Wuhan Whistleblower in Local Detention After 2-Year Disappearance. Authorities Are A Closed Book.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Coronavirus en China: lo que la “desaparición” de 2 periodistas ciudadanos chinos dice de la ...

Citizen journalist Fang Bin is purportedly being held in a local prison center for undisclosed accusations two years after being kidnapped by Chinese officials for reporting COVID-19 fatalities in Wuhan, according to a volunteer. Authorities, on the other hand, refuse to confirm his whereabouts.

The source confirmed to The Epoch Times on Feb. 9 that the latest story regarding Fang being held in the Jiang’an District Detention House is true.

The volunteer said, “The tip came from one of our fellow members in a mutual aid group who is entrusted with contacting Fang’s family.” “However, local authorities warned them against putting money in his account, mailing him clothes, speaking up for him, or appointing a lawyer to represent him.”

Due to pressure from the authorities, Fang’s family is unwilling to engage a defense attorney to intervene in his case.

The Epoch Times attempted to contact the local prosecutor’s office for comment by phone. “I cannot disclose anything regarding the case of Fang Bin,” the receiver said. “Nor can I put you through to the head of our prosecutor’s office.”

The Epoch Times also sought unsuccessfully to contact the court and jail facility within the same jurisdiction.

Fang was the first citizen journalist to report on the Wuhan breakout in the early days of the pandemic, when local officials were working to keep the world from learning about the terrible and unknown pneumonia outbreak.

Fang produced a video clip on Feb. 1, 2020, claiming that it showed eight new corpse bags being evacuated from the No. 5 Wuhan People’s Hospital in less than five minutes. His footage shattered the government cover-up and generated international outrage.

That day, police officers hauled him away, but they had to release him under duress. They showed back at his house two days later and tormented him once more.

Following that, he began posting a daily video clip as a means of informing the outside world of his safety. He also pointed out that tyranny was more harmful to society than the virus.

Local authorities and police personnel launched a coordinated effort against Fang five days later. They broke into his house and carried him away forcibly.

Since then, no information concerning his whereabouts has been revealed until now, some two years later.

Fang was not the first citizen journalist imprisoned by Chinese officials for reporting on the situation in Wuhan. Chen Qiushi, Li Zehua, and Zhang Zhan were also present. Only Fang Bin and Zhang Zhan are still in prison.

In an interview with The Epoch Times on Feb. 10, Ann Lau, chair of the Los Angeles-based rights group Visual Artists Guild, confirmed that Fang is being held at the Jiang’an District Detention House.

Since then, no information concerning his whereabouts has been revealed until now, some two years later.

Fang was not the first citizen journalist imprisoned by Chinese officials for reporting on the situation in Wuhan. Chen Qiushi, Li Zehua, and Zhang Zhan were also present. Only Fang Bin and Zhang Zhan are still in prison.

In an interview with The Epoch Times on Feb. 10, Ann Lau, chair of the Los Angeles-based rights group Visual Artists Guild, confirmed that Fang is being held at the Jiang’an District Detention House.

“The problem with the government of China is that the first reaction is always how to cover up,” Lau explained. “It’s just the culture of the Chinese government. They’re terrified of making a mistake.”

Meanwhile, Lau is concerned that, as with famed dissident Liu Xiaobo, who was imprisoned until his death from liver cancer in July 2017, Chinese authorities will never release the human rights defender.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to global politics that this is happening. However, one could speculate and say that tensions across the board are running higher than ever for the Chinese Communist Party. Something has got to give, America is no longer able to turn a blind eye from Xi’s power-trip due to the rapid spread of information in this digital age.

This agenda isn’t going anywhere, neither is the disparity between unvaccinated and vaccinated people. Your friends and family should be able to look past any medical decisions you make; but some people are completely sold on MRNA inoculations while we WATCH tyranny imposed on Australians, Chinese, Canadians, etc. Are Americans not aware that this entire debacle is un-American and alarmingly fascist behavior?

These vaccine passports will be pushed onto America heavily by the UN and other globalist organizations once the two tier system is set in place. Nothing that these tyrants can say or do will convince self aware Christians to relinquish their faith in Christ.

We’ve got a long road ahead of us but through faith in the birth and ressurection of Jesus Christ we’re saved. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

In the United States, an increasing number of biotech, genomics, and medtech companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are raising worries about the security of medical and genetic data.

