Beijing Is Next Up For Tyrannical COVID-19 Lockdown.


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Infections have been apparently identified in half of Beijing inhabitants, a likely indication to boost its Zero-COVID containment pace and lockdown like Shanghai. Local people are trying to gather food and supplies in fear of starving during the approaching lockdown.

The epidemic situation in Beijing is “serious and complex,” staging “at a critical point,” said the municipal epidemic prevention and control office on April 25, announcing that in just three days, from April 22 -25, the COVID-19 virus expanded from the Shunyi and Chaoyang districts to the Fangshan, Changping, Fengtai, Xicheng, Yanqing, and Tongzhou districts, covering half of Beijing.

Chaoyang district has set up more than 1,300 nucleic acid test locations to sample every personnel, while each dwelling is sealed off and supervised. The sites will allegedly test on April 27 and 29. Restaurant, entertainment, and indoor exercise facilities in the district are locked down, and schools have shifted to online instruction, according to China News on April 25.

Beijing, a megacity of 21 million people, is likely the next target for zero-COVID limitations. Shanghai, China’s economic powerhouse, is under a fourth week of lockdown, with many citizens appealing online for food and medical treatment.

Fearing that a similar crisis may arise, Beijing residents are hurrying to stock up on food and essential goods.

“Now, when people hear that there are verified infections, the first thing they do is go to the grocery and stockpile food,” Liu Bo , who lives in the Chaoyang area, told The Epoch Times on April 25.

Liu argues that public worry surrounding food scarcity should be placed on the authorities’ propaganda: “The Omicron mutant strain is not that severe, whereas the official propaganda highlighting the dynamic zero-clearance curbs is frightening the people.”

“It’s very horrible that everyone in Chaoyang district has to wake up at five o’clock in the morning for a nucleic acid test, and we are still experiencing … [I’m] not sure how much longer we can put up with it,” Liu remarked.

Gao Shan (pseudonym), an independent academic, told The Epoch Times that Beijing is currently in a state of panic, and the first things residents say to each other are: ‘Have you stocked up on food?’”

A China-style lockdown is genuinely “dangerous,” said Gao, stating that many are apprehensive that after the shutdown, the management would not be competent enough to keep up with the supply of goods.

“This will have the horrifying repercussions of so many people not being able to eat or go to the doctor when they are sick,” Gao warned.

“The government has implemented these zero-COVID restrictions in every province and city, but how can it be completely eliminated?” Farmers aren’t even permitted to grow their land in certain locations, so what will we eat if they don’t?” Gao enquired.

China’s strict anti-COVID stance, in comparison to the many other nations that have opened up, will harm the country’s economy, according to Gao. “This is self-destructive [for the Chinese Communist Party],” he added.

On April 22, Beijing’s anti-virus efforts were stepped up after a fresh verified positive case of the virus was reported by a couple working in Beiwu village, Beiwu town, Shunyi district. The town was then shuttered for everyone’s nightly nucleic acid testing.

More infections were discovered in the Chaoyang area on the same day, including a kid at Huiwen middle school’s Chuiyangliu branch, who was swiftly quarantined. The school said that classes would be postponed for seven days, but did not specify when they would resume.

Furthermore, all teachers, students, and parents were alerted via WeChat, a Chinese Twitter-like social media platform, that they should return home as soon as they received the Huiwen middle school warning, isolate themselves at home, and not leave their houses.

The overbearing CCP ‘Zero COVID’ policy is seemingly a poorly hidden attempt at concealing mass persecution. Just three years ago pro-democracy protestors flooded the streets of Hong Kong. In which the police brutally beat numerous people; Displaying the widespread polarization in Chinese culture. So once the perfect reason to exercise totalitarian policy presents itself, you see something like this ‘Zero COVID’ policy the Chinese people are dealing with today. The world economy will inevitably feel the impact of these inconceivably large lockdowns across China, and who knows what countries will pick up the slack.

All we can do is pray for the millions of people undergoing this persecution, and wholeheartedly pray for those who seek to persecute others. Jesus died on the cross to free man from sin, and give the gift of life eternal. No virus or vaccine can save you from divine judgement; Those in favor of this globalist agenda are steering society straight to a godless place. Matthew 5:10-12 says: ““Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

According to authorities and local media, Hong Kong’s national security officers arrested a senior journalist and former contributing writer for the now-defunct liberal media organization Stand News on Monday for alleged sedition.

Several significant media institutions, including the Apple Daily newspaper and the Stand News online news portal, have been raided by police and closed down as part of a crackdown on the media based on a sedition statute dating from the British colonial era, as well as a Beijing-imposed national security law.

The national security department of the police force arrested a 54-year-old man for “conspiracy to print seditious writings” and detained him for additional investigation, according to local police.

Allan Au, a seasoned journalist and academic at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was identified by local media as the individual who penned columns for newspapers such as Ming Pao and the now-defunct Apple Daily.

Sedition is not included in a broad national security statute enacted by Beijing in June 2020, which punishes terrorism, collusion with foreign forces, subversion, and secession with life sentences.

However, subsequent court decisions have allowed authorities to use the new legislation’s authority to invoke rarely used colonial-era sedition provisions.

When asked about Au’s detention, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said at a press conference that she would not comment on specific cases, but that press freedom was protected by the city’s mini-constitution, the Basic Law.

The Hong Kong Journalists’ Association voiced “grave worry” at the arrest, warning that it could “further erode Hong Kong’s press freedom.”

Au was a former Knight Fellow at Stanford University and was recognized for his critical writings.

“I used to worry if I could keep writing till 2047,” Au wrote in one of his final published columns, referring to the Chinese regime’s constitutional guarantee under the Basic Law to maintain Hong Kong’s freedoms and autonomy for another 50 years until 2047.

“We haven’t made it to 2047 yet, yet 2047 has arrived right in front of our eyes,” Au wrote.

Au’s detention adds to the growing list of journalists who have been targeted since the security bill was passed. In December, two former top editors of Stand News were accused with conspiring to publish and/or reproduce seditious materials.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to global politics that this is happening. However, one could speculate and say that tensions across the board are running higher than ever for the Chinese Communist Party. The only buffer between confrontation and continuation of these heinous acts is the distraction of the Ukrainian crisis we’re seeing today. Something has got to give, America is no longer able to turn a blind eye from persecution due to the rapid spread of information in this digital age. The question remains, who will stop the CCP from committing further violations against human rights, and how much longer until that takes place?

1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.”



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