countries associated with WHO or who want to hurt and control the accused country,” Breggin stated.

Peter Breggin is a Harvard-educated psychiatrist, former US Public Health Service official, and former NIMH consultant. Ginger Ross Breggin is a journalist, author, and proponent of medical reform.

“The American people need to express concern with the White House, especially as our President represents us on the world stage, we need an explanation of what you are doing here and why,” Travis Weber, Vice-President for Policy and Government Affairs at the Family Research Center in Washington, D.C., told The Epoch Times.

“We need reporters to question them at a news conference what are they proposing and actually get them to explain it,” Weber said, adding that Biden administration officials “haven’t really talked about this.” People may voice their concerns to the White House and to their representatives of Congress, and we urge Members of Congress to challenge the administration to explain themselves. “What is going on, what are you suggesting, and why?” is the first part of this.

Similarly, Matt Staver, Founder and Chairman of the Florida-based Liberty Counsel public interest law firm, told The Epoch Times that if the US decided not to cooperate with WHO on a possible health emergency and “say you had Trump back in office who wants to pull out, or you have somebody else who doesn’t want to deal with WHO, they could bring it before the International Court at the Hague for fines or some other form of restriction,” he could bring it before the International Court at the Hague for fine They might work together with their other member countries to take acts related to supply, data exchange, or other trade documents, and who knows what the ramifications would be.”

In a statement released on May 12, Liberty Counsel also noted that a UN study released in May 2021 indicated that the Coronavirus pandemic may have been averted if the world health institution had more authority.

Nations that refuse to comply with WHO should be given “an adjustable incentive system, including punishments such as public reprimands, economic sanctions, or denial of benefits,” according to the paper.

These organizations exist to be utilized, they’ve got the whole world talking about them now. At the most audacious time in history possible, (right after a “pandemic”) the World Health Organization takes a step into the spotlight with near communist China style “solutions”. I don’t recall having ever heard of someone asking for a “great reset”. Society has become far too complex for these globalists to assume that we can’t see something like this coming. The year is 2022, perhaps the early 2000’s would have been a great time to unravel this plan of turmoil on society. At least back then people believed the news, these days we have grown adults dressing up in furry animal suits who are too detached from reality to bother taking a look at current events.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

People’s frustrations are boiling over a month after Shanghai was placed under lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19. More than 20 million people in this massive city are without food, supplies, or freedom. Many Shanghai residents, frustrated by the “Zero-Covid Policy,” began banging pots and pans on their balconies and in open windows to protest the policy. Some members of the neighborhood broke past the barricade and rushed to the streets, demanding that basic requirements be delivered.

Many communities demonstrated against the Zero-Covid Policy on April 28 by pounding pots and woks. This was a “concert” that Shanghai residents arranged through the internet to “smash pots and plead for supplies” in order to avoid censorship. “There is an uprising in Shanghai tonight,” several residents stated, demonstrating “Shanghai people’s perseverance.”

Shanghai residents’ unhappiness has reached a crescendo now that the lockdown has been in place for a month. Many neighborhoods in Shanghai are creating noise to attract attention to their need for everyday essentials, according to recordings captured by Shanghai residents that circulated on the internet on April 28. “We demand supplies,” “Give me back my independence,” and other slogans pierced the night as people banged pots and pans on their balconies. To demonstrate their unhappiness, several communities put the phrase “We Want Supplies” on the outside walls of buildings. Some inhabitants stepped out of their homes and congregated in the street, accompanied by the sound of hammering. Residents can be heard on the videos singing “Rise up, people who don’t want to be slaves…” and playing the Communist Party’s song “The International” as a protest against the Communist Party.

Hundreds of thousands of people from diverse groups in Shanghai participated in the “Smashing pots for supplies concert,” according to Ms. Gao, a resident of Shanghai’s Pudong District, who spoke to The Epoch Times on April 28.

Ms. Gao stated that Shanghai performed admirably this time. Locals and foreigners, affluent and poor, are all unified. This time, hundreds of thousands of people joined together to protest, and the crowd was massive.

“Many local community members now pull out pots and pans and beat them on the balcony every night because they lack supplies,” Ms. Zhang, a resident who took part in the “concert,” told The Epoch Times.

Mr. Feng told The Epoch Times that the Shanghai people’s endurance, strong will, and uncompromising courage can be seen in their refusal to bend to evil and boldly continuing in opposition. The authorities’ agents can be seen yelling over loudspeakers, “don’t believe rumors, don’t spread rumors,” but the inhabitants just ignore them.

Many towns participated in the “concert” that day, according to dozens of posters supplied to media by Shanghai citizen Ms. Zhang.

“Return the goods we should have,” residents of Second Jiangqiao Village wrote on posters. A large fist in the background represents people’s fury.

