1. Panic the people. 2. Wreck the economy. 3. Usher in the New World Order But


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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What history will record as the great COVID coup of 2020 is based on lies and fear manufactured by America’s ruling class – led by the Democratic Party and aided by the complaisance of most Republican politicians.

The Short List of “Reprobate” found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).”


A “Novel” Breakthrough? New Studies Show Memory T-Cells Offer Long Term And Pre-Existing COVID Immunity

Much of the talk about the coronavirus over the last couple of months has been about antibodies.

They are looked at as part of the key to unlocking questions about immunity to the virus. Specifically, researchers have looked at how vaccines induce antibody responses and how long antibody protections last after someone has had the virus. In the answers to those questions lies the answer to another: how and when will we achieve herd immunity?

There had been worries about coronavirus antibodies over the past few months, as several studies showed they may only last several months. This had led to a litany of questions about how often one would require a vaccination and whether or not we would ever become immune to the “novel” virus. 

But on Friday, a new study highlighted by Business Insider shifted focus away from antibodies and onto memory T cells – the cells that identify and destroy infected cells and inform B cells how to craft antibodies. 

Yeah @helenemarivdw , now that it is obvious to anyone who can read that the medical case for muzzles is extremely weak, let’s try psychological warfare to force conformism. Make dissenters feel bad, and submissive feel snug. Thanks for the warning. https://twitter.com/helenemarivdw/status/1296339413602009089

The study, published in Cell, now suggests that everyone who gets COVID-19 develops T cells that may offer long term immunity by hunting down the coronavirus at later dates. “Memory T cells will likely prove critical for long-term immune protection against COVID-19,” the study says.

The study looked at blood from 206 people in Sweden who had been exposed to COVID-19 in varying degrees of severity. Regardless of a person’s exposure, they developed a “robust” T cell response, according to the study. And even those who tested negative to antibodies developed memory T cells, the study found. 

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci even called T cell studies like this one “good news” for fighting the virus. “People who don’t seem to have high titers of antibodies, but who are infected or have been infected, have good T-cell responses,” he said during a Facebook interview last Thursday. 

Similarly, a study performed in July found that in 36 COVID-19 patients who recovered, all produced memory T cells that “recognize and are specifically engineered to fight the new coronavirus.” A third study, published in Nature, found that out of 18 people studied, more than 80% developed these T cells. 

These previous studies also found that many people who never had COVID-19 seem to have memory T cells that can recognize the new virus. This, of course, would mean that the virus isn’t a “novel” as we once thought. In the July study, more than half of people already had the T cells and in the Nature study, more than one third already had the T cells. 

Another study published earlier in August showed that 25 people who never had COVID-19 had memory T cells that could recognize it. In other words, they had some form of pre-existing immunity. 

The lifespan of such T cells can be immense. For example, in the July study, T cells in blood samples from 23 people who survived SARS were still there 17 years later. The same T cells “could recognize the new coronavirus”. 

Alessandro Sette, a coauthor of that study, said: “This could help explain why some people show milder symptoms of disease while others get severely sick.”

“You’re starting with a little bit of an advantage — a head start in the arms race between the virus that wants to reproduce and the immune system wanting to eliminate it,” he concluded. 

We wonder if this could be part of the reason why Covid-19 numbers in the U.S. are starting to roll over, as we noted yesterday. 

Back on July 14 when a wave of new Covid cases was sweeping the sunbelt states, prompting many to speculate if a new round of shutdowns was imminent, we took the other side of the argument and said that the pandemic peak had hit, and that in Arizona – an early recent outbreak state, “the worst was over for the COVID breakout.”

We were right, and as Bank of America wrote yesterday, Arizona has seen a 66% decline since its peak on July 14th, while the US excl. the four major recent outbreak states (AZ, CA, FL, TX) experiencing a 13% decline since the peak on July 30th.

There’s more: as BofA also points out, “we continue to see clear signs the Coronavirus is rolling over in the US as the number of people hospitalized due to COVID-19 declines at a rapid pace of about one percent a day (26% in 23 days).”

