The Watchman Issues a Warning. According to Chelsea Clinton, We Are Not as Prepared Now as We Were in January 2020 For The New Plandenic–She Is Evil for Believing So. Elitists Should Be Avoided at All Costs


Need confirmation that the globalists failed in their pandemic agenda?  You only need to review the numerous recent interviews of establishment elites in which they grow sour and despondent discussing their mRNA vaccination campaigns.

Why so serious?  Why are they so indignant over lack of vaccination for a virus with a median Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.23%?

While speaking at the Brainstorm Health conference by Fortune Magazine held in Marina del Rey, California, in April 2023, Chelsea Clinton asserts that vaccine hesitancy and outright rejection have been an "unfortunate" side effect of the coronavirus pandemic.  She goes on to promote a partnership with the World Health Organization and the Gates Foundation to push a program of mass jabs for children to make up for declining vaccination rates.

“I think we are less prepared today than we were, arguably, in January 2020—partially because of the lack of trust and confidence in not only our scientists, but in science itself, and certainly in public health professionals. We all deserve to hopefully not be as unprepared as I worry we are at the moment.”

Clinton laments the growing opposition to vaccinations, which hints at the overall effectiveness of the anti-mandate movement.  Half the states in the US and groups in countries around the world stood against attempts to pressure or force the public into compliance with draconian vaccine passport programs.  Now, the establishment is reeling and regrouping.  Some members, like Anthony Fauci, are attempting to rewrite history as if they never had any intention of using authoritarian measures.

Clinton is obviously ignoring the herd of elephants in the room – Anti-mandate activists were right about the lockdowns, right about the masks and right about their mRNA vaccine concerns.  The science is on their side.  But even if we look beyond the fallacies surrounding the mandates and mRNA technology, there was always the issue of individual rights.  The exploitation of the pandemic to centralize political and social power has left millions of people angry and more suspicious than ever.

Globalists like Gideon Lichfield at MIT told us exactly what the plan was in March of 2020.  In an article tiled  'We're Not Going Back To Normal', he suggests that mandates and vaccine passport restrictions should last for many years to come, if not forever. From the article:

“Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.

…One can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you’ll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn’t be able to see where you’d gone, but it would get an alert if you’d been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There’d be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity—an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.”

And, as World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab announced:

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world."

These are the real reasons for widespread resistance to the mandates, besides the general skepticism over vaccines with limited testing and no long term data to prove their safety.  People don't trust people like the Clintons and their elitist friends for good reason – They are motivated by a desire for power, not by legitimate concerns for public health.  Now, they have created the very thing they feared:  An army of people who pay attention.

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Complete List Of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously Or Committed Suicide Before Testimony

By StevieRay Hansen | September 15, 2022 |

The end-point of depravity is not just the suicidal love affair with sin, but the desire to bring others with you to destruction. It’s not just that people choose death for themselves in the passion of sin, but that they become Dr. Kevorkians at the spiritual level, and assist others in eternal self-destruction by approving their sin. You can think of lots of ways this is happening today. On Saturday multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, the highest-profile prisoner in US custody was found dead in his prison cell in Manhattan. This occurred the day after two thousand previously sealed court documents involving the Jeffrey Epstein child sex abuse case were released to the public. The documents described how Bill Clinton held a private party on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island. Clinton made at least 27 times trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane. Most of those…

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Source: ZeroHedge  HNewsWire

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