Watchman: Lab-Made Diseases X,Y,Z,A,B Oh, I forgot U, S, H, I, T F, A, C, E M, O, R, O, N DISEASE. Bill Gates and Google Associates Enterprise


Following a largely peaceful demonstration in the Chicago area, social media and the press have been ablaze this week with fear of the upcoming pandemic, which is being portrayed as a new and improved virus that is deadlier than ever and is sure to rig the elections once more. It's highly likely that you've heard of the notorious but colloquial "Disease X."

As opposed to "Virus Brand X," which is generic, the "X" in Disease X is not, according to USA Today. Since the letter "X" stands for "unexpected," they are investing millions of dollars on opulent Davos seminars and half-days spent "working" in five-star hotels in anticipation of the unexpected. Consider it. Stated differently, they're getting ready for an unexpected event.

Wonderful! That makes sense. That's our current situation. Our most talented and intelligent ones.

When I first seen this picture I thought she might be a zombie, after reading about her background and her recommendations based on pure BS, I believe she is a zombie

Meet Barbara Ferrer, the Social Justice Warrior With No Medical Background Leading La’s COVID and X Response

Now it’s a possibility she is consulting with Bill Gates, WHO and the rest of the wannabe medical experts in the scientific field of cure them or kill them…

At this point, most market participants outside California know LA County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer as the public servant whose “miscommunication” Tuesday afternoon about a three-month extension to her county’s stay at home order was blamed for reviving anxieties about the economic reopening in the US that helped hammer stocks lower last week. The good doctor – who, as it so happens, isn’t a medical doctor, but the owner of a Ph.D. in “Social Welfare” (whatever the f**k that means) – would like you to know she is truly sorry for the error, and the ensuing public furor she accidentally unleashed.

That’s right: Dr. Ferrer’s one-size-fits-all plan for solving homelessness started with talking to a demographic group where those with severe mental health disorders and substance-abuse problems represent an overwhelming share of the population. Dr. Ferrer’s approach to helping improve the lives of the homeless was to talk to a bunch of schizophrenics and drug addicts about government policy, as Red State pointed out.

Does this woman sound qualified to be one of a handful of people in the room making decisions that will impact the livelihoods and health of millions of people? If we lived in LA County, we certainly wouldn’t be comfortable with that. Read More

Furthermore, these people genuinely think they are smarter than everyone else. Which, in a way, might be true: They figured out the ruse before we did.

The issue is that these public health idiots—dumb-asses incapable of comprehending basic biology, treating patients, or creating anything—have now experienced the bella vita, or the good life. These contemplative Geek-lets were praised by politicians, handsomely compensated beyond their wildest fantasies of greed, and, most importantly, hung around with celebrities during the pandemic.

Who could blame them if they won't let it go? They want to take private planes to Switzerland, sip champagne all day at work, and eat a few dozen bacon-wrapped figs as they daydream about the good old days of lockdown.

They no longer have a real pandemic, which is why they need Disease X. Giving in to their fear of us puts us right in their ugly, tiny, self-important hands. I would suggest ignoring Disease X.

Diseases Made in Labs X, Y, Z, A, and B A, B, Z, X, Y, and Z It's true that I overlooked U, S, H, I, T, F, A, C, E, M, O, R, O, and N.


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