‘Buffer Zones’ Introduced To Stop Anti-Vaccine Protests At UK Schools.


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Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, approved a House of Lords amendment to the Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill on Monday, which would allow a local authority to immediately establish a ‘buffer zone’ surrounding schools where ‘anti-vaxxers’ protests have occurred.

“She will emphasize to MPs the irony of this amendment recognizing the tremendous harm that can be caused by protests and highlighting that logic follows that it shouldn’t simply be schools and vaccination centers that are protected,” Patel said in a statement.

Last year, Labour proposed amending the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill to allow ‘fast-track’ Public Spaces Protection Orders near schools to prevent the dissemination of “dangerous misinformation.”

Public spaces protection orders (PSPOs) are used to address a problem in a neighborhood that is negatively impacting residents. Protesters have been dispersed outside of abortion clinics using these orders, for example. They’re also used to engage in anti-social activities including drinking, begging, and drug use.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill would give police additional powers to “impose restrictions on protests that are loud enough to create ‘intimidation or harassment’ or’serious uneasiness, alarm, or distress’ to spectators,” as well as increase the penalty for damage memorials to up to ten years. The bill is currently being debated and has a good probability of being passed into law.

The Bill, however, has been criticized as a major restriction on civil liberties because it would empower police to regulate protests. During the Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion rallies in 2020, these additional abilities were introduced.

Anti-vaccine protests have been reported in nearly eight out of ten schools, according to a recent study by the Association of School and College Leaders Union. Protesters have been chastised for passing out flyers to students and brandishing posters claiming that the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) announced in September that all 12- to 15-year-olds will not be vaccinated. According to the JCVI, the margin of advantage was too narrow at the time to support universal immunization of healthy children of that age range. In England, children aged five to eleven are now administered a low-dose COVID vaccine on a “non-urgent” basis.

According to the Manifesto Club, an organization that opposes hyper-regulation of public areas, the revision is justified in part by recent occurrences of vaccination center invasion.

Attacks on vaccination centers, however, are already in breach of a number of criminal statutes, including theft, criminal damage, trespass, and public order offenses, according to the report. These are major offenses that should be tried under the applicable law, which has far worse consequences than any PSPO.

According to research by The Manifesto Club, anti-vaccination campaigners have targeted 80 percent of schools. This campaigning has mostly taken the form of emails or the delivery of letters. Parents protested outside the school in some circumstances, afraid that their children might be vaccinated without their permission.

“It gives them carte blanche not to consult, which causes issues.” For example, if a situation arises where parents are demonstrating outside of school and a headmaster issues a judicial order against them, it will not be healthy for school relations, according to Manifesto Club director Josie Appleton.

In fact, the proposal would give headteachers the authority to prohibit any activity outside of their school with the agreement of the head of the council and the police. This might include prohibiting parents from collecting signatures on petitions or simply prohibiting parents from gathering.

“There have been issues with anti-vaxx protests and criminal damage, which no one supports, but there are enough of regulations to deal with them,” Appleton added.

The PSPOs, according to Appleton, would not prohibit criminal harm, but they may prohibit things like expressing opinions on vaccination in the area of the school. It would prohibit something that was not a crime while enforcing an existing one, rather than creating a new one.

“Whenever there is a problem, people want more powers, more laws, more executive open-ended power. And it’s not the answer,” added Appleton.

The data has never indicated that children are at risk of infection or severe illness from COVID-19 throughout this entire plandemic. What we’re witnessing is the brainwashed left putting their loyalty to a tyrannical globalist agenda on display despite their lack of understanding of the implications. The data has shown however, that masking these children is extremely harmful psychologically. It’s very hard to watch these parents believe that they’re doing the right thing by sending their kids to school masked and incapable of learning social cues. To vaccinate these children is a whole other level of deranged, as the data has never suggested that these children require such inoculations. Yet as we already know, these parent are paying their dues to the tyrants in hope for protection and dependence. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The British government has imposed further sanctions against Russia in response to the invasion of Ukraine, which Prime Minister Boris Johnson described as the “most serious” that Russia has ever seen.

Explosions have been reported across Ukraine, notably in the capital Kyiv, as well as in other towns such as Kharkiv, Mariupol, and Odessa, following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proclamation of a “special military operation” in Ukraine in the early hours of Thursday.

Johnson claimed Putin will “stand condemned in the eyes of the world and of history” and will “never be able to wipe the blood of Ukraine from his hands” in a speech to the House of Commons on Thursday.

“Now we see him for what he is—a bloodthirsty aggressor who believes in imperial conquest,” he stated, adding that “Vladimir Putin’s horrible and inhumane attempt must fail.”

The UK is introducing “the broadest and most punishing package of economic penalties Russia has ever seen,” according to Johnson.

Johnson expanded the scope of the sanctions to include five more oligarchs, including Putin’s former son-in-law Kirill Shamalov, as well as over 100 businesses and persons.

He said the government will sanction “all the major manufacturers that support Putin’s war machine,” will imminently ban Russia’s national airline Aeroflot from touching down planes in the UK, and will freeze the assets of all major Russian banks, including immediately against state-owned VTB, Russia’s second-biggest bank.

In a statement to Parliament, Johnson said the G7 leaders and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg pledged to work together to “maximize the economic price that Putin will pay for his aggression.”

“Ending Europe’s collective dependence on Russian oil and gas, which has served to elevate Putin for far too long,” he said.

“Countries that combined account for roughly half of the world economy are currently engaged in maximising economic pressure on one that accounts for about 2%,” he added.

The UK will work with the US and the EU to implement “additional trade restrictions and tough export controls,” according to the prime minister.

“For years to come, these trade sanctions will limit Russia’s military, industrial, and technological capacities,” he warned.

“We’ll keep squeezing Russia out of the global economy piece by piece, day by day, and week by week,” he added.

Belarus, which has backed Russia’s military intervention against Ukraine, will also face sanctions.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier in the day, President Joe Biden stated that US military will not be sent to battle in Ukraine.

“Our military are not and will not join in the crisis in Ukraine,” Biden said in a White House address, adding that more troops will be sent to eastern Europe to “protect our NATO partners.” Although Ukraine is not a member of NATO, the US has provided Kyiv with hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid in recent years.

Biden stated that all 30 NATO members will meet on Friday to “plan out the next steps we will take to reinforce” the alliance, while announcing further sanctions against Russian assets.

Thousands of additional US troops have been deployed to Poland and Germany in recent weeks. The Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, which share a border with Russia, received NATO personnel and military equipment this week, according to the Department of Defense.

Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia began talks under NATO’s founding treaty’s Article 4 on Thursday. In a united statement, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania urged the alliance should help Ukraine with military equipment, weapons, and ammunition.

On Thursday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance would defend “every inch” of its members’ land, adding, “Peace on our continent has been destroyed.”

“We now have a conflict in Europe on a scale and of a nature we believed had passed us by,” Stoltenberg remarked.

It happened as Ukrainian officials announced that their forces were fighting Russian forces on many fronts and that they had lost control of the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which was the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster.

“Russia is on a path of evil,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on Twitter. “But Ukraine is defending itself and will not give up its freedom.” “Ukraine did not choose the route of conflict; however, Ukraine has offered to return to the path of peace,” he stated.

Russian and Ukrainian officials both claimed responsibility for the damage they caused. Russia’s Defense Ministry announced the destruction of dozens of Ukrainian air bases, military buildings, and drones, as well as the loss of a Su-25 attack fighter, which it blamed on “pilot mistake.” It asserted that “there is no threat to the civilian population” and that it was not targeting cities but rather deploying precise weapons.


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