China’s sovereign wealth fund has more than $1 trillion in assets, accounting for more than 33% of global sovereign wealth fund holdings. As part of the CCP’s Made in China 2025 initiative, most of this money has been pouring into U.S. biotech companies since 2017. Biotech is particularly identified in the industrial policy as a strategic industry that is eligible for government funding. As a result, Beijing has set aside $100 billion for investment in the industry.

China spent $5.1 billion in biotech companies in the United States in 2018, up 25% from the previous year. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is participating in biotech research to produce bioweapons that target specific ethnic groups, as part of the CCP’s “military-civil fusion policy.” The health, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology sectors received half of China’s investment in the United States in 2019, followed by financial and business services, and information and communications technology. The number of Chinese drugmakers filing for FDA approval was at an all-time high in 2021.

In the United States, the number of Chinese biotech companies and joint ventures is gradually expanding. Innocube Bioscience Inc., based in Texas, is the U.S. headquarters for China’s Lepu Biopharma Co., which is strongly backed by the State Development and Investment Corporation of Beijing (SDIC). BeiGene, a Chinese pharmaceutical and research company based in San Mateo, California, undertakes gene sequencing research on molecularly targeted therapies. The company’s Chinese research center, which has received major support from the Chinese government, focuses on genetic engineering.

U.S. people and even the government assist the CCP in infiltrating the bio and medical industries in the United States. The US Army Contracting Command awarded Chinese firm Andon Health Co. a $1.28 billion contract to supply COVID-19 self-test kits last month. In December, Andon’s iHealth Labs subsidiary signed a $120 million contract with the New York State Department of Health for self-test kits.

Republican legislators reacted angrily to these purchases. The Republicans proposed a law barring the purchase of Chinese-made COVID test kits, which was defeated by the Democrats. The purchases were hailed by the Chinese tabloid Global Times as evidence that the US is reliant on China to plug supply-chain gaps.

Complete Genomics, a California-based corporation that maintains the genetic information of US residents, was purchased by the PLA-linked BGI Group, formerly known as the Beijing Genomics Institute. A Chinese government sovereign wealth fund bought 1.4 million shares in BGI Genomics last year. State Development and Investment Corporation (SDIC), another wealth fund, owns more than 33% of BGI. Huatai Securities, a Chinese state-owned securities firm, became BGI’s fifth-largest stakeholder after purchasing shares from two other Chinese state-owned securities firms.

WuXi Pharma Tech bought NextCODE Health in the United States in 2015, becoming WuXi NextCODE Genomics. There were 15 Chinese genetic testing or genomic sequencing companies operating in the United States as of 2019.

WuXi Biologics purchased a Pfizer manufacturing unit in China, gaining access to some of Pfizer’s data in the process. In 2015, the corporation also purchased a share in 23andMe, an American DNA testing company. Massachusetts and New Jersey are now home to WuXi Biologics. It received a funding from the Chinese government to build a pharmaceuticals facility in Delaware. WuXi Advanced Therapies (WuXi ATU) announced the opening of a cell and gene therapy testing center in the Philadelphia Navy Yard in November 2021.

The Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 (FIRRMA) broadened the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States’ (CFIUS) authority to ban investments that the government considers to be a national security danger. CFIUS is increasingly using its jurisdiction to put a stop to Chinese biotech investments.

A number of Chinese biotech enterprises are expected to be blacklisted by the US in the near future. Meanwhile, a slew of Chinese biotech corporations are working in the United States, harvesting Americans’ genetic data.

It’s imperative that we take note of China’s use of DNA sequencing data to produce biometric facial recognition software. This armed the Chinese communist party with the ability to find any face, as long as they’ve attained DNA samples from the subject before hand. But as we know, the CCP has already done that among other jurassic measures. So the question remains, why has the American public not been made aware of the lengths that the CCP has gone to persecute these people?

The answer to that is simple, it’s because many Americans will see the most raw results of malicious intent behind a computer. This single topic of conversation alone is enough to make someone who takes interest in technology wonder what is next for America. Considering the divide we’ve seen in society due to COVID-19 propaganda. The person next to you on a bus could be experiencing life in America completely bought into Fauci’s lies. But your choice to refuse vaccination could become troublesome for the sleeping sheep. Only because the lying “omniscient” medical practitioners suggest as such. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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