Extrapolating, this rate of decline means that there could be zero Covid-related hospitalizations around the Nov 3 election day, a feat that if marketed properly, could mean the difference for Trump between victory and defeat.

Back on July 14 when a wave of new covid cases was sweeping the sunbelt states prompting many to speculate if a new round of shutdowns was imminent, we took the other side of the argument and said that the pandemic peak had hit, and that in Arizona – an early recent outbreak state, “the worst was over for the COVID breakout.” We were right, and as Bank of America writes today, Arizona has seen a 66% decline since its peak on July 14th, while the US excl. the four major recent outbreak states (AZ, CA, FL, TX) experiencing a 13% decline since the peak on July 30th.

There’s more: as BofA also points out, “we continue to see clear signs the Coronavirus is rolling over in the US as the number of people hospitalized due to COVID-19 declines at a rapid pace of about one percent a day (26% in 23 days).”

Extrapolating, this rate of decline means that there will be zero covid-related hospitalizations around the Nov 3 election day, a feat that if marketed properly, could mean the differnce for Trump between victory and defeat.

Some more observations from BofA:

This week saw front page headlines that official COVID-19 statistics can no longer be trusted due to decreasing testing volumes. We agree but are wondering why there were no such headlines when daily new cases were rising due to more testing.

This is why we rely on statistics for the number of people hospitalized due to COVID-19. Drawback is that hospitalizations are lagged indicators of infections. Let’s assume for this discussion that the lag is three weeks. The recent peak number of hospitalized on July 24th suggests peak daily new COVID-19 infections in the US around Independence Day (July 4th).

But daily new COVID-19 cases continued to rise sharply in July, which dominated the headlines. It looks like daily new cases and the number of people hospitalized are virtually coincident, as the peaks for both were reached around the same time. This actually makes sense as probably the primary driver of testing is someone going to the hospital with COVID-19 symptoms. We imagine that person gets tested along with the immediate family, friends and colleagues. Because COVID-19 statistics are very persistent, it seems likely that the numbers continue to roll over.

There is little doubt that all these negative COVID-19 related headlines have weighed on consumer, business and investor confidence. As this now reverses we remain positioned for a re-steepening Treasury curve by expecting bull flattening IG corporate spread curves, compression along the quality curve and outperformance of the most COVID-19 negatively impacted names. Heavy new issuance remains a headwind, but it is mitigated by strong inflows. Next week should be busy and then the window closes in the two weeks before Labor Day.

It wasn’t just Bank of America that had good news: in its state-level coronavirus tracker, Goldman confirmed that the number of new confirmed coronavirus cases continues to decline in the vast majority of states, yet the bank urged some caution, noting that “although the nationwide downward trajectory is encouraging, state government officials may wait until case levels decline further before moving forward with additional reopening policies.”

Ironically, there is just one state where there is a tangible number of new cases – the one which was among the first to permit protests (and riots) in late May and early June: as Goldman notes, “Cases are on the rise in the most populous state of California, which has faced technical difficulties in reporting accurate daily case counts.” Source: ZeroHedge

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

The Short List of “Reprobate” found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).” SRH…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on August 20, 2020 at 4:44 pm

    Although never proven, we were told SARS-CoV-2 originated in the wet markets in Wuhan and specifically from people eating bats where it passed from animal to human. I’ve seen reports, however, that there were no bats being sold in the Wuhan market. If you’ve ever visited one of these wet markets I’m sure you’d conclude they are NOT sanitary places and likely contaminated with all sorts of pathogens. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that people can get sick from eating foods from these markets. Problem is… the wet markets in Wuhan is really a distraction to cover up the real origination of the virus.

    Anthony Fauchi and Bill GatesMore likely, the coronavirus was either intentionally or unintentionally released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology biosafety level 4 lab in Hubei province. The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses. Bill Gates also funded the Wuhan lab in China, was a member of China’s Academy of Sciences who built the lab and was awarded their highest honor.

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