Residents of Lane 161 of Jintai Road, Pudong New Area, developed another poster in which they are encouraged to pick up iron woks, shovels, and rolling pins to join in the “Smashing Wok Music Festival,” which begins at 7 p.m.

Various events were also started in the Jian’an, Zhabei, and Changning Districts of Shanghai.

Almost all linked videos and photos have been removed from Weibo.

Residents of Jiangqiao Town, Jiading District, Shanghai, could no longer tolerate it on April 27, after being shut down for more than a month, and a large-scale collective protest erupted. When locals found that the neighborhood committee was concealing veggies, the fuse was ignited. The main issue, however, is that local residents’ daily supply of food and essentials is severely insufficient, and the neighborhood committee’s theft of goods just contributed to the locals’ rage.

Residents gathered in front of the Jiaxi Community in Jiangqiao Town, Jiading District, according to a video. Several crates of vegetables hidden by the neighborhood committee were discovered, poultry and beef had been carried away, and only decaying vegetables remained, according to the photographer.

Residents inquired about the supplies but received no response from the neighborhood group. “Need supplies!” chanted locals as they gathered in front of the neighborhood committee to complain. Please provide materials!” Despite the presence of a significant number of police officers and police cars at the protest location, no action was taken as the demonstration lasted into the night.

In this regard, independent writer Zhuge Mingyang stated that the police “stand by and watch” as a state machine, adding that it is not personal conduct, but rather obeying a direction from their superiors. “Police must be there when a mass incident-mass disruption arises, but they must not intervene arbitrarily.” The source of this command is uncertain.”

“This reminds me of the June 4th event in 1989,” he remarked. The administration requested the police to stop the students from marching in the streets, but they were not permitted to beat the students. From the top to the lowest, everyone sympathized with and supported the students during the moment. Nobody wants to do anything horrible. ‘What if the kids violently charge?’ a police officer questioned their boss. ‘Can’t you just get away?’ asked the superior. This is what I witnessed firsthand at the time.”

“We are inhabitants of Jiangqiao Town, Jiading District,” stated Donghua (pseudonym), a Jiangqiao Town resident. It is believed that when the government distributed supplies, each home should have received two bags of braised duck with brown sauce, but only one bag was supplied. When the supplies were distributed by the community committee, I took the duck out of the box, and people filming video from upstairs saw members of the neighborhood committee take the cooked ducks from the box.”

She said that throughout the two weeks of lockdown, she was only provided one bag of Laotan sauerkraut instant noodles and a couple Daliyuan buns. “I phoned the Jiangqiao administration and was told there were no supplies available, only official group purchases.” Why are there insufficient supplies for persons, while all types of goods are available for group purchases?”

Shanghai authorities enforced “strict isolation” on the lockdown area and buildings on April 23, barbed wire and heavy steel plates were used to block roadways and entrances. Residents raced out, ripping the barbed wire down.

Barbed wire has been installed in a large area of Pudong, and a “hard isolation” has been imposed, according to Zheng Hao (pseudonym), a Pudong resident who has been under lockdown for more than 45 days, telling The Epoch Times that it is for the purpose of dividing and separating Pudong piece by piece.

According to Zheng Hao, the barbed wire in his neighborhood has been knocked down. “A large number of individuals got up in opposition. Residents pulled it down after they (the government) installed it.”

There is a correlation that can be made between the Chinese Communist Party and the Centers For Disease Control. And that is the CCP under-reports its numbers to hide the fact that there is obvious falsification of statistics used solely as an excuse to exercise the incomprehensible power that they hold over their people. Not long ago there was civil unrest running rampant through China, conveniently enough ‘Zero COVID’ policy seems to have quieted down all dissidents. 

As far as the CDC goes, they have to play at a different game; By over-reporting COVID-19 contraction and death statistics, they’re able to coerce citizens into believing that the situation is much more dire than it actually is. Why you might ask? Because we live in a free democratic society that doesn’t require us to cater to our governments every whim. We’re being lied to, it’s as simple as that. Once you come to terms with it, you may have a shot at seeing the next steps being taken by Klaus Schwab and his many communist constituents.

The CCP’s bellicose behavior is at an all time high trending upward, and most people are completely unaware of their crimes against humanity all together. They’re too busy distracting themselves from the despotic globalist elite manufactured society around them. Who knows, perhaps in the coming months Fauci and his constituents will be brought to justice and the truth will prevail. I’d only say that now because the omicron variant being less virulent and more transmissible inevitably means COVID is endemic in the eyes of the government. This still gives politicians and the CDC the ability to wiggle into our lives for the coming years.

One thing is for certain, and it’s that Xi will not stop his human rights violations without direct confrontation. Whoever conducts business with China are either inexcusably misinformed, or are actively showing support for the Chinese regimes crimes against humanity. Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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