78 Year Old Man Arrested for Honking During Ottawa Anti-Mandate Demonstration.


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A 78-year-old man was arrested and fined by Ottawa police for honking his horn in support of the continuing truckers’ protest in the nation’s capital.

On February 6, Gerry Charlebois was driving near the truckers’ Freedom Convoy protests when he was stopped by police at Besserer and Friel Streets after giving the truckers “a thumbs-up and a honk.”

According to a video posted to Twitter, when Charlebois was obtaining his identification from the rear of his vehicle, a police officer wrenched his arm, knocking him to the ground and cutting and bruised him.

The police subsequently arrested Charlebois on grounds that he had failed to identify himself, and gave him a ticket of $110 for allegedly generating “unnecessary noise.”

David Anber, a criminal lawyer who is representing Charlebois, said the arrest is “unlawful.”

“The question of the arrest’s legality is almost definitely indisputable,” Anber told The Epoch Times.

According to Anber, police are not allowed to arrest someone for not having a driver’s license. Only when the police have asked the person for a verbal identification and have been refused, they may do so.

“But the officer didn’t do that, and likely knew the guy’s name, so to me this is unquestionably an unlawful arrest,” he stated.

“He had the option of issuing the man a noise violation ticket.” He might have issued the man a citation for failing to give a driver’s license. If the man couldn’t or wouldn’t offer a driver’s license, he had the option of asking for his name.”

Anber said he’ll fight the ticket and the accusations against Charlebois, but he’ll also refer his client to civil counsel about pursuing a case against the City of Ottawa, the Ottawa Police Service, or the specific officer who conducted the arrest.

After a proposed class-action lawsuit was filed on behalf of a local resident who claimed that the honking of horns has caused her to lose sleep and other mental damages, the Ontario Superior Court granted a 10-day injunction to stop truckers participating in the Freedom Convoy in downtown Ottawa from honking their horns.

According to an Ottawa Police statement, more than 1,500 fines had been issued in connection with the protests as of Feb. 10 for excessive noise, among other things.

The trucker convoy camping in Ottawa began as a demonstration against the federal government’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement for all truck drivers crossing the Canada-US border. It quickly grew into a national movement, garnering followers from throughout the country who want to see other pandemic-related regulations and restrictions lifted as well. Similar protests have erupted in other parts of the world.

The arrest of Charlebois also raises the question of whether the bylaw can override Canadians’ constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of expression, which Anber predicts will be “hotly debated” in court.

The actions taken by these Ottawa police officers are a direct display of their views. Surely, there are many officers that seek to do the right thing and support freedom loving citizens; however at the end of the day their orders trickle down from the top where the globalist sell outs reside. Nevertheless the demonstrations will continue until staged violence occurs, or the tyrannical COVID-19 vaccination mandates are lifted. Many European countries are “walking back” their restrictions, but fail to mention that they don’t apply to the unvaccinated. This is the foreshadowing of future persecution on freedom loving citizens globally. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Border Patrol agents are so busy processing big groups of illegal immigrants that just four agents are available to patrol a 150-mile stretch of border in one Arizona district.

“Now that 150 miles of border normally takes about 75 to 90 agents—we had four agents out there,” said Brandon Judd, head of the National Border Patrol Council. On February 1, Judd testified at an informal House hearing held at FreedomWorks in Washington.

“Right now, the border is controlled by cartels,” Judd stated. “They tell us how we should run our operations. That is something that should never happen.”

According to Customs and Border Protection figures, the number of drugs confiscated has decreased as a result.

“We’ll be lucky if we seize even 5% of what’s going across the border,” Judd stated in response to a query regarding fentanyl pills. “And if no one is there to detect and catch you, the cartels will push it in between the ports of entry because they know there’s no way we’ll apprehend that narcotic.”

Agents confiscated 316 pounds of deadly fentanyl flowing across the border between ports of entry in the first three months of fiscal year 2022, more than quadruple the amount seized in the same period previous fiscal year.

Agents have confiscated 2,390 pounds of fentanyl at ports of entry so far in fiscal 2022, compared to 10,183 pounds in the same period the previous year. A lethal dose of fentanyl is two milligrams.

Seizures of cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine are all down this fiscal year compared to the same period in fiscal 2021.

According to CDC data, over 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in the 12-month period ending in April, a new high. Fentanyl was found in nearly two-thirds of those who died.

Fentanyl is a highly addictive and lethal synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. It’s possible that buyers aren’t aware that the narcotics they’re buying are laced with illegal fentanyl.

Most of the time, the poison is made in Mexico using chemicals imported from China and then transported across the southern border by Mexican drug cartels. Fentanyl is blended with other drugs to boost strength, and it’s also pressed into fake pain pills that appear like blue Oxycodone prescription pills and are dubbed “Mexican oxys.”

In Scottsdale, Arizona, authorities recovered a record 1.7 million fentanyl tablets in mid-December 2021.

“There have been no new operations, policies, or programs put in place since this administration has taken office to help the border Border Patrol go after criminal cartels and the profits that they are generating,” Judd stated.

“We have enabled criminal cartels to generate billions of dollars at the expense of American civilians, who are dying at an all-time high in 2021.”

Border Patrol agent morale is “in the tank,” according to Judd, who also added that more agents have departed the agency in the last year than have been hired, in a damning indictment of the Biden administration’s border management.

“We go home every single day defeated. We feel like our time is wasted. Our only goal is to protect the citizens of this great nation—we are not allowed to do that at this time,” he said.

In recent meetings along the border, disgruntled Border Patrol agents challenged Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and US Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz.

“The only way for evil to win is for decent men to do nothing.” According to a leaked video, one agent stated, “That’s exactly what’s going on here.” “Good men are not doing anything.” You’re permitting illegal immigrants to be dumped in our neighborhoods.”

“I would undoubtedly say that this administration aids and abets the smuggling of individuals, including permitting them to make bogus asylum claims,” Judd added.

He told lawmakers that the agency does not require additional cash or resources, and that the current border problem can be resolved through legislative changes.

“I would say that we should start with illegal immigration because once we get that under control, we can go after the cartels and their revenues.”

“But as long as our hands are continually tied with the millions—because it is millions of people that cross the border illegally—we’re always going to give the cartels the upper hand to continue to cross their products and create artificial gaps in our coverage.”

President Joe Biden immediately dismantled several key border security initiatives put in place by the Trump administration, including a deportation freeze and construction of the border wall, as well as the “Remain in Mexico” program, which contributed to an 80% reduction in “catch-and-release” by requiring asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico until their final court judgment.

“We’re not even a speed bump,” Judd said. “We’re actually facilitating, because when we release these individuals. We are giving them a de facto legal status to be here. We are rewarding them for violating our laws.”

The Biden administration was obliged by a Supreme Court judgment in August 2021 to reinstate the Remain in Mexico program. However, Judd claims that just about 100 illegal immigrants are currently being registered every day, despite the fact that 5,000 to 7,000 are detained every day. The majority are being allowed into the United States to await a future court date, which may be years away.

It cannot be stressed enough that our current administration has been intentionally worsening the circumstances on our southern border since Bidense first stepped foot into office. It goes without saying that the fentanyl epidemic is a by product of Biden’s intentional lack of initiative on our border. It is possibly one of the baseline responsibilities of being the president of the United States of America to protect our borders from foreign threats. And along comes sleepy joe, more worried about dictatorial COVID-19 legislature than the infiltration of our southern border. But we all know it’s a part of his game, compromising red states to gain votes. Biden doesn’t like it when you require ID to vote, he believes it’s racist. It all comes together, wrapped in a bow; Adding up to the worst display of public policy in American history. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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