Australia Proposes COVID Vaccines For Children Ages 0-4.


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One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts has issued a warning after Australian federal Health Minister Greg Hunt suggested that youngsters aged zero to four may be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

The federal government has budgeted hundreds of millions of dollars to extend its vaccination program until the end of 2022 as Australia opens up and learns to live with COVID-19. The federal government maintains that vaccination is “the most effective way” to prevent severe COVID-19 disease, hospitalization, and death.

According to a March 29 press release, the extension is in part to ensure that the federal government is ready “should medical advice urge other demographic categories be vaccinated, such as youngsters aged zero to four years.”

The federal government aims to invest more than $1 billion between 2022 and 2024 to ensure that Australians have access to the available COVID-19 vaccinations, expressing complete confidence in their safety and efficacy.

After the Omicron variant wave swept the country, causing substantial workforce shortages and disruptions, Australia witnessed its highest COVID-19 infection and hospitalisation rates between late January and early February.

At the same time, the immunization rate for the total eligible population was approaching 90%.

While not opposing the expansion of the immunization program, One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts has stated that he opposes “any attempt to mandate these vaccines and extend their use to newborns and toddlers.”

He told his colleagues in the legislature that any harm caused by vaccines to young children would be their responsibility.

On March 30, Roberts addressed Parliament, “We abhor tyranny and we oppose control over individuals.”

“Last night, Health Minister Hunt confirmed that COVID immunizations will be extended to children aged zero to four, including babies and newborn infants up to four years old.”

While the public is distracted by the forthcoming federal elections, Roberts accused the incumbent Liberal-National coalition government of trying to sneak through its plans to vaccinate youngsters aged four and under.

“Clearly, this Morrison-Joyce government… intends to use the election as cover to vaccinate newborns and toddlers against a disease with a 100% survival record for a child that age,” he stated.

“The injections are known to be lethal, and the Morrison-Joyce administration now intends to force them into babies.”

Roberts is one of a small group of political people from various conservative parties who are opposing federal and state government mandates for COVID-19 vaccines, which he describes as a “totalitarian” trait.

Instead, he has repeatedly advocated for Australians to have the freedom to choose whether or not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as for the public and private sectors to respect such decisions without threatening their livelihoods.

Indeed, the authors of a peer-reviewed research titled “Why are we vaccinating infants against COVID-19?” published in the Toxicology Reports journal believe so. “The odds of death from COVID-19 for children are minimal,” he said, “but the chances of major damage from hazardous inoculations over their lifetime are not negligible.”

Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist who has made substantial contributions to the technology of mRNA vaccines, has compiled this paper, as well as a list of peer-reviewed research relating to COVID-19 vaccine adverse events in children, on his website.

Malone warned parents to “think twice” before giving their children one of the available mRNA COVID-19 vaccines during an appearance on EpochTV’s American Thoughts Leaders program in January.

“Because you can’t go back and say, ‘whoops, I want a do-over,’ if something horrible happens,” Malone explained.

“It is apparent that parents should think twice about vaccinating their child,” he added, noting that serious adverse reactions might occur, with some being “so severe that your child is sent to the hospital.”

“There’s a good chance that if your child takes the vaccination, they won’t be injured, they won’t display clinical symptoms—but they may have subclinical damage,” Malone said of myocarditis, or heart inflammation.

However, he warned parents about the dangers of letting their child “pull the short straw” and suffer “irreversible” damage, noting that he gets emails from parents who are going through it.

AstraZeneca and Novavax, two non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines available in Australia, are not authorized for children.

For children aged five to eleven, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine is the only alternative. The Moderna jab, on the other hand, is an alternative for youngsters aged six to eleven.

Due of the diminishing potency of vaccines, it is advised that children receive two doses of a vaccine. For youngsters aged five to eleven, the time between vaccinations is eight weeks. Under special situations, this can be reduced to three weeks for Pfizer and four weeks for Moderna.

Those in favor of these tyrannical measures in places like Australia are only troubled by our position because they never knew the freedom they’ve given up. They haven’t observed the privileges given to them bought and paid for with blood sweat and tears. They seem to think humanity can operate without the people they loathe. Such shortsightedness is sure to progress into something much more problematic in the coming years. These are actions planned and executed, with the intention of dividing the public. These people enacting laws with the sole purpose of moving toward inoculating children with an experimental MRNA vaccination is egregious, and won’t be tolerated by freedom loving citizens. Children belong to their parents, not the community. Because the “community” has proven to be unfit to aid the upbringing of a child. Children brought up in the early 90’s and prior experienced life as it were. Organic and not digitized. Think of how far we’ve come, and how sinister this agenda feels when you see the legislation coming down the pipe.

These vaccines will be pushed onto America heavily by the UN and other globalist organizations once the two tier system is set in place. Nothing that these tyrants can say or do will convince self aware Christians to relinquish their faith in Christ. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Please stay inquisitive the word of God, and the world around you.



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