Watchman: Dr. Betsy Eads States That CV19 Vaxed Are Sick Superspreaders
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Watchman: Dr. Betsy Eads States That CV19 Vaxed Are Sick Superspreaders


The CV19 bio-weapon or vaccine would inflict catastrophic sickness and death, Dr. Betsy Eads warned. She was one of a select group of physicians who came out clean, claiming that every aspect of CV19—from infection to injection—was a fabrication. She has been entirely right. The murdering, globalist beasts of the Deep State now have a new CV19 psyop. A fresh wave of lethal and crippling injections is being promoted.

The underlying issue is the CV19 vaccine recipients, and we are currently experiencing a "pandemic of the vaccinated." The CV19 vaccine recipients are the "superspreaders" of illness and disease, according to new research. According to Dr. Eads, "There is no new epidemic. There was never any evidence of COVID 19. It's a bioweapon, in actuality. Always a biological weapon. They are bioweapons, or variations. The shots include the variations. Karen Kingston has provided evidence that they are in the patents.

It has been demonstrated that people who have received the CV19 vaccination are 251% more likely to carry viral loads than people who have not had the vaccination, according to the Oxford Paper that Dr. Peter McCullough recently cited. In other words, their respiratory system, mouth, and nose have 251% greater viral loads. As a result, the "superspreaders" are the people who have received the CV-19 vaccine. They are exposing those who haven't had vaccinations to viruses, variations, and spike proteins.

According to Dr. Eads, this indicates that both the vaxed and non-vaxed require continued care. "Look, if we have superspreaders—vaccinated people who are out and about with 251% more viral transmission—that means they are infecting those of us who aren't vaccinated," explains Dr. Eads. Therefore, even if you are not stabbed, the spike protein nano-bioweapon will still be sent to you. To keep yourself safe, you must receive treatment. Therefore, both individuals who received the vaccination and those who did not need to be on Ivermectin and follow a detox procedure

Dr. Eads also discusses how Florida, where she is from, is attempting to have all CV19 vaccines taken off the market since they are considered bioweapons. According to Dr. Eads, the only way to put an end to this medical tyranny and murder is to refuse to follow orders for shots or masks that do nothing to stop anything.

Dr. Eads asserts that "we, the people," must take action to put an end to this. Refuse to comply.

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