Watchman: US Cattle Herd At 73-Year Lows As Retail Beef Prices At Record Highs

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By SRH, Record-high retail beef prices coincide with a 73-year low in the US cattle herd.The reasons behind 'Inflation' have been explained to readers with a high degree of knowledge. Reduced US Cattle Herd Suggests Further Increase in Supermarket Beef Prices The declining US cow herd could lead to further increases in hamburger prices.

As the national herd declines to a half-century low, US cattle prices reach a nine-year high. US beef prices rose to all-time highs despite projections of the country's cow herd declining until 2025. The US cattle herd (as of January 1) decreased 2% from a year earlier to 87.2 million cattle, according to the most recent data from the US Department of Agriculture's biannual cattle inventory report, which was released on Wednesday. Since 1951, the herd count has never been lower.

The rationale behind farmers' growing practice of eliminating more cows:
For the last four years, ongoing droughts, rising feed prices, and higher loan rates have caused American ranchers to cull more cows than they were keeping for breeding.

US retail beef prices have reached a record of $5.21 per pound due to a declining herd. The deadliest opponent of the central bank is rising food prices.

The president of Oklahoma City's KIS Futures Inc., Lane Broadbent, believes that the dire pasture conditions caused by the drought may not get better until after 2026.

In the meantime, officials within the WEF cult have been vigorously advocating for the outlawing of cow farts on the grounds that they contribute to global warming. These folks are determined to turn the world's food supply system around so that working-class people eat a diet high in insects.

What if people rebelled against these awakened, unelected WEF elites? The most tranquil method to accomplish this is to buy acreage in lush southern Texas and graze cattle on it.



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