Watchman: Satan Soldiers AKA U.S. Gov Have Stepped up Their Propaganda Campaign, Which Includes Numerous Large Lies and Misinformation Their are Terrorizing American

HNewsWire:  During a speech about the Israeli war effort, President Biden lectured America last night about being fair to Muslims.
"In recent years, too much hate has been given too much oxygen, fueling racism, a rise in antisemitism, and Islamophobia right here in America," Vice President Joe Biden said. "We must categorically condemn antisemitism."We must also categorically condemn Islamophobia."

In other words, when Muslim extremists massacre our families, behead our newborns, and burn Grandma alive, Biden wants you to make sure you don't hold a grudge. The president also emphasized the fallout from the September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorist strikes. "I know many of you in the Muslim American community or the Arab American community, the Palestinian American community, and so many others are outraged and hurting, saying to yourselves, 'Here we go again,' with the Islamophobia and distrust we saw after 9/11," he told the crowd.

"Here we go again?"
Americans were understandably horrified on that day, when Muslims yelled "Allah Akbar" and flew jetliners into skyscrapers. In the name of the so-called religion of peace, they slaughtered thousands of our fellow people and injured many more. "We condemn all forms of hatred, whether directed at Muslims, Jews, or anyone else." "Great nations do that, and we are a great nation," he remarked.

Of course, we oppose hatred. However, does the Muslim community condemn hatred? It's a valid issue, given that no Muslim leader has condemned the attacks on Israel. And where are the tens of thousands of Muslim Americans marching in the streets? Why haven't they held protests in support of the slaughtered innocent families? Silence in the face of evil, as the great German theologian Bonhoeffer once observed, is evil itself.

The president's full statements on Islam are as follows:
You know, and we have to be honest with ourselves here at home. Too much hatred has been given too much publicity in recent years, fostering racism, an increase in antisemitism, and Islamicphobia [Islamophobia] right here in America.

It's also heightened in the aftermath of recent events that have resulted in awful threats and attacks that both shock and shatter our hearts. The terror acts on October 7th left profound wounds and horrible memories in the Jewish community. Today, Jewish families are concerned about being targeted at school, wearing religious symbols while walking down the street, or going about their regular lives. I know many of you in the Muslim American community, Arab American community, Palestinian American community, and so many others are angered and upset, saying to yourselves, "Here we go again," with the Islamophobia and distrust we saw after 9/11.

A mother was savagely stabbed only last week, and a small kid—here in the United States—a little boy who had just turned six years old was slain in their house outside of Chicago.
Wadea is a proud American from a proud Palestinian American family. When something like this happens, we can't sit back and do nothing. We must categorically condemn antisemitism. We must also categorically condemn Islamophobia.

And to everyone who is hurting—those who are struggling—I want you to know that I see you. You have a place. And I want to tell you something: you are all Americans. You are all of America. This is in a time when—you know, when fear and mistrust, anger, and rage run high—we have to work more than ever to hold on to the principles that make us who we are. We are a country that values religion and free expression. We all have the freedom to argue and differ without fear of reprisal in our schools, businesses, or communities.

And we must reject violence and hate, seeing each other not as adversaries but as fellow Americans. When I was in Israel yesterday, I mentioned that when America went through the hell of 9/11, we were also outraged. We committed blunders in seeking and obtaining justice. So I warned Israel's authorities not to be deluded by wrath. And let us not forget who we are in America. We condemn all forms of hatred, whether directed at Muslims, Jews, or anybody else. That is what great nations do, and we are one of them.Satan Soldiers have stepped up their propaganda campaign, which includes numerous large lies.

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